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Isac l'Etranger

Sir Isac l'Etranger

Nickname: Zac
Birthday: January 3rd
Zodiac: Capricorn

Physical appearance
Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 6’3
Body build: Lean but muscular
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Rosey white
Distinguishing marks: Three sizeable scratches that runs down from his right shoulder diagonally to his left side
Hair color: Dark brown
Type of hair: Thick brown wavy hair
Hairstyle: Messy, somewhat long for a knight
Physical disabilities: Deaf
Usual fashion of dress: Black pants with silver embellishments, Polished steel body. Polished steel shoes.
Jewelry or accessories: None.

Good personality traits: Selfless, empathetic, protective
Bad personality traits: Stubbornness, distant, quiet
Mood character is most often in: Detached
Sense of humor: Humor? What's that?
Character’s soft spot: Cats
Greatest strength: Selflessness
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Selflessness

Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Logical or emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure? Unsure
Animal lover? Yes

Mother: Ameila l'Etranger (dead husbands last name)
Relationship with her: Distant, their relationship is strained because of being a knight and family issues.
Father: Wyman l'Etranger
Relationship with him: N/A, he died when he was young
Step Father: Ramond Duloke
Relationship with him: No contact he despises Ramond
Siblings: Jacob Duloke: N/A, once Isac left home, he was separated from his brother

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Wary, especially around his commanding officer
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Yes, has a hard time expressing emotions
Person character most hates: Liars
Best friend(s): Tobin, a friend that he met when he first joined the royal guard
Love interest(s): N/A

Color: Dark blue
Least favorite color: Red
Food: Pizza
Literature: Cannot read well so little to none
Form of entertainment: Training, card games, movies

Plays a musical instrument? No
Plays a sport? No
Spending habits: Frugal
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Other drugs: None
Extremely skilled at: Hand-to-Hand combat, Heavy weapons, Archery
Extremely unskilled at: People skills
Nervous tics: None
Usual body posture: Proper, unless he's alone then he’ll slouch
Mannerisms: Detached but proper
Peculiarities: Can come off as really cold, has a tendency to ignore people either on purpose or by accident

Isac was born into a small farming family. Being lower class it was difficult to make ends meet. By the time Isac was one his father grew ill, and eventually passed away because of fever. His mother being a recent widow and single mother quickly lost their property and had to move back with family in Wardlock. By the time Isac was seven Ameila remarried to a man named Ramond. Ramond was a knight in the Wardlock military and was a troubled man. He was abusive to both Isac and his mother, but Ameila didn't leave because during this time being a woman, and not being married; was considered not normal and frowned on so she stayed. As Isac grew older, he started to resent both his mother and Ramond until he eventually snapped, and a fight broke out between him and Ramond. Isac was thrown out and he didn't look back. Being sixteen and on his own he joined the royal guard. He's been there since and continues to have little to no contact with his mother or Ramond.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2024 15:52

Juniper (Omegaverse)

(This character will be used to play any role in the Omegaverse. I am not going to be very detailed with this oc for the sake of keeping things flexible.)

full name- Juniper Elio Hart

nicknames- J Jun

age- 20

gender- Male

sexuality- Bisexual


positive traits- Well-mannered and makes others feel supported and cared for.

negative traits- Judgmental, not subject to change, and can't take criticism.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 5th 2023 20:39


X General Information X

• First Name: Zayden

• Pronunciation: Zay-den

• Middle Name: Saros

• Pronunciation: Sa-ros

• Surname: Jizaro

• Pronunciation: Ji-za-ro

• Nickname(s): Zay and Z

• Prenaunciation:Zay Z

• Gender: Male

• Species: Human

• Birthday: 8/16/98

• Age:25

• Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

X :Physical Appearance: X

• Skin Color: White

• Height: 6"4 (195cm)

• Weight: 190Lb (86Kg)

• Hair Color: Brown

• Hair Length: Short-Medium

• Hair Style: Messy unkept

• Eye Color: Brown

• Scars: Knife scars on arms and side.

• Tattoos: Has the initials SSJ on his upper chest and a small, botched owl tattoo on his forearm

• Piercings: ear-piercings

X:General Attitude :X

• Personality: ESTJ

• Normal Mood: Realistic slightly rude as well as condescending. (Most people don't stick around long enough to know the true him.)

• Good Habits: Respectful (for the most part), tidy honest, assertive, rule-orientated, organized, and analytical.

• Bad Habits: Assertive, honest, know-it-all, stubborn, condescending, cocky, and judgmental.

• Strengths: Since Zayden is so judgmental, he is pretty good at being able to figure people out and he'll continue to push until he does. Zayden is also very analytical which keeps him organized, leader orientated, and a planner.

• Weaknesses: Zayden is too smart for his own good which can make him underestimate people which has led him to getting hurt many times. With this comes cockiness which again has caused him to get in trouble, hurt himself, or hurt others around him.

• Likes: Cooking, reading, writing, siblings, video games, children, and sleeping.

• Dislikes: Parents, crowds, rude people (ironic right), dishonesty, untidy people/places, and chaos.

• Fears: Being unlovable, left behind/alone, and losing all control over people and the things around him.

• Why?: Because of abandonment issues from his childhood and being left responsible with an acholic mother and two younger siblings to look after.

• Soft Spot: His younger sister Samantha.

• Why?: Zayden took on a parental role for both his younger brother and sister. He loves both of them, but Samantha was special to him. They both just clicked and have been tight ever since.

X: Dress Sense :X

• Favourite Clothing: sweaters and jeans

• Favourite Clothing Color: flannel black

• Accessories: wears black earrings (reference pic) also has a set of black reading glasses.

