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Unfkins's Blog

Aki 'OC'

⚠ This blog post has mention of r*pe, child abuse, SA and murder.


Strong, fearless, bloodthirsty and cutthroat, a few words to describe the leader of the Crimson Sakura. Aki isn't scared to use undermining tactics to get what she wants.


Aki was born in the slums. Since the age of eight she remembers looting, stealing and pick pocketing unsuspecting strangers. She did what she needed to in order to survive. At the end of each day Aki made sure she had food in her stomach and a place to lay her head by the end of the night. There were many children like her in the slums of Osaka, Japan. Adults hated the children of the slums. Everyone was struggling to survive. There were no tears or sympathy to spare for children who didn't ask to be born. To the children of the Osaka slums, getting caught meant death or a loss of a limb, or two. Aki made it a game to never get caught, but even the sharpest of blades need constant care. As Aki got closer to other children and they piled together food and coin, their need to steal became less, and Aki would soon learn the consequences of running in a pack.

One month. That's how long it had been for Aki since she had last stole something. Maybe if what she needed to steal was something small and average, what awaited her that one faithful night could have been avoided. Not all of the children and young teens in Osaka took to just stealing. Some of the older kids sold themselves to adults. Nana, a girl that Aki had got close to was one of the girls who went the more physical route. Nana, being only fifteen got sick. What she thought was a cold was a fatal disease she got by choosing to open her legs. If any of the children were educated they would have been able to convince Aki that breaking into the home of corrupt General Iwakuro was not only pointless but reckless and dangerous. Aki got caught and Nana died of an unknown disease.

Aki was twelve when she found herself in the home of General Iwakuro. Iwakuro was a twisted middle-aged man with a sick fetish for children and even Aki was a bit too old for his usual taste. He made do. He continued to use Aki's young body until she turned fourteen. At his order his soldiers were to 'get rid' of Aki but those plans would not be followed through. Many of the older female workers under Iwakuro had grown attached to Aki. Many started to see their daughter and their granddaughter in her, and at the cost of a house maid's life Aki was able to escape the General's men, with just a cut across her right eye as payment.

Now back in the slums, Aki goes back to looting and stealing while fanning the flames of hatred for General Iwakuro; A hatred that could not be soothed until she saw him dead at her hands. Aki worked on training her body and strengthening her resolve. In a mere three years Aki got stronger and at the age of seventeen she started an all-girls gang in the slums. Through this gang Aki and her girls; known as the Crimson Sakura, worked to overthrow General Iwakuro. In the end Aki ended his rule over the slums by beheading him for all to see. From then onward her and the Crimson Sakura would become the primary force for order and justice in the slums.
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4 | 0 Comments | May 29th 2024 05:26

Tearis 'OC'


As a child Tearis was emotionless. She was simply a child soldier only capable of performing her duties. As she grows older and learns the truth of the world she starts to grow emotionally.


Tearis Hornington was, from a young age, trained to be a soldier. The tyrant ruling her country was doing all he could to procure more troops, and she was part of one such program. Despite having such a brutal life, she ended up more gentle than the rest of the lot. The violence was engraved into her body, yet her mind remained soft.

The training camps were rough, but they still allowed the trainees to live some semblance of a normal life. One such pleasantry was that storytellers would come in from time to time, and those that wanted to listen in could. She took a liking to stories of ghosts or other apparitions. She was inspired by these stories and would come up with some herself, though she never shared them with anyone.

Now old enough to be sent into combat, she got her first taste of battle. They performed a night raid on an enemy camp that got scouted out. Being told over and over that these people were not in fact people, but demons in human skin, she thought she was performing a righteous act as she swung her blade down on soldiers that didn't have time to properly gear up. Victorious but not without injury, tearis walked away from that night with only one eye. Her hatred for the demons grew every time her wound ached.

In a later raid, taking place in a peaceful elven forest village, Tearis' world started to crumble. Clearly not evil beings, the elves protected each other valiantly, and she saw through the lies she had been fed. Her whole life she was nothing more than a pawn in a twisted game, and due to her inability to realize this earlier, the weight of her sins bore down on her all at once, crumpling her to the ground. After lying there dazed for a moment, trying to process it all, a scream brought her back to reality. She quickly got up and rushed to the protection of a young elf that was almost cut down by a soldier. She fought and killed a few of them before being stabbed non-fatally. A well placed arrow killed her assailant. The raiders were defeated, and as Tearis lay bleeding out, the young elf boy shielded her from the others.

