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The Pantera Slayer

Name: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Age: 23

Birthday: July 31

Race: Human

Birthplace: Mountain Village

Current Location: Mountains

Height: 6’1” Feet Tall

Weight: 175 lbs

Eye Color: Light Blue

Hair Color: Light Blue

Distinguishing Features: A large sword scar on her chest and a small slash scars on both of her wrists and the left side of her forehead.

Preferred Weapons: Usually preferring her fists but loves her Nichiren Knuckle Claw Dusters, and maybe a short sword if needed.

Parents: N/A

Close Friends: None.

Appearance: Grimmjow's attire consists of a white hakama, a black sash and a ragged white jacket with an upturned collar. The inner lining of her jacket is black and Grimmjow wears it with the sleeves rolled up and leaving it open to expose her muscular chest, and also leaving her rather large DD-cup breasts exposed with a layer of bandages covering them only, preferring to usually go barefoot as she’s not really a member of anywhere so she doesn’t really care about that.

Partial Backstory: Being born to a nice family, she has no knowledge of as she was separated from them at a very young age, growing up in the mountains and forests around her village she had been raised by a Panther in the Forests, learning everything she could on how to hunt, and kill from her surrogate Panther Mother, Grimmjow was devastated when seeing a damn demon eating her, it was then the woman understood what Breathing techniques were, she proceed to fight the demon, overpower and hold it off until sunrise. From then she’s trained her body, with the newly acquired knowledge while making her own Breathing Forms. Now, she hunts demons stupid enough to find themselves in her woods, she dares any of them to try and kill her, the Hunters will become the Panther Slayers prey.

Equipment: Grimmjow has a short Nichiren Wakizashi that’s a fully blue blade with jagged black lines on it making it look like Panther Teeth, though her main form of fighting are her custom made Nichiren Knuckle Claw Dusters starting off as normal Knuckle Dusters until a little switch is flipped by Grimmjow unlocking the claws from the forearm apparatus flipping them down into place turning her into a real nightmare at that point the Claws are razor sharp, cutting easily through trees, combining that with her nature, and her backhand knowledge of forests having lived in almost every single one, she’s able to get the drop on any of them.

Feral Breathing: First Form: Breaking Punch: Rushing toward the target Grimmjow uses her immense speed to close the distance within seconds to unleash a Breathing Infused punch.

Second Form: Complete Hunt: Complete Hunt hides the user completely, it’s almost as if they were never there, though the downside is that this is only usable in forested areas as that’s what it’s acclimated for.

Third Form: Unrelenting Fangs: Using her speed to close the distance she blindsides her opponent with a barrage of punches aiming for each part of their body that seems they need the most, targeting shoulders, neck, their center mass, mostly.

Fourth Form: Pantera’s Claws: Unlatching the forearm apparatus she frees the claws allowing her to really shine, rushing her opponent she rears both clawed gauntlets back till the distance is closed to unleash multiple slashes quickly to really deal a massive amount of damage.

Fifth Form: Garra de la Pantera: Acutely shaped bombs fired at high speed from punching the air with her claws out, five of which can be fired at once. They have a devastating effect. One round can destroy a column over 30 meters in diameter. They take the appearance of dark green, crystalline, unevenly shaped air darts.

Sixth Form: Pantera’s Wrath: With this activated she unleashes everything her will itself manifests as her all out nature comes out, all or nothing! Her will that manifests is a light blue in color and takes on the shape of a Panther that surrounds her body, similar to Rengoku letting his will out in his fight against Akaza.

Seventh Form: Esoteric Art Gran Rey Cero: Using Wrath it allows her to use this while using up her blood, which produces a much larger and more powerful attack compared to that of her Garra De La Pantera. This Cero is strong enough to potentially cause great damage to the surrounding areas and once knowing about it, she was banned from using it, clearly ignoring this during any all or nothing fights. In order to fire it, Grimmjow first cuts her own hand on her Wakizashi, mixing her blood with her will as a catalyst. Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero is colored blue.

