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!- I'm not so mentally stable so don't be an [ass] my migraines are not fun and making me sad or mad just makes them 10x worse
@- I'm pansexual and trans [ftm] please take in mind that I will not play a female role don't make me.
#- I like [nsfw] but don't make it gross man and please ask about it beforehand​ and tell me you're preference for that stuff cause I don't wanna be dumb and make you feel uncomfy-
$-Don't randomly unadd me give me a damn reason don't think you're gonna hurt my feeling by saying something it hurts me more when you just quietly unadd without saying anything..
%-PLEASE add some damn texture to your roleplay! If I'm not responding frequently I'm probably bored of it to be honest.
^- You add you text that's how it works I'm lazy and I can't keep up with things. Also on another note if you're gonna like just quit texting me for like a month and I sent reminders- say bye bye
&-TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED! I bet you have heard that one in school. don't make me uncomfy- don't make me do things I don't wanna do.

Type foxen in replies if you have read this and thank you.
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4 | 3 Comments | Apr 4th 2023 11:03

The verse for all my OCs! [Mainly Jackkull]

So the verse is based on the world of taro and the world is separated by the 4 different colonies of creatures that inhabit it: Asenion, Starshin, Hellton, And Vero. They were mostly at peace and when they would be at peace the most is when two royals from different colonies get married together by will. So how my character was made is when the Starlight king and his Hellfire husband had gotten married. The Starlight king wanted a child with the Hellfire king so the Starlight king being a scientist like his grandfather before him he used parts from all the colonies and created Jackkull [my character] The Hellfire king said he was too powerful so they hid him among the fire jackals, yet he still stood out cause he had a blue fire, later on he met Felix and they became friends and Jackkull told Felix his secret. Felix's father heard and asked Jackkull's father The Hellfire king. The Hellfire king was outraged but he told Felix's father that he would give him land and riches to keep the secret sealed they had agreed but soon after Felix's father had pushed it too far so war out broke in the Helton colony between them then Felix had won and he spilled the truth of Jackkull through the lands calling Jackkull "The four headed beast" war had begun in all the colonies to capture the mighty beast and take ot power so Jackkull ran to the mountains and lived with a friend he found named Mono. He had lived until he had heard that His fathers will trying to murder one another he had to stop the war. Jackkull turned into the four headed beast he was named and he tried to stop this but was too late he had been in their castle had he saw the Hellfire king slice off the head of his other father The Starlight king. Enraged he killed the Hellfire king. He overtook the land and the castle and had changed his form and took up many odd jobs to support himself still living in the old castle today only selling potions now in a peaceful small town not too far.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 30th 2023 21:59

My OC Jackkull!

[Species info}>He is a hybrid of a fire jackal, hazyi dragon, starlight dragon, and an angelic cat.. he is like this because he was originally a lab experiment from the king of Starzin.

[Age}>He is currently 513 but his soul is much older...

[Body type and info}>His body is small and slim in his regular form and about 154.94 cm [5'1 ft] but in his full hybrid form he is muscular, sleek, and tall about 182.88 cm [6 ft]. Has scars all along his back and traditional Viro [Va-ru] tattoos along his chest. [I do have pics of him ill add that later!] He is the bean in my pfp and other pics in my gallery. His eye color changes often due to light, on one knows why or how... He just says because they are opal... no one belives him

[Personality type}>Quite shy and does not talk to other people much. If you seem to threaten him he will attack quickly and he tries to weaken you swiftly. He does not back down for something he stands for. Untrusting of many people due to trauma.

[Location and occupation}>He lives in a forest out in the Monzti [Mun-sit] in a old castle made from the Hellfire during the war. But works in a village called Saom [Sa-um] as a black magic mage and a potion seller.

[Friends}> Much of the forest critters outside his old castle. He does not talk to other people.

[Enemies}>Much of anyone that discomforts him in any way.

[Magic}>Spell casting, recipes, and potions.

He was made hundreds of years ago when the 4 plains were at peace in the world of Taro. His creator/father Starkiless,king of the star plain, made him to show his husband,king of the Hellfire plain, that they could have a child together. But his husband thought that he was impure and would create chaos so they hid Jackkull from the world.. [will add more later]

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4 | 7 Comments | Jan 12th 2023 23:09

My dumb wattpad things!

Here is my wattpad if you would like to look at it!
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1 | 3 Comments | Jan 7th 2023 17:16