After waking up, Tearis tried to take her own life for the atrocities she committed throughout her time in the army. The healer designated to her smacked her sword away with her staff and hit her over the head. The elf, Sari, convinces her to travel with her to a magical lake back at her hometown, one which could erase someone's memories and allow them to be reborn anew. This would essentially be suicide, but Sari had plans to convince her otherwise during the journey.

Travelling together, they grow fairly close. Tearis starts to feel that, maybe, she deserves to live despite what she's done. Ultimately, the elf is unable to change her mind. Tearis feels that her reborn, sinless self, would be more deserving of life than her. They say their goodbyes, and Tearis comes out of the magic lake without any of her memories. Sari holds her close and swears to herself that she will teach the new Tearis of her old self, in order to restore as much of her as she can.

The two of them returned to the war effort, and after 10 years, words of their heroic impact on the battlefield spread far. They had grown closer than ever through their time watching each other's backs.
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4 | 0 Comments | May 27th 2024 13:52

Kikyo 'OC'


Kikyo has grown into a serious and driven woman. She is often viewed as cold and strict by strangers but to those close to her she is a rather sweet and caring woman. Kikyo has many faces and has a keen ability to read those around her. Almost like a defense mechanism she fits her personality to whomever she is around. This talent has made her a successful business woman.


Kikyo's earlier years as a child were rather cold. Being the daughter of two rich people was one thing but being the daughter of one of the wealthiest Japanese families was another. This level of prestige left Kikyo icelated. No normal child felt worthy enough to be around her and those that did make an attempt only wanted her family's money. Kikyo also never received much attention from her parents. They were either overseas or just too busy to deal with the needs of their own child.  Her raising was left to a caregiver her parents had decided to hire. Kikyo adored her caregiver Hanna. Hanna came from an upper middle-class background and even had humble beginnings. Her parents trusted Hanna and so did Kikyo. 

When Kikyo was five years old her parents decided to adopt a boy. Kikyo figured that they felt bad and thought that having a child close in age would make up for their shortcomings. The boy they had settled on was named Koga. Koga was viewed as a "playmate" by Kikyo and Kikyo treated him as a brother. Kikyo and Koga got along well. So well in fact that her parents decided to become Koga's legal guardians; earning him the Himoshi name. Kikyo wasn't bothered by this. She and Koga would continue their adventures as brother and sister. Everything would seem fine all the way up until Kikyo's fifteenth birthday.

When Kikyo turned fifteen her parents announced that upon her 25th birthday her and Koga would become husband and wife. This came as a surprise to Kikyo but by the demeanor of the now eighteen year old Koga, she could tell he was already aware. Kikyo's mother Koniko seemed weary but her hands were tied. The choice fell on her father who was only doing what was best for the Himoshi name. From then on Koga and Kikyo became less close and this annoyed Koga. Doing this time he would start to abuse Kikyo in a rather graphic manner up until she decided to run away at the age of eighteen. 

Kikyo fled with nothing but sixty thousand yen to her name. Unable to simply tell on the boy who held her parents' darkest secrets. Kikyo sacrificed herself for her family's reputation. Around this time she worked as a Shikomi and gradualled worked her way up to become a Geisha in the slums of Tokyo's red light district. She danced and sang, entertaining the customers that came. Some of the guests tried to sleep with Kikyo but all were turned away either by force or by their own acceptance. Things were okay in the red light district up until her virginity was sold to the most hated man known to man Akito Tensen.

Once Akito took her and gained proof of her chastity he married her. Doing this time Kikyo belonged to Akito and he didn't waste a moment reminding her of her position with him. He took her whenever and however he wanted. Oftentimes leaving her sore and unable to leave her own bed. Her maids would bathe her, feed her and attend to her needs. She was a prisoner in her own home. Her marriage to Akito would only last for a little over a year. Akito was brutally murdered on his way home from attending a business meeting overseas. This left Kikyo a widow and VERY rich. Kikyo used her new found riches to open up her own Geisha house that served as a cover for a more depraved business where the women and men working for her would tend to the sickest and most perverse kinks and fetishes. Everyone in her manor could be bought from the bell boys, the front desk girl to even Kikyo herself. All for the right amount. 

Kikyo would grow to be known as not only The Black Widow but the wealthiest woman in the red light district.  
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4 | 0 Comments | May 27th 2024 13:51

Saya 'OC'

ⓘ Character based on the anime "Mahoutsukai no Yome".


Saya is a silent girl with a mysterious aura about her. She tends to not talk much around humans but loves animals and has a meek and shy personality overall. The only person who seems to get more out of her is Raphael.


