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PrinceUrizen's Blog

Urizen powers an abilities

Angel Physiology: As an archangel and ruler of Hell, Lucifer possesses vast supernatural power. Like all angels, Lucifer "self-actualizes", meaning his own self judgment can cause psychosomatic changes, which can affect both his appearances and powers. Lucifer's devil form is a result of himself self-actualizing.
Accelerated Healing:Lucifer Morningstar Lucifer TV Series 12
Lucifer's devil face

Lucifer possesses a "supernatural metabolism", allowing him to heal much faster than normal humans, as well as consume vast quantities of alcohol and drugs without negative effects.[2]
Cosmic Awareness: Lucifer can sense cosmic changes, having been aware of the Crisis impacting the multiverse.[3]
Desire Exhibition: Lucifer's can lower the inhibitions of everyone around him, inducing them to reveal their darkest secrets and desires, by simply asking, such as making a police officer reveal how he breaks the law or getting a woman to reveal she wasn't attracted to another man.[4] Lucifer can also easily make himself sexually irresistible to most human women and men "by appealing to the virile urge" in all of them.[5]
Immortality: As a fallen archangel, Lucifer cannot be killed by any ordinary means.
Invulnerability: Claiming to be indestructible,[5] Lucifer's body is capable of withstanding numerous point blank gunshots,[4] without being hurt, and his skin was unaffected after being slashed with a knife.[6]
Superhuman Strength: Lucifer possesses great physical strength. He was able to send a large man flying 30 feet through a glass wall with a mere push,[7] and singlehandedly lift an even bigger man by the throat.[8]
Superhuman Stamina: Lucifer has claimed that he possesses tremendous stamina.[5] He once went a week without sleeping, but doing so resulted in impaired cognitive function.[9]
Superhuman Speed: Lucifer is far faster than any human. He can appear and disappear with a blink of an eye.
Superhuman Reflexes: Lucifer possesses great reflexes, as he was able to effortlessly catch a knife thrown at him at high speed.[10]
Metamorphosis: Lucifer can alter the appearance of his face, making it appear as a fearsome demon with red skin and blazing red eyes.[11] He is also capable of just altering the color of his eyes to red.[4]
Devil Face
Telekinesis: Lucifer is capable of manipulating objects without touching them, as shown when he levitated and spun a coin with his mind.[4]
Teleportation: Lucifer was able to instantly appear inside a house, right after he was left locked inside of a car.
Wings: As a fallen archangel Lucifer possesses large angelic wings. Although after he leaving Hell, he asked Mazikeen to cut them off.[12] However, they eventually grew back after Lucifer judged himself for his act of rebellion.[13]
Flight: Like all angels, Lucifer is capable of using his large angelic wings to fly.
Dimensional Travel: Lucifer is able to use the wings to freely travel between Earth and Hell.
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