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(Tessa Wingrave)
31 / Female / Single
Washington - United States
[Please bear with me as I learn the ins and outs of this site. New here but not new to roleplaying.]

Just getting back into roleplaying after taking some time away. I generally like roleplays with an interesting plot, or else I will get bored. I generally gravitate toward romance, drama, crime, and/or other real life scenarios. However, I’m open to doing fantasy, horror, or supernatural plots as well. As long as you can match my style, I am open. I prefer paragraph-style, literate roleplaying and would love to find a consistent roleplaying partner.

18+, please. I am an adult and therefore would like to interact with other adults (shocking, I know). As an adult, I have a full time job that occupies at least 40 hours of my week and a life outside of roleplaying. As such, I will be most active and available in the evenings and on weekends. I am considerate and will respect your time and effort, as I hope to receive the same in return. I am on Pacific Time, if that makes things easier.

I am a female and will only ever roleplay as such. In addition, I generally prefer male and female pairings, as this is what I’m used to in my own life. No anime or furries, or anything of that nature.

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