Born the only child to her mother Touka Miturashi and father Hoshi Miturashi proved to be a curse for Saya. She never was shown love from her mother and her father was often gone. She was raised by her grandmother Kiko Shimoko. Saya's grandmother was the only light in her dark world. Saya's grandmother made sure she ate and always had clean clothes; simple things her own mother neglected to do. Saya loved her grandmother and often clung to her side when her mother and father started to argue more in the weeks following their divorce. Once Saya's parents finally divorced another tragedy would befall Saya...the death of her grandmother Kiko.

Events following the death of Kiko Shimoko seemed to get worse as more time passed. Dark Faes started to attach themselves to Saya causing bad omens to attack her mother. First the harassment at work, her mother's car accident and then finally the loss of her job. Her mother started to think that Saya was cursed and blamed her for her father abandoning them. At the age of four her mother left her to die in the Forest Of Lost Souls. Wandering the forest for weeks left Saya exhausted and hungry. She had given up and accepted her fate as she would soon collapse on the forest floor due to hunger and thirst. Upon awakening, things would start to seem better for Saya.

Taken in unknowingly by Vampire lovers, Saya would spend the next six years in happiness. On the year of her 10th birthday, her adoptive father Raphael Tepes made her aware of what she was: a Sleigh Beggy. A being on the divide of the human word and the fairy world. It was also when Saya started to see the Fae who would often surround her. Some were cute, others were beautiful and from time to time she would stumble upon monster-like beings that she would wish she could unsee. Still better than the hell she grew up in. Nothing much had changed...until one accident on her 15th birthday. Her father Rahael would come close to death. Accepting his fate, he would rather die than partake of Saya's blood but against his wishes she forcibly fed him her blood in order to save him, this was the mistake that would shape her future forever.

Unknowingly to Saya, she had given a life worse than death to Raphael. Her blood was oozing with magic and though it saved Raphael's life it now was like a drug to him. He needed it on a daily basis or he would go into withdrawals. These withdrawals lead to rampages where he started to kill humans and Fae undescremetly. Blaming herself, Saya started her life as Raphael's personal blood doll. It would take two years before Rahael would gain some of his sanity back. His Vampire lover left him and he now has an unhealthy attachment to Saya and Saya in a way has grown used to their give and take relationship. She knows that she would be dead by now if it wasn't for Rahael's kindness.

Saya's life is full of oddities as she struggles to deal with her devotion to Raphael and the things that come from being a Sleigh Beggy.
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5 | 0 Comments | May 27th 2024 13:50


ⓘ Plots and prompts listed here are originally made up by me! You do not have my consent to take, alter and use my work!

⌜Plots will be sorted by type!
I may do multiple versions of my plot ideas.
If you would like to do one of these plots, but don't want to use a certain part of my idea, just poke me about it anyway. I am very open to negotiations! I like to adapt my idea to what my partner is looking for in the story too and work out a good compromise between us.⌟

⌜Horror Plots⌟
(Plots with elements that are dark and extreme.)

You will play the former serial killer.
A serial killer who assaults and tortures his victims to death is trying to turn over a new leaf. He is trying to change and funnel his sadism into simply being a Dom in a rather extreme sub/dom relationship. He believes there is someone out there for him, and he's finally found them. My character.

You will play The fan.
A crazed fan kidnaps a celebrity,and takes them to a completely secluded location, like an island surrounded by frigid waters or a large house way out in the middle of nowhere. At first he might even be kept in a basement or a room with no windows.

You will play the stranger.
A stranger comes to my character's house under clouded circumstances. Perhaps it's the middle of the night and his car is broken down, or perhaps he is visiting a distant relative that no one in the house really seems to know. A total stranger who ends up having to stay for a few days. My character begins to fall for him, and the stranger is instantly interested, perhaps he had even been stalking her before he came to her house. Very early in the tale the stranger begins to pursue my character. He leads the innocent down a dark path filled with violent nights of passion and blood. (Knife play will feature heavily in this story.)

⌜Just Realism⌟
(These plots are set in the real world under normal conditions, with humans for the main characters.
If you want to use fantasy, sci-fi, or futuristic settings for these, I can work with that.)

You will play The wealthy government official.
My character is a famous singer/songwriter on tour in a foreign country. After a concert one night, a bunch of strange men come to escort her out. They tell her it's a dinner and that her presence is requested by someone very powerful in the country. This powerful man could be a high ranking government official, a very wealthy man with a lot of power, or even the dictator of the country himself. My character is told that any attempts to resist this dinner will be met with force, so she complies, hoping it will be just that, a meal with a very powerful man who is used to getting his way. The man turns out to be a fan who likes what he sees, and wants to keep her.

