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Name: Liu'Zon
Species: Lazinshay Ragnian
Age: 22
Height: 6'0
Weight: 244 lbs
Optimal Genres: Action, Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Drama

Physical Description: As per a Wolf Ragnian of Lazinshay morphology, Liu beholds porcelain colored fur and a naturally athletic build. Despite this; as a prodigy of Qui’Zon, his physique is as cut and optimized for complete athletic efficiency as possible. Despite never being affiliated with the clan of his heritage, Liu’Zon dresses much like his father Qui; still is adorned in the more ‘minimal approach’ of clothing typical for the clan; opting more for just only two beaten brown sashes; one tied around his neck and shoulders and the other fashioned into a sort of kilt. On his wrists are two brown leather bracers, each with leather tassels studded at the wrist’s end. As he was half-raised in Raler Allard’s Royal Tower, he practices well grooming and optimal hygiene; his gray, silver-striped hair and white fur always clean and citrus fragranced. His amber colored eyes are often written in a stoic expression, with just the slightly noticeable tone of warmth and kindness. Down the right side of his face is the permanent marking of an exiled Lazinshay, a brand his father bared since his ex-communication from the clan. He could be described as a ‘model’ or ‘hero’ among The Sovereign Ragnian Denizens due to his physique; those of tough origin in the sovereignty who don’t serve under him write him off as a ‘Pretty Boy’ in that regard. On this fact; the predominantly wolf-Ragnians find him to be a straight-up model as he resembles the desired traits of a male wolf-Ragnian, meanwhile also bearing the traits of The Lazinshay which also makes him ‘exotic.’ To the residents, he’s pleasing to the eye.

Personality: Liu is more often than not stoic. But, unlike the two other prodigies; he’s neither domineering nor unavailable. When no other Ragnians are watching, he tries to perform hero-work. But, he’s a celebrity so he’s forced to do things he disagrees with to save face when eyes are on him. Despite this, he genuinely wants to do the right thing, just like Karaitha he’s genuinely good at heart. But, due to his father's treatment he bares quite the edge as well, beholding little tolerance for nonsense.

Backstory: Liu was his Elderly Father’s first and only son. The first of the prodigies. He was unlike his electromancer father, being a born pyromancer. He was trained oppositely of Jude; who was trained to develop their physical tactics rather than overwhelming an opponent with shere elemental prowess like Liu was. That being said, since being under Qui’s training Liu never floundered around becoming ‘scrappy’ or physical; he is just as dangerous and well-formed as Jude. Unlike Selena; Jude and Liu held a strong siblinghood until their disagreement, as if the two had come-up on common reasons. Upon Qui’Zon’s revelation, Liu was the only one to remain in Raler’s favore; his conviction to Karaitha’s heart was such strong. As per the revelation, both Selena and Jude remained convicted to fulfill Qui’Zon’s intent, yet Liu had recognized Raler as a second father to him and Karaitha his one and only sweetheart. His heart lived with The Allards. Currently, Liu heads Raler's wolven Army as his head general; leading many battles to victory. Despite being born of The Lazinshay; Liu'Zon is well regarded among common Ragnian folk.

Relevant Lore: Liu'Zon is a 'superhero' figure among The Ragnian Sovereignty. A headfigure for Raler Allard's brand. His good looks, seeming heroism, and consistency has certainly earned him his reputation. He's deeply in love with Karaitha Allard, who returns the same feelings. This being said, he is a sworn rival to Jude Harcorn; the two sharing unfinished business.
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8 | 0 Comments | Jul 2nd 2022 08:52

Selena The Indestructable

Name: Selena of The Nightstorm Blade/The Indestructable (Lazinshay pronunciation is Sel'Ena)
Species: Lazinshay Ragnian
Age: 22
Height: 6’2
Weight: 175 lbs
Optimal Genres: Gore, Action, Romance, Drama, Fantasy

Physical Description: She is not at all concerned about her physical appearance; often coming across as if the elements of the Ragnian Frontier groomed her itself. Selena beares the Lazinshay morphology of the wolf Ragnian; bears porcelain colored fur with an enhanced physiology. She is six feet, two inches precisely in height. She’s athletically optimized for her physique; cutting her fat to muscle ratio down to complete efficiency. She beholds blue azure-like rattily kept hair, her eyes showing the same color as her hair, her fur messy and unkept as well. This Lazinshay Wolf is clad in black leather clothing, harvested from the avian basilisks her clan commonly hunts; distinctly she is often clad in a large, trisected leather cape. Her presence bares ‘dominance’ and ‘danger.’ Only a sane person would feel uncomfortable standing around her. On her legs are strapped an axe blade on the left that she uses to land low-kicks; and a finely sharpened, thinner blade on the right she uses to slide herself into an opponent's legs. Her most powerful weapon, The Nightstorm Blade is an artifact of renown; this crimson-bladed glaive is well-known to be so fine in its sharpness it never fails to sever the bonds between atoms. It can cut through almost anything.

