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ShiningPaladin's Blog

Mizu - You will be missed.

From what I can tell you were going through a hard time. I wanted to be there for you, helped even a little bit. It's been a while since I heard from you, now it looks like the light you shined in my life has disappeared forever.

Wherever you are, I'll miss you. May we meet again another time, as new people.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 13th 2024 10:13

Main OC- Jermaine Wilson

Name: Jermaine Wilson
Age: 20/21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Jermaine is about 5'8-5'9, he admitted would love to be taller but prefers his current height then his weight. At about 175 pounds. He is a more bottom heavy person with shoulders that in his opinion 'could be broader', as most people (usually women) describe his body as having a big butt. He himself would say he has shorter arms and longer legs. His body holding a few scars along his arms and legs, a combination of his football practices and not taking care of his skin, although his face is spotless. Jermaines skin is darker then average, easily tanning in the sun. His black hair often described to him by others as 'coolie'. Depending on his mood he may say his nose is big and bulbous or small and dainty, in truth his nose is of average sie and lacks any features.

Clothing Style: No matter what type of situation Jermaine will try to dress to his own comfort, at least somewhat. In summer he would ditch his usual hoods, jackets, vests. In the winter he would wear a heavier hoods, jackets, vests along with a beanie to 'tie his look together'. He usually keeps mittens in his pocket but refuses to wear them most of the time. As for his usual wear, he tends to wear a simple jeans, graphic shirt, and outerwear of some kind, even if not needed. Jermaine when alone or not being socially active tends to wear simple basketball shorts and graphic tees/undershirts. Between his general wardrobe is his silver bracelet he almost always wears, only taking it off to go things where it may slow him down.

Personality: Jermaine tends to use comedy in most situations, even if others aren't laughing. In situations he tends to be the mediator or defuser. He tries to help others regardless of his own state. He tends to laugh often, even laughing at the laughter of others, despite not finding things funny. He tends not to take in information unless it seems helpful or interesting to him, this lead to him struggling through school despite being in advance classes all his life. While he tends to be quiet around those he doesn't know, he often easily fakes bravado to move around situations. He tends to try to see the best in people (although admittedly not trusting those he doesn't know), because he spent so much time being quiet he often uses the fake bravado to move through rougher situations.

Likes: Computer, Coding, Comics, Cooking, Eating, Dogs, Beaches
Dislikes: Cats, Fish (the meat), Failure, Certain behaviors
Strengths: Can cook food from his culture pretty well, A good understanding of psychology and computer mechanics, Pretty good at most games, A tactical thinker.
Weaknesses: When uncomfortable in a social situation he tends to stay silent instead of leaving or removing himself, he tends to have a rather flat expression when passive, although he loves to swim he can't.

History: Jermaine was born in Jamaica. His mother a successful woman for the being a country girl. His father had no specialized occupation or skill but did a multitude of labor jobs. After living in Jamaica for a year he eventually moved to New York, living there with his mother for a few years. His family eventually moved to Florida where he spent a majority of his life. Despite being the only boy in his family he did figure himself out, even without the aid of his father. When all is said and done he had a pretty good childhood, despite the fact that he felt a constant pressure to be more from his mother and felt he could never keep up with it, they eventually talked it out and resolved most of their problems.

Hey this is the writer, call me Jermaine I guess. Feel free to ask about him if you think he'll be of use. The age can differ depending on whatever, and for most that take place in a modern and/or fantasy world he could be adapted to it.
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 18th 2020 02:29


You sent me a message yesterday. Most likely approaching me about an RP. I have been having issues with my wifi and couldn't respond too well. I spent the time reading through your blog on my phone and enjoyed what I read. You disappeared right after. Looks like a deleted account or something. If you're still looking to do it then go ahead and hit me up if you see this.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 4th 2020 06:44

Jaqma Dathram

Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Skill: Animal Handling, Survival, Persuasion.
Origin: Urchin

Jaqma was spent his early years inside of an orphanage. In a city that used magical items as everyday tools. Although life was easy for people who could afford these things the orphanage struggled. Jaqma left the orphanage, believing his staying there was nothing but a burden on others. He ran into the local forest, he struggled to find his way for a bit, till he meet Amalia. Together the two somehow learned to make a life together, they survived and thrived.
Years passed Jaqma used his skills to become a Ranger, working as a mercenary to afford a life of comfort for him and Amalia. With this his adventure begins.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 23rd 2020 19:46