You will play the band manager.
My character is the front girl for a band or a solo act. She started out working out of her garage and wasn't really getting noticed until your character came along and agreed to be her manager. Your character got her music and her image out there and is ultimately responsible for making her famous. Another manager comes along and tries to steal my character away with promises of even bigger fame and better money. Your character has a crush on mine though and is feeling jealous and possessive. What will the manager do to keep his biggest star? Will he use guilt, force, or love to keep her by his side? Maybe all three!

You will play the older star.
My character will be a younger girl and the singer for a band who has just recently started to hit it big. She's bi, but has mostly only been with girls up until now. Your character is an older guy in a band that is much more famous and has been around a long time. His music has always been an inspiration to my character, and she is somewhat in awe of him. Their bands end up touring together for a rock festival, so they start to see a lot of each other. Your character uses the fact that mine looks up to him to dominate and persuade her to do things, maybe even being the one that gets her started on alcohol/drugs. (I'm looking for an abusive relationship with this one, romance tinged with acts of violence and manipulation.)

You Will Play the non-closeted character.
My character will be a celebrity. She is very deep in the closet and tries really hard to just pretend to be straight in public. However, behind the scenes she is 100% lesbian. She's afraid to come out because she's scared of what her fans will think, especially her male fans. She also doesn't want to deal with the media circus that she knows just admitting to who she really is will cause. Your character is her girlfriend, a little bit dominant and possessive, she wants her to come out, and furthermore she wants her to tell the world that she's taken. Meanwhile my character steadfastly refuses, despite being the more submissive partner in the relationship. This leads to more than a few fights, with your character losing her temper and getting way too rough, doing things like hitting her in the face so that she has to hide inside for a few days, or cover up bruises with makeup. she always forgives your character though, because she's the only person who really knows who she is or who will give her what she really wants. (I'm also willing to do an inverse of this idea where the one who is in the closet is the partner that gets violent when the other urges them to come out. In this case our roles would be reversed.)

You will play the sober guy.
A couple of people are at a party one night, and one of them, my character, gets really really drunk. She gets too drunk to say no. Your character, who has always had a crush on her, gets her into a back bedroom and takes advantage of how drunk she is. My character will be so drunk that she either has lost all inhibitions entirely, or has completely lost the ability to fight it and is too intoxicated to care. When she sobers up, she resists continued advances from your character, which upsets him. So, he keeps finding excuses to get drunk with her again, and maybe my character has a bit of a drinking problem, so he takes advantage of her often. Then, my character later decides to clean up her act and doesn't want to get drunk anymore, but your character is hopelessly addicted to being with her now, and maybe even in love with her, so he refuses to give up. He pursues her relentlessly and starts getting violent in order to get what he wants.

You will play The pimp and/or a client.
My character is a young woman who has been kicked out of her parent's house at 18 or 19 when she was just about to start college. she was likely kicked out for coming out to them, and her parents did not take it well. She is now homeless on the streets, and she meets a guy who is nice to her. This guy takes her home and gives her food and a roof over her head. Things seem pretty normal at first, but then he starts inviting people over to screw my character for money, restraining or beating her if she dares to say no. (The story could continue to progress from here with the pimp or one of her clients eventually becoming possessive/in love with the prostitute. The pimp could either decide to quit sharing her, or a client could buy her outright.)

You will play The bully.
This plot would be about a high school or college bully and another girl he abuses. I would like for this one to start out with your character just generally being a bully who picks on a lot of people, but over time becomes more and more obsessed with my character, choosing to direct the majority of his bullying at her. Later on it turns sexual, either because the bully realizes his obsession is because he's sexually attracted to my character, or because it's a further step of the bullying involving rape. Rape is about power. (I could see this either eventually turning into an abusive relationship ,with some romance despite the abuse, between the two, or a more violent situation where the bully forces the girl to live with him and basically be treated like a slave. They would be 18+)

