The Serpent’s Serpent

Name:Salazar Knight

Nickname:”Serpent Beast”


Height:6’8 (Human) 80ft (Snake)

Weight:157lbs (Human) 2 tons (Snake)

Hair Color:Blonde (Human) Gray Scales (Snake)

Eye Color: Blue (Human) Yellow (Snake)


Relationship Status:Single

Species: Basilisk

Abilities:Immortality, Shape Shifting, Death Glare Petrifying Gaze, Venomous Fangs ,Speed

Owners:Lucius, Morgana and Lucifer

Loyalty: The Morningstar Family

Allies:Draco Knight, Drax Knight (Brothers) Dreya Knight (Niece)

Verses:The Morningstar Family

Quotes: “I’m more than What meets the eye trust me”

“I say the Morningstar’s are a lovely a people just stay on their good side and you’ll live to see another day”

“I started off as a pet for Lucius, but after a while he granted me with the gift of shape shifting so I could be human like him. That’s a kind act I could never repay him for”

“Honestly Draco do you /Have/ to sleep with every woman you meet?”

“Well that was sh*tty”

Backstory:Salazar Knight is a basilisk created and cared for by Lucius Morningstar. When Lucius around four he with his mothers help created a basilisk for Lucius’s entertainment in order to have a friend around. Over time Salazar was allowed to stay in the upper part of the castle with the rest of the family but when he up to eighty feet long he had to reside in the dungeon under the castle where he was fed prisoners and souls that were deemed unworthy by the Morningstar family. This would be Salazar’s life for centuries until one day when Lucius came for one of his daily visits granted Salazar with the ability of shape shifting thus gave him a human form. With that ability he is able to switch back and forth from man to Serpent at Will. As a basilisk Salazar is described as a huge horrifying creature, he’s
80ft long and weighs atleast two tons, he has hard gray scales and venomous yellow eyes that can kill you with a single glare and poisonous fangs that will kill you in seconds if bitten. As a human he’s described as a tall attractive man With dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes he speaks with a British Accent. Salazar is smart calm and collected for the most part and he’s extremely loyal to the Morningstar family any enemy of theirs is an enemy of his and like the others who is loyal to the family he’d kill anything and anyone that comes for the family.

Theme Song:”Who are you really?” By Mickey Ekko

Face Claim: Alexander Skarsgard
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5 | Aug 3rd 2020 10:26
Gods_Own || Cerberus and basilisk, yep xD
SxrpentQueen Wait wouod they be in the same place?
Gods_Own || If he's in the underworld. Yes. Or, she can travel for duty sake!
SxrpentQueen ||Isnt underworld and hell the same thing xD
Gods_Own || Depends what verse you like to think of! Greek verse (which the basilisk is not actually written in) where the Cerberus is! Lucifer runs hell. Hades runs the underworld. So it's basically like a jump in dimensions in a way!