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(Mikah Gonzalez)
83 / Male / Single
We spend our lives searching,
For a way to clean our slates.
For a way to find the monsters,
Monsters that bring harm to us and those around of us.
Every little secret, hint bringing us just one step closer,
Just one step behind the culprit.
To where we are just out of reach in pursuit.
But we can never catch up,
Never actually kill the monsters that haunt us.

That is because,
We.. are.. the monsters.
Who cause us all this pain.
There is no escaping our fate,
Of who we are or what we do.
No way to wipe away our debts.
There is no hero, light, or saviour of the day.
Infinite doors and infinite possibilities.
But they all lead to the same outcome.
What has been done, is done,
And can't be undone.


Except to wipe clean the slate from the start,
To go back somehow,
And end it all before it begins.


We would never known how, or what we are, if we are nothing from the start.
So we must settle with ourselves,
And make peace with our demons.
As they are one with us.

Start roleplaying with members like Gods_Own!



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Latest Comments

> Awww!thank you, it takes the right writting partner to craft a beautiful thing :)
Nov 13th 2021 00:33

In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds.
Nov 12th 2021 21:08