You will play the popular guy.
Two girls go to high school together for years. Your character would be an athlete and all around gifted student who has always been the head of her class and miss popular. She's never really paid much attention to my character, a girl who always sits in the back and never seems to talk to anyone. Truthfully, this girl has always admired her fellow student, but has never been able to approach her with her fondness for fear that the popular girl would turn her down or worse. Graduation day finally comes, and my character still feels like your character is the only one for her. After the graduation ceremony, she finally approaches the popular girl and tells her how much she loves her, how she's always watched her and wanted to be with her. Your character freaks out and throws a punch, her anger causing her to get carried away, shouting at the other girl and even beating her for coming onto her like that when she's not a lesbian. In truth your character knows she has a strong fondness for the other girl, and she has been fighting it for a long time, trying to deny it because she can't accept it. (After this, how it continues is up to you. I could see her losing all self control and taking the other girl by force, or possibly feeling bad about hitting her and trying to be nice to her and help take care of her wounds after, or both. It might be fun to play this one violently at first but later leading to a relationship with real love and passion, though it could still be dysfunctional and violent at times.)

This can be reality or a fantasy setting. My character is a lesbian and daughter to a rich man or nobleman. Set in more modern times her father could be some kind of wealthy diplomat or an aristocrat seeking to form political ties. My character is not an only child, with at least a couple of older brothers who are straight and able to carry on the family name through direct inheritance. The father, wants to use his lesbian daughter for some purpose, so he trades her off to someone he wants to gain ties with, or perhaps just for a large sum of money. Who your character is will be entirely up to you.

⌜Future Plots⌟
(These are plots set in a possible future with some sci-fi elements but not necessarily fully sci-fi.
They may be set in the very near possible future, or in an alternate current reality.)

You will play The Hunter.
In a dystopian future an evil government has taken control of what's left of humanity, the people of America have all gathered together in one great super city, the surrounding environment is hostile and arid. There is some civilization lingering on the outskirts of the city, but the people are miserable. The government controls them with an iron fist and a group of renegades are fighting for freedom. The government has sent Hunters into the wastes to eradicate the renegades. The Hunters have full reign to do whatever they want to their captives. They can bring them in alive or dead, no amount of torture is penalized. My character is a renegade leader, your character is sent to track her down and bring her in. After a lengthy pursuit, The Hunter catches his prey, having developed an obsession with her, he is not willing to kill her, or let her go, but he's fully prepared to make her wish she was dead, determined to make her regret her choice to fight and accept her new position as prisoner.

This is a possible future that I've come up with. It is a completely original world based loosely on some other ideas I've seen.
It's 2036 and an evil corporation has taken over the American government entirely. It started with buying off politicians and finally the president himself. The people lost all freedom and rights, and most of them are now mere possessions of this corporation known and StarCorp. StarCorp has rounded up all citizens to live in giant Arcologies. The leash of StarCorp is tight and while these arcologies have all the basic amenities to life, the citizens are not allowed to leave, and they are all assigned a task in order to earn food for themselves and any children they may have. The children are put to work as soon as they are capable and the elderly are forced to work as well. There is no retirement and the workdays are long and harsh. Anyone who fails permanently to be able to continue to work is dragged out of the building by armed guards, never to be heard from again. Security in the arcologies is tight and the armed guards have complete power to do whatever they want to any citizen who steps out of line. Each arcology also has its own corporate government in place in order to keep the populace in line and stage public punishments of those who try to escape or misbehave.

You will play a guard or high ranking corporate official.
My character is a young woman working in one of the acologies. She is a hard worker who tries very hard not to step out of line now, though she was a little bit wild as a teen. Her past bad behavior has gotten her on the bad side of the guards, and one in particular frequently takes her away for 'discipline' because he is secretly attracted to her and a little bit of a sadist. Alternately, this character could be a corporate official within the building. Eventually your character is no longer content with just brief sessions, and removes my character from the general population entirely to live in his personal chambers.

You will play a member or leader of the brotherhood.
My character has decided that the corporate slave life is just not acceptable. There is an underground resistance group forming, and she joins up, wanting to make a difference for the enslaved people. When she goes to an assigned meeting spot, the 'brotherhood' assigns her some very... interesting tasks as an initiation, and ultimately takes her prisoner. It can either turn out that the resistance group is just a bunch of perverts, using the potential rebellion of their people to lure in victims for forced prostitution, or maybe they turn out to be an actual arm of the corporation with the intent to subdue any likely dissidents through force, torture, and manipulation.

⌜Fantasy Plots⌟
(These plots have some elements of fantasy, or fantasy races.
These ideas can be adapted to be made more or less realism based depending on your tastes.)