Eighth Form: Esoteric Art: Desgarrón: Claimed by Grimmjow herself to be her strongest attack. Her claws glow, and mix with her will while she makes a slashing motion. Each claw becomes a long, sharp blade composed of her will that can be hurled at the enemy. She can swing a maximum of ten blades at the enemy. The attacks act as a ranged claw attack, which she controls like his regular claw attacks, by using slashing motions.
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3 | 0 Comments | Jan 8th 2023 09:24

MHA Jenny Voorhees

Name: Jenny Voorhees.

Age: 25-ish

Height: 6’10” feet tall

Weight: 210 lbs

Body: Muscular with an hourglass figure

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Distinguishing Features: The multiple scars that adorn her body ranging in sizes and shapes.

Home: Crystal Lake, New York

Preferred Weapons: Hand-to-Hand Combat, her machete, and any blunt or sharp object near her.

Quirk name: Undead and Mist Walk

Powers: Undead is complicated to understand and utilize in a practical way, though for Jenny once she understood how her Quirk worked, it was game over for anyone that got in her way. The use of her Quirk was hard to understand and as she understands it, these are her current powers,

Super Strength- Currently she’s able to lift over 300 lbs.

Enhanced Speed- Currently her Max speed is well over 90 mph, though she’s never really tried to get away or get somewhere in haste.

Enhanced Durability- She’s had a four story building dropped on her and escaped with only a cut on her forehead.

Enhanced Endurance- One of her bloodiest fights lasted for a good two and half days before she was subdued.

Enhanced Healing- She’s able to heal minor wounds, such as cuts, bullet wounds, or broken bones, burns and even limbs that are lost will regenerate in time, that doesn’t mean she can’t be killed before she’s healed completely.

And finally Immortality- Don’t let it fool you, she can die, remember the name of the Quirk? Depending on how she’s killed she can be down from anywhere from a few minutes, to a few months, which also deages her a bit keeping her in the prime of her life, though make sure you die in that time before she arises once more because of the final part of her Quirk.

Blood Rage- Upon coming back from the dead depending on how she dies she’s sent into an unquenchable blood rage as her body and other abilities are enhanced from what they were, depending on the time she’s been dead for.

Mist Walk- Upon the activation of this Quirk the area around them for a few miles is covered in a thick mist, making it hard to see except for Jenny, using the mist to her advantage she can basically teleport anywhere she choses that the mist is touching, inside a building, in the air, two blocks away, or directly in front of the person that’s unfortunate enough to be in the mist with her.

Personality: Jenny usually keeps to herself, enjoying a mundane existence alongside her horrific criminal side. Outside of commiting crimes she’s quiet, always looking rather bored of everything, preferring to be in the gym to try and get stronger than what she is currently, going to the beach to swim or go for a run, in social situations she’s one to speak her mind and tell you if something is stupid or a bad idea, but will be the first to do said stupid or bad idea since she has nothing to fear really. Once her mask comes on though, along with her usual jacket, shirt, and jeans, all bets are off, Jenny’s personality is completely different being herself in the mask, she’ll happily torture, slaughter, and squeeze the life out of someone’s body by crushing their head between her hands, all the while laughing her ass off like she was told the funniest joke possible. Though if you impress her, or pique her interest she’ll calm down and actually fight that person seriously, though still going for the kill she’s more likely to fight them hand-to-hand rather than with her machete, which is a sign of respect for her.

Attire: Outside of her villain career, Jenny usually wears black boots that go up to her knees, usually she’s wearing black sweatpants with rips in the shin areas, and the knee since she’s kneed people that pissed her off, and lastly a graphic long-sleeved shirt of different things she actually enjoys, or just plain black long-sleeved shirts. Once she becomes The Immortal Killer- Jason, she wears a hockey mask with red triangles on the forehead, and cheeks, a blue sleeveless tube top with a long brown jacket, thighless blue jeans that has a sheath for her machete hanging from it, and lastly black gloves with a new grade Carbon Fiber to make sure she hits hards with steel-toe plated black boots that make sure people really feel her kicks.
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19 | 4 Comments | Dec 5th 2022 22:59

JJK Alucard Van Hellsing

Name: Alucard Van Helsing

Age: Appears in her 20’s

Birthday: May 3rd

Race: Vampire

Birthplace: Sighisoara, Transylvania

Height: 6’ feet tall

Weight: 150 lbs.

