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Name: Vivian Mackenzie ♂
Age: 24
Other names: Ian
Species: human


Hair color: black
Eye color: amber
Height: 6'2
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
Scars: under right eye and on his neck
Wardrobe: streetwear


Traits: affectionate, responsible, protective, easy-going
Hobbies: writing lyrics, singing and playing music
Likes/loves: music, cooking, the ocean, nighttime
Dislikes/hates: liars, heat
Habits: singing and humming
Addictions: none currently, but very vulnerable
Drinks: yes
Smokes: occasionally
Optimistic/pessimistic: 90% optimistic


Sexual orientation: homosexual
Top/Bottom/Versatile: versatile


Mother: Jennifer
Status: deceased ✝

Father: Paul
Status: alive

Siblings: Dylan
Status: alive


Ian was born into a broken home. Both his parents were addicts and had garnered massive debt. It was Ian’s responsibility to look after his younger sister, Dylan. In his parents’ absence, Ian took care of the chores around the house until Dylan was old enough to help. The two of them were happy despite the circumstances. They did not have much, but their home had laughter and music which was enough for them.

In school, Ian always fell behind in his studies. His teachers did not pay him any attention due to his parents’ poor reputation. As a result, Ian stopped caring about his education and only focused on his true passion: music. With nobody to stop him, he dropped out of high school to start a band. Dreaming of playing for the world. However, fate had different things planned for him.

When Ian was 19 years old, he was accused of attempted manslaughter and imprisoned for 3 years.
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 3rd 2021 14:00


Name: Ezra
Age: 18+
Other names:
Species: phoenix

Theme song:


Hair color: red
Hair length: short
Eye color: red
Height: 190cm
Body type: ottermode
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
Scars: none
Wardrobe: comfortable and classy


Traits: gentle, kind, selfless, forgiving, empathetic
Heavenly virtue: kindness
Alignment: neutral good
Hobbies: carrying out his duties
Likes/loves: his people
Dislikes/hates: violence, meat
Habits: tearing up when emotional
Addictions: none
Drinks: occasionally
Smokes: no
Optimistic/pessimistic: 98% optimistic

The phoenix spirit
Traits: protective, distrusting, stern, fierce
Deadly sin: wrath
Alignment: lawful neutral


Sexual orientation: demisexual
Romantic orientation: panromantic
Preferred partner(personality/gender):
Top/Bottom/Versatile: versatile
Turn ons:





Since birth, Ezra has been showered with love and adoration. He had been chosen by the great phoenix spirit, they said. He would soon learn about the history of their kingdom and how it was protected by a powerful spirit. Apparently, his body was what connected this spirit with their world. In exchange of its host, the almighty phoenix spirit shares its powers with The Kingdom of Prosperitas. Magic, health, and safety were only some of the many gifts its people received from the noble spirit.

Ezra can’t remember a lot from his earlier years. At times, he wondered whether these pieces of his past that seemed to be missing were caused by natural forgetfulness, or if the phoenix spirit is intentionally blurring memories from him. In that sense, his relationship with the phoenix spirit reminded him of how dissociative identity disorder (DID) is characterized. Whenever Ezra finds himself in great emotional distress, he will often feel his consciousness start to fade involuntarily as the phoenix spirit takes charge to handle the situation.

Losing control of his own body, though temporarily, was something that terrified Ezra immensely. All his life, he was told what an honor it was to have been chosen by the phoenix spirit as its avatar – but Ezra could not help but feel slightly cursed. He loved being able to help the kingdom and its people by providing the spirit a medium to do so, but it all felt a bit strange. If the spirit one day decides to never let Ezra regain control of his own person again, then it is likely that nobody would bat an eye. Once the next host for the phoenix spirit is born; Ezra will be forgotten along with his predecessors.
- Regeneration
- Healing
- Fire
- Shapeshifting
1. human form
2. winged human form
3. phoenix form

- Exhaustion
- Water
- Emotions
- Cold


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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 30th 2021 00:54


Name: Kharsh Bonebreaker
Age: 19
Alias: Sin
Other names: glass cannon
Species: half orc

Theme song:


Hair color: black
Hair length: short
Eye color: gold
Height: 200cm
Body type: athletic
Tattoos: none
Piercings: several
Scars: several
Wardrobe: whatever he gets his hands on


Traits: naive, resourceful, persistant, abrasive, curious
Deadly sin: wrath
Heavenly virtue: diligence
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Likes/loves: affection, weapons
Dislikes/hates: reading
Habits: unable to admit not being able to do something. His ears turns red while his expression remains stoic whenever he gets flustered. He freezes but melts at any sign of affection.
Drinks: yes
Smokes: no
Optimistic/pessimistic: 70% optimistic