You will play the one who inherits the slave.
A slave of an immortal race is inherited by a young man from their relative who died finally of old age. The slave being immortal is forever-young and cannot die of old age. She could die from injuries though. The slave, my character, will be reluctant to become the property of a new master, but they were left to this family member in the will. The family member could be inheriting the slave from a distant relative or a close relative. It could come as a total shock or could be something they were expecting, even looking forward to. I would prefer the slave to be an elf, or possibly a vampire, or even a type of furry that could for whatever reason be immortal. In the case of an elf they may not be immortal, but live several thousand years instead of the relatively short lifespans of humans. Their previous master was a human, or a member of some other mortal race, but could also have been an immortal who died prematurely. The death of the master can also be an accident or otherwise.

You will play the master.
My character would be an elf, taken against her will and enslaved by your character. I would prefer your character be a human, centaur, orc, another race of elf, or virtually anything you can come up with. A dragon could be a very interesting option here as well. The primary reason for enslavement would be a racial difference/prejudice. It could be during a time of war, or even a kidnapping during a time of peace, or perhaps my elf's race is somehow ruled over by your race and they are taken away from their families at whim of the ruling race.

My character is a witch, your character is a witch hunter who wants to destroy all witches. He captures my character and takes her back to his home, but somewhere along the way, he loses his resolve to kill her, and something else happens instead.

⌜Warcraft Plots⌟
(These plots are set in the World of Warcraft.)

You will play The Nightborne.
My character is a blood elf of the Horde. Your character is a Nightborne who views himself as far superior to the small pale elves he has come to join. He will seek to dominate my character and put her in her place as an inferior race. (There is a lot of wiggle room on this plot idea. Alternately this could be done cross faction with you playing a Night Elf male.)

You will play The Alliance Soldier.
A fierce battle wages between the Alliance and Horde, My character, a blood elf, meets yours in combat. You can be whatever race you choose. My character will lose the fight, and it will be up to you to decide what to do with her after... (Alternately, this could be played with a blood elf opposite another Horde character of any race. I love fights that end in spice!)

(These plots involve vampires.)

You will play The vampire.
In this world vampires will be creatures who bond with one mate for eternity, choosing to spend all of their time with this one person feeding from them and forming an unbreakable blood bond. This bond will make the human immortal, but not make them a vampire, bound to them to be their personal snack forever. Their immortality is fragile however, and they can be killed by many normal means, they simply will not grow older or die of old age and are capable of surviving more blood loss than a normal human. Their blood will replenish more quickly and injuries heal more quickly as well. Unfortunately, many humans cannot handle their situation and eventually kill themselves, while still others end up being killed by their vampire masters out of anger or being drained completely dry. Your character will be a vampire that has recently lost their toy and is on the hunt for a new one. (It is likely that in this world vampires will be an accepted part of society, though that isn't necessary if you prefer the classic lurk in the shadows feel.)

You will play The vampire hunter.
My character is dead. She is fairly aware of that, however, she refuses to believe that vampires are real, or that she is one. She simply mixes animal blood in with her food to continue her 'life' as normal, and she believes that she simply has an iron deficiency and an allergy to the sun, conditions that developed due to her untimely death. She believes that some miracle has allowed her to go on living, and has thus far never bitten anyone. Your character is a vampire hunter who realizes that this one is different, and decides to capture her rather than killing her.


| To Nurture |
A mother is physically abused by her son who is angry that his father has left them and he can't get a girl for himself.

| Last Outing |
A hooker is taken off the streets but not by a man who is particularly nice.

| Broken |
A waitress goes willingly with a man who breaks her physically and mentally to be his slave.

| Take This |
A doctor examines a young woman and things go beyond patient and doctor.

| For Thy Lord |
A vampire is out hunting for fresh blood and finds a girl. The vampire takes her in to be his personal blood maid and slave.

| What's The Deal? |
An Emo band invites an older woman onto their bus to have a "good time".

| Prisoner Of The Sea |
Pirates destroy a sea side village and plunder its gold and armory. The Pirate Captain finds a young maiden and takes her upon his ship as his "prize".

| Yes Your Highness |
A young woman is taken off the streets and up to the King's palace where she is to be his pleasure slave, locked away in the tallest towers of the castle.

| No Choice |
A mother is forced into an abusive relationship.

| Not So 'Ever After' |
A young woman who works as a waitress often has dreams of getting out of the small town and running away with a handsome man. Her dream comes true, but it turns out to be a nightmare instead.

| The General's Plaything |
A knight who has spent most of her life as a man to best serve her country has been captured by an enemy general. Her gender is discovered and she soon wishes she was dead.

(More will be added as I come up with them!)
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9 | 0 Comments | May 27th 2024 13:47