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Black

Distinguishing Features: Her piercing red eyes, and her long fangs.

Preferred Weapons: Her Jujutsu ARMS .454 Casull Auto and The Jackal Cursed Magnum Pistols, Hand-To-Hand combat, and when she wants to cut loose? Her trusty Thompson Submachine Gun.

Parents: Father-Vlad II Dracul, Mother-Princess Cneajna

Close Friends- N/A

Backstory: Alucard Van Hellsing, The original Cursed Queen that fought anyone and everyone, protected those she wanted but was rumored to have once been one of the most feared people in Europe Valerie The Impaler, or Dracula herself, making a deal with a curse she was granted power far more than she could have dreamed of! But, was defeated, and resurrected, evolving with each resurrection until 1000 years before the current Cursed King/Queen, depending on which roleplay it takes place in, Sukuna appeared Alucard lost her Master and being lost she went into her coffin in the old Hellsing Mansion falling into a Blood Drought waiting patiently for someone to spill their blood on her coffin to awaken a long since forgotten Curse being Valerie the Impaler, Dracula, Alucard Van Hellsing! Now, all she’s waiting for is the next person to uncover her coffin and free her from dreamless slumber. Besides, without knowing anything about this new world, it’s going to be fun to explore once again!

Appearance: Alucard is a beautiful woman, a curvaceous figure, nice DD-cup breasts with a plump ass to boot, though her normal appearance is when she appears as a tall, long limbed, broad shouldered adult woman of indeterminate but reasonably young age, as is commonly seen among vampires, Alucard possesses blood red eyes, which may glow when she is experiencing strong emotions. Though as stated above, she can change her hair as it's a part of her shadow, she commonly has short jet black hair and her bangs fall slightly in her eyes, with strands on the sides of her bangs framing her face in this form. Her appearance will change depending on what form she takes though as she has multiple.

Equipment: Jujutsu ARMS .454 Casull Auto- The Casull is a semi-automatic magnum pistol, based on two pre-WW1 handgun designs by Colt: the M1903 and M1905 pistols (the early versions of the M1911). The gun weighs approximately 6 kg unloaded and has a magazine capacity of six .454 Casull cartridges. Its appearance is also similar to the AMT Automag III. The overall design of the Casull is simple, using the Browning short recoil mechanism. Its most recognizable feature is its long slide, counteracting the weapon's heavy recoil with its weight. The barrel is 10 inches long (specified on the slide) and finished with titanium nitride which gives it a characteristic gold color.The Casull is believed to be based upon the Colt 1911 (or its variants like the longslide), however it also bears a resemblance to early model Colt pistols. In some close ups, one may note that the hammer is never fully cocked, indicative of either a double action or fast-action mechanism similar to the Daewoo DP51. The lengthy barrel and slide gives this gun incredible accuracy, and the weight at the front of the gun makes the massive round significantly more controllable. Something this extreme suits Alucard perfectly. The Casull is able to kill normal vampires with only 1 shot. It is too heavy and unwieldy for a human to use, yet a perfect match for Alucard's strength.

The Jackal- The Jackal is a massive pistol made especially for Alucard, and one of the most powerful handheld weapons in the Hellsing series. It has a length of 39cm (16 in), a weight of 16kg (35lbs), and a black gunmetal construction, and uses massive 13mm explosive rounds. The words "Jesus Christ is in Heaven now" are engraved upon it.Its unique design makes it seem as if it doesn't have a pistol slide; however, the entire upper assembly is the slide, and moves only a minimal distance compared to other guns', making it appear as if there is no pistol slide. The Jackal has its silver ejector port on the left side, implying that it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Casull (sending the shells to the left prevents them from obscuring the wielder's view), and in the manga, Alucard is usually shown wielding both guns at once. This gun is of fantastic proportions. No 13mm round was ever produced. A .50 alone would equal 12.7mm, meaning each bullet must be manufactured by Hellsing alone. It's curious as to how this weapon can weigh 16kg when a full size 7.62X51mm machine gun only weighs 11kg, the weight is probably necessary to control the 13mm rounds, though with a gun this heavy you could probably fire a .50cal BMG round and still have the same desired effect. Compared to the Casull, the Jackal is distinctly lacking in terms of aesthetic features, and is devoid of any contours on the side or frame save for the grip.