Personality: Selena carries the typical pride with being intertwined with The Lazinshay; but she has taken this notion to its most extremes. “Big headed, arrogant, overconfident” are common criticisms she hears so often that such words have lost all meaning to her. There is no fault she sees in herself unrealistically; despite her haughtiness she’s especially masterful at back-planning and conniving. She puts on a “face” for face value alone so she can lure in any opposing parties into falling into traps; her arrogant front may very well lead the intellectually obtuse warrior into falling for the trap set by her highly-analytical mind. But despite overselling her personality to bait opponents; she is genuinely arrogant and domineering, make no mistake about it.

Backstory: The Lazinshay always held a prophecy, unlike the common Wolf Ragnian; where one of their own was to be born as something ‘superior.’ This hadn’t happened for thousands of years despite every birth being overseen by the whole clan; then was born Selena. A being born 500,000 years ahead of her parents in terms of evolutionary development; if a ‘chosen one’ was ever born in Ragnia here she was. From her very birth Selena separated herself from the clansman she was born with; her very physical development was unique. Unlike the other Ragnians who were expected to abide by normal human-like lifecycles; Selena developed fast and early. Her rapid development was quickly noticed by the exiled Lazinshay Grandmaster Qui’Zon; who proceeded to murder her parents while sparing her handful of siblings and take her under his wing and enroll her in pupilhood alongside Jude Harcorn and Liu’Zon in Raler Allard's Child Weapon Program. In this upbringing, she had always been the quickest to learn among the three because of her natural talents. But unlike Jude and Liu, Selena had never shared the apparent siblinghood that was behold between the other two. Upon this, by the age of 13, she was already able to outwork the grown men of her estranged clan; it was no wonder by the time she had struck adulthood after Qui'Zon revealed his real intentions she had already become the matriarch of the clan rather quickly upon graduation from Qui's teachings. The Lazinshay took her in without question upon witnessing her nearly effortlessly destroying their leaders all at once. They believe her to be nothing less than indestructible.

Relevant Lore: Selena's intended purpose among the three prodigies was to become The New Ruler of The Ragnian Sovereignty; to bring The Lazinshay out of apostasy and reclaim The Throne just as The Clan held originally before The Allards had taken over. This can only be done if Raler Allard is killed, which can only be done through Jude Harcorn; so the two are forced to be reluctantly comrades despite them absolutely despising each other as her purpose can't be fulfilled unless Jude's is first.
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6 | 4 Comments | Jun 13th 2022 06:36

Karaitha Allard

Name: Karaitha Allard
Species: Wolf Ragnian
Age: 24
Height: 6'4
Weight: 164 lbs
Optimal Genres: Romance, Action, Suspense, Drama

Physical Description: Karaitha bares characteristics expected of the Allard Bloodline; she is very tall, strongly build, having raven black fur, crimson eyes and long hair, and just a stature that echoes "dominance" much as her father's does. For her attire, she bares a red enchanted silk-like material woven from the most articulate of spinners; it's firm and flush against the arms but free flowing around the chest and waist. She bares a light gray dress for her leggings as such a fashion is standard for Ragnian women, though the dress ultimately leads down to bare foot-paws which is common among all Ragnians in general. Around her neck and shoulder area she wears a hanging blue-indigo Hijab that connects to a long and blue cape, refusing to wear the Hijab in its intended fashion as she would much rather have her head be free. (She only gets away with it because she's royalty, a Ragnian woman can be jailed or put to death for not wearing hers properly.) Above her crimson brow she wears a tan colored headband which conceals her most vulnerable insecurity. On her wrists, she wears golden bracers which are both enchanted and increase her magical prowess.

