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(leo radomir)
38 / Male / Single
United Kingdom
I rp in mixed person so it's not so confusing and to work it for each situation i would prefer a partner that does the same.
Sorry, but as a rule, i will be mostly accepting women, also please don't add me if you have really weird bios, i don't want to deal with that.
18 plus only.
Ps. Ask stupid questions get stupid or sarcastic replies.
Mutes will be removed
If your just going up and vanish then don't bother adding me. I shouldn't of had to add this rule but due to recent events I'm adding it.
Keeping ghosting to a minimum, I get people have their lives but it's not right to leave me hanging indefinitely.
I don't mind some text talk outside of the rp meaning for comments at times because i sometimes do it in comments. but come on, don't be lazy every time.

While i don't mind some pics and status of people, every moment or stupid and pics and status gets on my nerve, if your one of those people don't add me.
Also just because i have an anime avi doesn't mean that's all i like.

I'm like to make the rp fun for us both, if i do something wrong I will do my best to correct it once told nicely, I expect the same of my partner.
I don't do astikes or any of that and that nonsense therefore please don't rp like that.

Please don't mindlessly gm or meta because you bored that crap in a nono for me.
I'm not saying spelling and grammar etc has to be perfect but no constant mistakes and proper sentences chopped-up sentences are hard to work with.

I can do solo chars rp but i prefer multi it can give more to work. I would prefer a partner that can do both it makes it easier in some aspects but something can be worked out. I'm not interested in thoughtless and lazy

If it's an accident let's work on it so we can avoid it if possible. I know I screw up sometimes so please bear with me.

I don't like having to chase you to rp because to rping is meant to be a two-way street. If you forget after a long amount of time in between the post I'll send a gentle reminder or ask if we are still on.
It's not hard to please let me know what's going on before you go it's not nice to be left hanging.

If you are just going to quit when you lose the mood for no reason that's really lame talk to me I'm sure something can be worked out more times than not.

I don't mind people that don't want to rp but I'd prefer most are into rping, i don't mind helping people out with their problems but if that's all you want me for and spam it on my wall the chances are high I'll del you. If i need to take a break i will let you know.

Manners and basic greetings don't kill one this part of me most times so if your one of those people that just ignore me i won't be as lightly to bother with you unless I'm in the mood.

I try my best to respect other's sexuality but I will not put up with aggressive people's crap because got enough of that in my life.

No text talk posts and please try to keep one-liners to a minimum it helps the rp grow.
While I don't mind a little trash talk and stupid jokes I'll del you if it's constant. I know this may seem uptight but i do have a brain and want to use it.

I'm sometimes awkward and word things wrong please try and bear with me i promise it will be rewarded.

I get we many of us like "action" but if that's all the rp has then it gets boring.

Every so often i don't mind making the rp but prefer talking about it

Don't try and lie to my face and change things up after the facts to make you the good one when your wrong or talk at me without giving me a chance to post this gets my back and i become very annoyed i can be very awkward and don't care if you don't like it.

I know this sounds harsh but seriously don't go trying to jam real-life OCS in an anime etc unless it's an au it just doesn't work.

I will be limiting my acceptance of bios with only one char because as a rule, I find it limits creativity and it's sometimes hard to find around a premade chars.
I also have discord but would prefer to get to know someone before giving it out.

I'm sorry for the brutishness at the end of my profile but I'm here to enjoy rping and some talking, not for the bs and such.

Start roleplaying with members like Sacreddragon!



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Sorry for the lack of posts feeling ugh lately
1  8 hours ago

Latest Comments

That would be amazing.
Aug 25th 2023 19:43

Of course. I might have them interact later on.
Aug 25th 2023 19:31

Of course. I try to give some substance, dry replies are the worst.
Aug 25th 2023 18:55

"Critical hit" hahaha. You're silly.
Aug 20th 2023 15:44

I like gore, but I prefer a good plot to go with it and amazing acting.
Aug 20th 2023 12:13

Everyone has their moments here and there. I’ll reply in a bit. A little busy.
Aug 20th 2023 11:48

Is that show/movie good though? I need new ones to watch.
Aug 20th 2023 11:47

You’re funny. Well I’m officially up and back. Let’s get this going!
Aug 20th 2023 11:28

Sleep well. Talk to you soon. New generation hahaha
Aug 19th 2023 21:15

Liked it? I loved it. Let me know if you want me to add anything so it won't just die down.
Aug 19th 2023 20:28