Thompson Submachine Gun- The Thompson Submachine Gun or commonly known as the "Tommy Gun" is a blowback-operated, air-cooled, magazine-fed selective-fire submachine gun, invented by United States Army Brigadier general John T. Thompson in 1918. It was originally designed to break the stalemate of trench warfare of World War I, but was not finished until after the war ended. The magazine Alucard used was a circular drum that held 50 or 100 rounds.

Powers- Superhuman Strength: As a true vampire, Alucard is inherently strong. To start, her guns Jackal and Casull are far too unwieldy for a human to hold, let alone use, but she does both with ease. She has been seen going up barehanded against even some supernatural weapons and destroying them. Despite their armor, Alucard was able to disembowel and tear apart several police officers with one hand. The extent of her strength is unknown, though it appears to vary with the release state that she is in, as her black, jumpsuit clad form has significantly greater feats of strength and durability than her other forms.

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Alucard is too fast for the human eye to follow, but other vampires or curses can keep pace with her just fine. Alucard's reaction times are top-notch, letting her catch Rip Van WIinkle's bullets with her teeth, despite a single one of these bullets penetrating a Special Grade curse multiple times while it was moving as fast as possible. It is also safe to assume that same as strength her reflexes and speed becomes more potent in other forms.

Enhanced Endurance: Alucard takes most damage without flinching or making a sound, quietly allowing the enemy to attack before retaliating tenfold. She can even attack after being torn asunder by bullets. After Rip Van Winkle crashes her Blackbird, she exits the craft without a scratch and easily destroys everyone aboard, even as they use high caliber weaponry on her. She's been thrown through skyscrapers, bled excessively, and even Walter knows of no certain way to defeat him other than killing her again and again until she stays down.

Combat Experience: In addition to her superhuman abilities, Alucard also possesses centuries of combat experience. While she usually relies on crushing her opponents with sheer power, she does at times use strategy. When she fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadow duplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the death blow.

Regeneration: Alucard has the ability to perfectly and quickly recover from any physical injury. She has been torn to shreds by conventional weapons and high curse filled weaponry designed to kill her kind and has survived all of it. Cursed weapons, while they do affect her more, are regenerated all the same if not as quickly.

Extrasensory Perception: Alucard has senses that are not only sharper than a mortal's, affording her abilities such as perfect accuracy, but she has abilities that they completely lack. In particular she possesses a 'third-eye' which allows her to see things from far, far distances. Though she never uses it to do so, she can likely see through things that fool human eyes. This is not an inherent ability and must be used consciously, as Alucard was unable to see through Tubalcain's illusionary clones.

Dark Composition: Though she generally dons a corporeal, humanoid form, Alucard is made up of a highly variable otherworldly substance that is black in core and reddish on its edges. This can be especially seen whenever she takes heavy damage, the darkness being immune to conventional weaponry. Along with composing her being, it can serve as a weapon. Alucard is able to transform this material into virtually anything she chooses, like a puddle of goo.

Immortality: It is unclear if Alucard is a true immortal, but she is at least biologically immortal, immune to disease and aging. Alucard has suffered all manner of injury to the most extreme degrees, only to reform herself. This seems to indicate structural immortality as well, but the vampire herself asserts that there is no such thing as a true immortal. This means her immortality is only biological, and there is a way to kill her. Anderson's talk of her being "alone” and her duel with Walter implies that after her seals are removed, her heart is vulnerable to being impaled if not other forms of destruction, which would in turn destroy her for good.