Personality: Karaitha is very intelligent, and very generous to those she intends to help. Not lacking at all in compassion, she also holds a strong sense of justice. Though despite all of this, she's hopefully naive in dealing with the terrors of The Ragnian frontier due to her sheltered life and this often causes her to make poor decisions that more often than not lead to traumatizing situations,

Backstory: Karaitha was the younger of two twins born of The Ragnian King Raler Allard and the ailing Ragnian Queen Karaia Allard. Both Twins bore their father's likeliness in their appearance, though the elder twin Konor Allard was born much smaller than his sister and inherited his mother's illness. Karaitha, resembling so much of her father, was born large for Raginian newborn standards, and the resulting labor killing her mother during the birthing process. Even at birth, her warlock father could feel great magic in her, and decided to have her be the true heir to the Allard Throne. Karaitha grew up being mentored in the ways of the arcane by her father, being trained by him in the art of physical combat. Once her body was well conditioned, Raler thought she'd make an excellent lab rat as he was too uncertain of his own livelihood to undergo the procedure of himself. He had one of the great Earthly gems surgically implanted onto her forehead, The Gem of Mana. The gem resonated with her quite well and it rooted itself into her brain, but inheriting the gem onto her body also meant that he spirit inherited its nature as well. This gem acts as a sponge, soaking in all mana (magical energy) that is being broadcast in the area to a near infinite amount. Though, she had no way to filter the type of mana she absorbed so she uses a headband to cover and block the gem's flow. At the age of nine years old, she accompanied her father in the attack of the human kingdom capital (refer to Jude's backstory on his sheet) in order for her to witness the supposed cruelty the humans had shown the Ragnians. She witnessed her people being mowed down by automatic Gatling fire and had also witnessed her people retaliate and slay the humans with their magic. During that evening she had also witnessed the human prince, four year old Jude Harcorn, who attempted to destroy her father with his lightning but was ultimately captured after failing (refer to Jude's backstory). That day had changed her, it was her first exposure to how cruel the war could be. Even still, she had believed her father's deceit on the instigator of the war. Despite being the pampered and more well grown twin, Karaitha was fiercely protective over her sickly brother Konor, whom their father despised as he felt he was a disgrace to the Allard Bloodline. The two were confined, sheltered to the royal grounds of the royal palace. Karaitha, however, grew adventurous, and decided to start sneaking off-grounds in her early twenties without her father or his surrogates knowing about it. Doing this, she found out many of her father's plans and found that many of the people he had sent to do tasks across the land ended up dead. Her, being the most powerful mage in the Ragnian Kingdom aside from her father, decided to eavesdrop on her father's plan and learned that there was a scroll that needed to be retrieved at the old Harcorn towers, which was a relic of the beginning of the war, the entire facility nearly having been buried under sand over time. She learned that many Ragnian agents were going missing around the area and she decided it would be the perfect way to impress her father and to finally earn her stripes as a worthy successor. She ventured to the tower with her brother over a 10 day trek and using her magic, she was able to raise the giant tower from the sand. During this time, she did now know she was being stalked by a now free and determined Jude Harcorn (to read about his reputation, read his bio in my gallery) who was also keen on getting the scroll. She entered the tower with her brother and they found the scroll after hours of searching, but upon the discovery they were confronted by Jude. Karaitha protected her brother from the human terrorist by having him leave the tower. There she and the human did battle, causing the tower to collapse upon itself due to the conflict of the two. Despite her best efforts, despite her powerful magic, despite her larger size.....The human defeated her. Left paralyzed by his lightning, she was at the young human's mercy. However, he was quite impressed with her performance against him and decided to allow her to tag along with his crusade to destroy her father. Of course she's quite skeptical of this and wouldn't be so easily willing to take out her father who has been great to her all of her life; so Jude promised to show her around and expose her father's inhumanities upon the land and its people to her in order for her to come along with him. Now she, Jude, and Konor venture across Ragnia in order for Jude to expose the truth to them.