X: Family :X

• Father: Saros Julius Jizaro

• Mother: Elizibeth Ann Jizaro

• Brother: Red Saros Jizaro

• Sister: Samantha Ann Jizaro

• Any Other Relatives?: (Leave this open for rp ideas)

X: Childhood (Ages 0-12) :X

• Life Story: Zayden grew up in the small town of Winthrop Washington. His early child was well since he was the only child until he was about 13. His mother worked as a nurse for Hospice patients and Zay's father was in the military. His father wasn't around much since he was deployed 6+ months out of the year. His mother made do with what they had and took care of Samantha, Red, and Zayden as best as she could for a military mom.

• Favorite Childhood Memory: Being able to see his baby brother and sister for the first time.

• Worst Childhood Memory: missing father figure

X: Teenage (Ages 13-19) :X

• Life Story: After Zays 13 birthday all hell broke loose in this small close-knit family. His mother found out that Soras was cheating on her with another woman which caused Elizabeth to spiral into a deep depression. To fill the void she started to drink, heavily. Soras was basically done with Elizabeth at this point, so he wanted a divorce. They both split ways and Soras ending up leaving the house to Elizabeth for the kids. Zay had a bit of an understanding of what was going on but never understood why his parents changed so drastically, but Zay got the end of the stick on this whole thing. His mother was so deeply hurt by her cheater husband she started to fill the void with whatever she could. There were multiple instances that his mother would be gone for days on end doing God knows what and he was stuck making sure his siblings got taken care of. As time went on looking after them got easier and Zay started to drift further and further away from his mother. Elizabeth started to get better with the drinking and became a more responsible parent again. Zayden took that opportunity to leave and finally be able to do his own thing. Being 16 on your own with no sense of direction can be hard so he started to slip into a more dangerous crowd. Zay started to do things he swore to himself that he wouldn't do.

• Favorite Teen Memory: Leaving home and being on his own.

• Worst Teen Memory: Getting arrested and sent to Juvie for 4 months
X: 20 And Over :X

• Role Model: Professor Berry

• Why?: He was the only person that pushed him to get his GED and go to college.

• Life Story Up to Now: Once Zayden hit his 20s his life was at a standstill, and he didn't want to go back home or continue being in the streets like he was. He decided to go get a job at this family-owned restaurant called "Jims Place." Zay knew the son of the family that owned the restaurant and they both were good friends back in high school, so they decided to take him in. He was able to stay at their house for free if he worked at the restaurant, so he started to work fulltime. After a few months of him working there that's when he met Berry, he was a civics professor at Washington State. Berry grew very fond of Zay and eventually offered him the idea of getting his GED and going back to school. He too his advice and passed the test for the GED with flying colors and enrolled into college. Zayden started to fall in love with history and decided to major in US history with a minor in world history. Berry followed Zay carefully as he went through school and offered him a teacher assistant position and took him under his wing. By the time Zay was 24 he graduated with honors and decided that after school he wanted to be a history professor. With that Zayden became an instructor at Washington state and is now in the process of getting his master's in hopes of becoming a actual professor and not a adjunct.

X: Current Life :X

• Occupation: History instructor at Washington State

• Current Home: An apartment close to campus.

• Relationship Status: Single

• Children: No

X: Dreams And Interests :X

• Dream / Ambition: To become a history professor

• Hobbies: Reading, video games, and cooking

• Interests: History, hanging with friends/making friends, traveling, and education.

• Talents: Can hot wire a car in under a minute.

• Religion: Agonistic.

X: Rating (Out Of 10) :X

• Intelligence: 10/10

• Confidence: 8/10

• Wisdom: 5/10

• Agility: 7/10

• Stamina: 8/10

• Cooperation: 6/10

X: Yes / No :X

• Smoker?: Yes.

• Drinker?: Yes.

• Athletic?: Yes

• Bookworm?: Yes.

• Party Animal?: No.

• Vegetarian?: No.

• Glasses?: Yes.

• Contacts?: Yes.

X: Good / Bad :X

• Temper: Bad.

• Patience: Bad.

• Charisma: Good.

• Discipline: Good.

• Sense of Humor: Good.

X: More info cuz why not :3 :X

• Optimist or Pessimist?: Pessimist.

• Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert.

• Daredevil or Cautious?: Cautious.

• Logical or Emotional?: Logical.

• Disorderly or Neat?: Neat.

• Working or Relaxing?: Working.

• Confident or Unsure?: Confident.

X: Self-Perception :X

• How he/she feels about himself/herself?: He's not truly an a**hole he thinks he can be very nice to people; people that aren't stupid. He doesn't like to be vulnerable and showing his true side he finds that pathetic.

• One word the character would use to describe self: Ass.

• What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Realistic.

• What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Pessimistic.

• What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His eyes.

• What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: Hair.

• How does the character think others perceive him/her: As a crazy rude a**hole that doesn't amount to anything.

• What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Zay would never change himself on his own he's too stubborn for that.

X: Favorite / Hated :X

• Favorite Color: Forrest green

• Hated Color: Red.

• Favorite Food: Pizza.

• Hated Food: Brussel sprouts.

• Favorite Drink: Dr.Pepper.

• Hated Drink: Green Tea.

• Favorite Place: The woods/nature trail.

• Hated Place: City.

• Favorite Music: Punk Rock.

• Hated Music: Country.

• Favorite Animal: Bear.

• Hated Animal: Cats.

• Favorite Characteristics

In Other People: Loyalty, honesty, goal orientated, family orientated, tidy, logical, analytical smart, and confident.

(Don't own the photo babes)

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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 28th 2023 21:00