Hematophagy: As a vampire, Alucard has the ability to consume blood raw. She has long, conical fangs to assist in this job as well as serpentine-like tongue. Her feeding habits have been seen to vary: from the traditional neck-biting to simply ripping people to pieces and outright devouring them. Alucard doesn't seem to need blood to survive, however if starved of it, she will enter an inactive death-like state.

Aestivation: Alucard will enter a dormant state if she goes too long without blood. It is unknown if she can be starved to death, as she goes decades without a drop of blood. It is never made clear if this is unique to her or if all vampires can do this.

Hemokinesis: Alucard has the ability to manipulate blood . This ability seems to be limited to blood outside of the body, as she is never seen influencing the blood of enemies while they are intact.

Teleportation: Alucard is able to vanish and reappear at a different location. The range in which she can teleport is unknown. She also can't cross large bodies of water this way.

Daywalking: Other vampires operate in the dark, because of a presumed weakness to light. Alucard however seems to have no problem with sunlight, only complaining that being up during the day is exhausting.

Gravity Defiance: Alucard, during his fight with Tubalcain, is shown not only to be able to stand vertically on a wall, but run backwards up it. This would indicate some ability to defy gravity.

Supernatural Detection: The ability to sense supernatural activity.

Domain Expansion: The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame- By draining a person of their blood, Alucard gains dominance over their souls and forms. She also takes on whatever knowledge they possess, once activating her Domain Expansion she enters her ultimate State- Release State 0 Valerie the Impaler, releasing every familiar she has ever consumed into an army that’s to her beck and call to kill those she wishes, once the enemy is dead, the Familiar’s are freed of their control allowing them to die completely, after doing this Alucard does fall into a bit of a slumber before awakening in her normal state once more..
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12 | 0 Comments | Dec 5th 2022 22:57

The Flame Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Name: Senna Rengoku

Age: 25

Birthday: March 23

Race: Human

Birthplace: The Flame Estate

Current Location: Kyoto Jujutsu High.

Height: 6’1” Feet tall

Weight: 150 lbs

Eye Color: Gold with Red Irises

Hair Color: Gold with Red Tips

Distinguishing features: The gold hair, her gold, and red eyes, along with a battle scar on her stomach that is visible through her top.

Parents: Unknown Father, Faye Rengoku

Friends: Utahime Iori, Yoshinobu Gakuganji (More like an acquaintance)

Close friends: Satoru Gojo

Normal Attire: Senna respects tradition by wearing a black version of the regular Jujutsu Sorcerer Uniform jacket, which consisted of a black gakuran jacket with a red and yellow sports bra showing as the middle buttons were open also showing off her cleavage, a white belt around her waist, and black jeans, wearing a haori with a white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges at the end, finally, she wore red kyahan with yellow flames erupting from the bottom-up, black boots that have flame patterns on them to show her curse technique.

Personality: Beneath her enthusiastic demeanor, Senna is very logical and tactically intelligent, acting quickly and precisely in battle, especially when the lives of others are on the line. Senna also is great at seeing talent in others, even in Though he is extremely optimistic, Senna will and admits its one of her weaknesses that she can’t get over, she will throw herself into a battle she believes is over someone's head skill, especially her friends which she cares deeply for, she will end up risking her life for them. Lastly, she, like most Jujutsu Sorcerer, absolutely detests demons, usually because of their heinous deeds or because of their clashing moral values.

Equipment: Her standard equipment consists of her bright red-bladed Nichirn Katana with the Rengoku family heirloom guard that belonged to Kyojuro Rengoku.

Curse Art: Flaming trail- Flaming Trail allows Senna to lay near-invisible wire around a target or an area, the wire once struck with a flame either by an attack or stray flame the wire ignites and once reaching the start of the line it creates a fiery explosion.

Curse Art: Unknowing Fire: The user charges toward their opponent at high speeds and aims to end them, or bisect a limb in one slash.

Curse Art: Blooming Flame Undulation - The user swings their blade in a circular motion that can defend them from incoming attacks or decapitate multiple enemies at once.