Relevant Lore: The Gem of Mana is one of the five Earthly Gems which act as keystones to the World's natural and supernatural influences. She is one of two people in Ragnia who have an earthly gem surgically bonded with them, the other Being Jude Harcorn with Gem of Storms in his diaphragm. The Gem of Mana is said to have originally stored all magical energy in the known universe, but after the creation of all things its content was used to allow the supernatural to co-exist with the natural and now the gem is mostly emptied. That being said, it's incredibly hungry now since it's bonded to a host. It's best to allow the gems to remain covered for the safety of the host and for those around the host.
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9 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2022 06:35

Konor Allard

Name: Konor Allard
Species: Wolf Ragnian
Age: 24
Height: 5'4
Weight: 90 lbs
Optimal Genres: Romance, Action, Humor

Physical Description: Konor resembles the typical Allard "look." That meaning he has raven black fur, crimson hair with a short crimson brow, and crimson eyes. However, he's also quite different from the rest of his surviving family members as he's quite short and incredibly thin for a male Wolf Ragnian. He's only 5'4 which makes him a foot shorter than his twin sister Karaitha, and a foot and a half shorter than his father Raler. He dawns a green cap wrapped in brown linen which was common for male Ragnian Royalty, the trend only breaking with his father as he wears no head pieces. He tries to make himself look as big as possible due to his short stature, and he wears a large crimson scarf resembling his hair, a heavy brown cloak that flows like wings in harsh winds, and a smaller green cloak over that which helps amplify the effect. Under these heavy gowns he wears a loose fitting gray vest with brown khaki-ish pants which ultimately leads down t o the typical Ragnian bare feet. This heavy attire doesn't help him in the long run however as it adds insult to injury for heat exhaustion stacked onto his black fur and low stamina and resilience.

Personality: Konor can best be described as a 'softie' or a 'mush.' He has no capacity for aggression whatsoever. And despite his lack of grit, he is actually more competent at handling traumatizing events than his twin sister.

Backstory: (Read Karaitha's bio for the more detailed nuances regarding the circumstances of his birth). Born to an ailing mother who labored twins, he was the first of the pair born and was born small and sickly. He had inherited his mother's illness and due to growing up with this illness, it had stunted his growth so he did not reach the tall stature his family had been known for as he grew. Short, weak, sickly, thin; he was the complete opposite of his prideful father who found him a disgrace to the Allard name. His father HATES him, and often doesn't even seem to consider him a blood relative. On top of that Konor was never really good at anything growing up, and often felt like he was just hiding his his prodigy sister's shadow. Raler even wanted to have his son killed during infancy, but despite Konor's sister being the star child and the prodigy, she cared heavily for her smaller twin. She's fiercely protective over him, more so than any other person. Due to his timid and shy personality, he often hides behind his sister when out in public as he knows she's the only one who would protect him. Once they started sneaking out of the palace to covertly help their father on his missions due to incompetent Ragnian agents, it was found out that he actually did have a very useful talent. He discovered he had a perfect photographic memory and could translate his memories onto canvas and paper perfectly, with more accuracy than the grainy and colorless photographs the humans were able to take at the time. After the conflict with Jude Harcorn in the old Harcorn Tower (refer to Karaitha's bio for that information), he joined along with his sister in the allowance to allow Jude to convince them of what the state of the world truly is like and who's responsible.

Relevant Lore: Though Konor is a sufferer from the disease his mother had contracted while pregnant with her twin children, Karaitha also had inherited this disease; though for her it acts as a recessive gene and doesn't effect her like it does her brother.
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5 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2022 06:33

Jude Harcorn

Name: Jude Harcorn
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'8
Weight: 189 lbs
Optimal Genres: Action, Suspense, Drama, Gore

Physical Description: Jude is a young human male of average height. He bares pale skin and pale brown eyes accompanied by raven colored hair, which is quite common in descendants from his ancestral homeland. He's in peak human physical condition, his body trained to hold more dense muscle and bone, which explains his high weight for his height. He's usually seen clad in a what appears to be a flowing white cape made of a fire retardant material, also bearing a hat of the same material with the golden symbol of The Lazinshay fixed to it by a golden chain. He also wears an armored vest made of enchanted steel which is designed to lessen the damage of offensive magical spells. He's clad in steel soled black boots and long-somewhat tight pants made of the same fire retardant material his cloak is. He wears gloves also made of this strong material, with red metal plating on the tops of his hands which bare the same enchantment as his armored vest but are primarily used to deflect blades.

Personality: Jude is usually a calculated, calm, prudent, and careful type. He's often described as a machine for the purpose of killing, and Jude would describe himself as such as well. He's a brilliant social engineer though, able to mimic and fake emotions as if they were legitimate, which is perfect for manipulating those he can find gains from. Despite his steely composure, he also has an avid sense of humor, often making fun of or mocking his opponents who are foolish enough to stand in his way. He's cold but empathic, he doesn't register to his own emotions but he's very good at recognizing other people's feelings which plays into his social engineering.