Sexual orientation: unknown
Romantic orientation: unknown
Preferred partner(personality/gender): unknown
Sadism/dominance: 70%
Masochism/submissiveness: 30%
Top/Bottom/Versatile: versatile (only bottoms for men)
Turn ons: affection and gentleness


Mother: unknown
Status: unknown
Relationship: unknown

Father: unknown
Status: unknown
Relationship: unknown

Siblings: unknown
Status: unknown
Relationship: unknown

Kharsh is the result of the love between a human and an orc. They gave birth to the child in secrecy until they were eventually discovered by the head of the clan. Kharsh was taken from his family and raised under the clan’s guidance. He no longer bears any remembrance of his birthparents and remains oblivious to their fate. The clan drilled their beliefs into the child, teaching him about violence, the importance of strength and survival. Kharsh grew up to become a fierce warrior, earning himself the title of ‘Bonebreaker’ due to his immense talent for snapping bones with his bare hands.

The orcs reside on the planet called Endor. Their civilization is distinguished by their primitive methods of cultivation and the use of simple tools. There is little need for trade as the tools can usually be made by anyone in the society. Resources and treasures that they cannot obtain in their own territory; they plunder from other clans and settlers. Orcs have no concept of affection, homosexuality or monogamy; therefore, an ordinary orc will have several progenies with different mates in the absence of love.

Kharsh is infamous for the abnormal pigmentation of his skin caused by being the offspring of an inter-species couple. All his life, Kharsh has tried to prove himself to the clan in order to gain their respect and acceptance. However, it is not only the color of his skin that is different. Kharsh has shown signs of wonder and curiosity over different cultures and knowledge. Once different species started settling across Endor from other planets, Kharsh could not help but trying to learn new things from them, much to his clan’s disapproval.

With the body of an orc and the heart of a human, Kharsh is strong and adaptive. Kharsh has enhanced sense of hearing, sight and strength. With a large build, Kharsh uses his tall stature to his advantage whilst in combat. He has a talent for learning languages and uses his sharp ears to learn quickly after listening for a while.

Kharsh is a half-breed, which means he was robbed of some physical attributes and advantages that an orc inherits naturally. For instance, his bones lack the same dexterity. In order to be able to use their strength to their full capacity, orcs were gifted through evolution strong bones that can withstand desecration. This means, for example, that even though Kharsh is able to lift something extremely heavy, his bones would not be able to endure the toll in the same way.

However, Kharsh did inherit the slow wit and potentially short life of an orc. The life span of an orc is significantly shorter than most races. Orcs are considered adults anywhere between 11 and 14 years of age, middle-aged at 17, old at 23, and venerable at 35 years of age. The average orc seldom lived longer than 40 years, even if it managed to avoid violent death. Whether Kharsh bequeathed the life expectancy of his human or orcish parent is uncertain.


"Ashdautas Vrasubatlat" ("Someday I will kill you")

"Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi" ("Do not die in bed")

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3 | 0 Comments | Jul 28th 2019 14:59


Name: Dain
Age: 19+
Other names: N/A
Species: human

Theme song: N/A


Hair color: light brown
Hair length: short
Eye color: blue
Height: N/A
Body type: athletic
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Scars: several
Wardrobe: dark, light clothing fit for combat underneath his cloak


Traits: flirty, ''chivalrous'', selfish
Deadly sin: greed
Heavenly virtue: diligence
Alignment: true neutral
Likes/loves: money
Dislikes/hates: poverty
Drinks: yes
Smokes: occasionally


Sexual orientation: bisexual
Romantic orientation: biromantic
Preferred partner(personality/gender): N/A
Sadism/dominance: 80%
Masochism/submissiveness: 20%
Top/Bottom/Versatile: versatile(both)
Turn ons: N/A





Having been born into poverty, Dain was already at a disadvantage from birth. Dain grew up with several siblings and their family struggled to keep everyone fed and healthy. Dain held resentment towards his parents who kept producing offspring even though they barely had enough to go around as it was. One day, a group of hooded men traveled through the village, offering to buy young boys for a tempting price. That afternoon, with a drug given to them by the mysterious men, Dain’s parents drugged him thus exchanging their oldest son for their own survival.

It turned out that the group of men was gathering young, abled-bodies to train in order for them to grow up and work for their guild. Fueled with anger and bitterness, Dain trained hard so that he could prove the world wrong and survive. At a young age, Dain claimed his first kill. If there had been one thing that his parents had taught him, it was that there were no limits to what one should do in order to survive. You must lie, cheat, steal and always prioritize yourself above anyone else.

Dain grew up to become a man who fought only for himself. On the surface, he appears as a gallant, charming man. A knight of justice. However, it is all a façade. An act to make nobles and peasants alike come to trust in him before he scams them for anything of value. Dain is still bound by his oath to the guild, but he now travels on his own to take on odd jobs wherever the breeze takes him. In the end, the only master he serves is himself.


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8 | 0 Comments | Apr 3rd 2019 19:26