Curse Art: Flame Tiger- The user performs a series of powerful sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a flaming tiger.

Blazing Courage: This technique allows the user to eject flames from their weapon, allowing even flames to act as a new blade if the Katana suffers a catastrophic failure in battle.

Blazing Heart: Her inherited art from the Rengoku family, uttering the phrase “Set your heart ablaze!” cursed energy flows to every portion of her limbs, allowing her to draw even more strength out, making her faster, her focus sharper, making her even deadlier when she gets in this state, though only being able to fight in this state for an hour it exhausts her heavily. She’s been on record to activate that form three times in one day, with nearly putting her into a coma from extreme exhaustion.

Black Flash: A technique that creates spatial distortion when a user connects with an impact of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. The phenomenon causes cursed power to flash black, creating a more potent attack to the power of 2.5 of a normal hit.

Reverse Cursed Energy: By negating negative curse energy with their own cursed energy to create positive energy which is used for various purposes, but most commonly healing. Senna took a few years of training by herself to learn the properties of it, break it down for her to understand, and then put it into action and has been able to heal up to a missing hand.

Domain Expansion: Purgatory Rengoku- Gripping her katana while speaking her Domain’s name the area around her and her target turns into a hellscape, cracked floors showing a raging fire underneath their feet, the strongest thing about her Domain Expansion is Senna herself, drawing her katana creates a fiery blaze to surround herself, turning her into that of a Chinese dragon that charges the target, the flames wash over them as they get cleaved in half the dragon flies into the sky carrying the target before crashing down in a fiery explosion burning them to ashes.
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5 | 0 Comments | May 18th 2022 22:56

The Sound Hashira (Modern Day)

Name: Tenzu Uzui

Age: 24

Birthday: July 31st

Race: Human

Birthplace: Sound Estate

Current Location: Depends on the roleplay

Height: 6’5” Feet tall

Weight: 200 lbs

Eye color: Fuchsia

Hair color: Shoulder length white hair

Distinguishing features: Her Demon Slayer mark on her left eye, along with a long scar on her left shoulder

Preferred Weapons: Her Nichirn Cleavers, though she’ll give a flashy beatdown if needed!

Parents: Unknown Father, Jana Uzui

Close Friends: Nezuko, Senna Rengoku

Partial backstory: Tenzu was born with exceptional hearing similar to that of the original Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui, noting that her Father and Mother had started to train her in the Breathing Technique, Sound Breathing. Mastering the technique called Musical score, along with each breathing technique, one thing that was the same as before as arranged marriages, though the relationships were built on love after the arranged marriages, Tenzu soon found herself alone as her husbands gave their lives to protect her against an Upper Moon that had debilitated her left arm, her loved ones jumped in to help her only die giving her an opening to end the Upper Moon. Leaving Japan soon after, in search of something, she has no idea besides doing what she knows, and that’s killing demons.

Appearance: Tenzu wears a smallholder on her back that holds her large duel cleavers which are covered bandages when not in use, her usual attire consists of a black crop top hoodie over a tight-fitting blue shirt over her E-cup breasts, black jeans that hugged her ass nicely with blue and black tactical boots that has blue highlights and detail on them along with it having similar gemstones studded to them that matched her headband that belonged to Tengen.

Equipment: Dual Nichirin Cleavers: Befitting Tengen's flamboyant personality, she carries an equally flamboyant set of weaponry. As her main weapons, she uses two gigantic Nichirin cleavers that are amber in color, which each have a notch in the sharp ends of their blades and are held together at the hilt by a metal chain, making them very reminiscent of nunchucks. Her hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations and gold in color, there's a maroon ring that connects to the center; it has an outer green border. Her blades are engraved with the phrase Destroyer of Demons. Explosive Beads: Tenzu carries dozens of black beads that create large explosions with the slightest impact.Standard Kunai: Like her three husbands/wives (Depending on the roleplay), Tengen carries around dozens of standard black kunai.
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6 | 1 Comment | May 18th 2022 22:54