Backstory: Raler Allard and his royal adviser Grandmaster Qui Zon had lead the Ragnian troops and managed to penetrate the Human's capital stronghold where the current human king, Gillian Harcorn had been residing. The Ragnians overwhelmed the humans, and the King was confronted by the Great Warlock King Raler. In the confrontation, Raler used his magic to render the Human King into a bleached skeleton as the prince and legitimate heir Jude Harcorn watched in horror, only a young toddler at the time. In a fit of rage Jude had fired a powerful bolt of blue lightning at the Warlock King, only for it to be blocked and absorbed into the body of Qui Zon, who also wielded control over lightning. The infant was easily rendered unconscious by the Elder wolf grandmaster and he pleaded with the Warlock King to allow the boy to live under his care as a slave, as he was only one of two electromancers (Lightning Elementalists) alive in the word. Raler agreed as he felt that with the royal heir captured and the King dead, the war was won. Little did he know Gillian had an illegitimate child away from the capital who would soon take over the mantle of King. Jude was taken and raised at Qui Zon's secret temple in the highest mountains of Ragnia. There lived Qui Zon's two Lazinshay wolf Ragnian children, the abducted protigy named Selena and his biological son named Liu` Zon. Both were older than Jude, who was 4 years old at the time; Selena being 7 and Liu` being 8. The two were opposed to having a human live as their adoptive brother; or that was until Qui Zon informed them that the boy was like himself, an endangered electromancer. Jude was trained under Zon from that day onward along with his two siblings, all three pushing their bodies passed their limits and becoming elite killers. They all grew to weigh passed their figures with their bodily densities all became the most renounced Martial Artists in the land. Only two disciples of Qui Zon were elementalists; Jude controlling lightning, and Liu' controlling fire; Selena had none but she beheld a unique and advanced hyperphysicality she used to compensate. Jude's mastery of lightning became so proficient by the time he was a young teenager, that Qui Zon had the legendary Gem of Storms surgically inserted into his body, as the gem resonated most effectively with lightning. During this time in Jude's life, Zon had fallen ill due to his old age. On his deathbed, he informed his 3 disciples that their true purpose was to kill Raler Allard and end the war between the humans and the Ragnians. This had shocked Liu` as he had grown a loyalty with Raler almost as strong as his bond with his master. Qui chose Jude as his successor, the adopted human son, to be the one to inherit such a legacy. Jealously fueled Liu` and he stormed off to later meet Raler and inform him of this; the biological son of Zon later becoming the Supreme General of the Ragnian Army. With this news, a large company of Ragnian Soldier accompanied Raler and Liu` to go to the temple and put and end to the late Zon's plan by apprehending the two remaining loyal disciples. When they arrived, the two adoptive siblings were already far gone from the temple. Now Jude, fulfilling the role of the instrument he was raised and trained to become, sets out to end Raler's rule under any circumstances with the help of his adoptive sister. Through his years of attempting to destroy the Ragnian infrastructure, he's the most wanted criminal in Ragnia and is considered a terrorist.

Relevant Lore: The war was instigated by the Allard family during the beginning of the war, having married into the previous royal family of the Lazinshay who ruled so many millennia either. Ristroff Allard had married the queen Sulii` Lazinshay. Ristroff had poisoned Sulii` and claimed the royal thrown all for himself. The child he bared with his late wife was name Rolant Allard, who inherited the father's legacy after his death. Rolant used public social engineering to poison the minds of the Ragnian people and their military and convinced them that the humans, who had come to their land peacefully, were evil and needed to be destroyed. This trend was carried over for 7 generations in the royal bloodline and the Ragnian people, which now sits at the Ragnian Warlock King, Raler Allard. The human royal bloodline was never so forcefully usurped, and the Royal bloodline of the Harcorns had remained in power for the humans. When the war started, Erlik Harcorn had many contingencies in plan in case the Ragnians attacked and the humans had used their comparatively advanced scientific knowledge to develop weapons the Ragnians could not. It was the dawn of the age of the firearm. The war continued for 200 years with the Ragnian's powerful and seemingly endless magic against the Human's instantly lethal weaponry and science, the two being at a complete deadlock
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8 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2022 06:31