
Huodong is the land of Chaos and Strength, misunderstandings and brawl are at the order of the day, but sometimes things can escalate badly.
The morning after the party, what started off as a fight among a couple of people turned into a massive brawl where half of the people of Huodong start to fight each others. All that right at the time that most guests are leaving the place, through the new portal that connects Huodong to Lianxi, only, for now.

The portal happens to be right in front of the chaos portal, since they are completely different and nobody could ever get mistaken. Naturally, a place like Huodong would never think to add like… a fence to prevent people from getting close to a portal that could lead to their own death, they believe in natural selection.
And while the guests are leaving by the portal, a group at a time, the brawl reaches even that location. Chan, and whoever was close enough to him, end up pushed right through the Chaos portal, with no chance to cling to something to avoid falling inside.
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1 | Dec 18th 2022 14:00
Chan «Indeed, he is the only person whose genuine care for everyone I can always rely on. But that's also a downside.»
He gasps. «He can't have gone through the portal… no, he was surely stopped. He wouldn't do something so foolish… he must be all right…» That's where Chan's only neuron goes boom. «I MUST GET BACK!»

Xiao. «Such a person exists?» He is also a bit curious about himself sometimes.
«A city in the sky. I can't imagine something like that.» He would be more at ease with an inn in a tree.
«I don't feel worried. I won't go there, if you order me not to.»
Tiao "Why is it a downside? I can hardly see downsides in your relationship."

Hudie remains silent for a few moments, feeling extremely troubled. "He can't...he sure didn't go through in the end...someone would have stopped him."

"They found out about me, I still don't know what trick they used. I would like to know...maybe through you I can even uncover their secret.
I can only imagine because I have seen a perfect copy of it." He looks up at the sky.
"I have to order you to avoid that matter how much he asks for help..."
Chan «I mean for his own sake. He would endanger his own life to help someone, even if it was someone he doesn't know. I think that being selfish isn't such a bad thing, sometimes.»
He clenches his fists. «He can't be in danger! The last thing I can allow myself is something to happen to him while I'm suck in this damn island!»

Xiao. «You want to use me against your enemies?» He wouldn't see anything wrong with that, he just wants a confirmation.
«There is a copy of it somewhere? Like a miniature?»
He looks at Tiao as he puts it in that form. «I will obey…» That's one of the downsides of his situation, beside the no feelings: he feels obliged to follow every order.
Tiao "Sure, you don't help just anyone you come across. They won't always be grateful, they could bring only troubles."

Hudie. "What can you do even if he is in danger? We are still stuck here..." He rubs his forehead, having headache while trying to think. "We should leave,"

"They are not enemies, but they have a resource that could prove to be handy to me too. I want to find out what it is.
I might even take you there one day..." He is being more open with Xiao, seeing him a bit like family.
"Thank you...I have a bad feeling. No one has to get there, not even close." He gives the islet another glance. "...let's head back with what we found."
Chan «How many chances are there to even help someone who will be grateful anyway. They think that saying thank you is basically the reset.»
He kicks the sand. «I can't do any fucking shit except getting angrier and even more frustrated and stressed!»

Xiao. «A resource?»
He looks at him at the proposal to be taken there, needing some time to think about how to respond to it. «Xiexie.» He bows his head.
He looks at the few coconuts he managed to get from the palms and nods, following Tiao back to their camp.