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NovaCaine265's Blog


Full name: N/A
Alias/Name Known By: Qëra
Birth Date: N/A

Physical appearance
Species: Volarian elf
Age: N/A
How old he/she appears: 25 y/o
Weight: 144 lbs
Height: 6’4
Body Build: lean and flexible
Eye Color: glowing, golden amber
Distinguishing Marks: Runes of Narchys
Predominant Features: Volarian ears
Hair Color: ashen silver
Voice: sultry and hypnotic
Physical Disabilities: none
Usual Fashion of Dress: black hooded bodysuit, black skin-tight pants, black combat boots
Jewelry or accessories: Volarian gold earring

Priorities: seemingly none
Life Philosophy: fend for yourself because no one else will

Drives and Motivations: live the rest of her life on her own terms

Place of Origin: Volaris
Type of Childhood: her people were hunted to near extinction
First Memory: waking up in a war-torn, abandoned village in Volaris

Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Spouse: none
Children: none
Other important family members: N/A

Color: #9E7BB5
Least favorite color: #CCFF02
Music: Volarian folk music
Food: Qosaigan fruit
Literature: Ancient lore and rune books
Form of Entertainment: practicing combat and rune-casting
Mode of transportation: rune portal
Most prized possession(s): Narchys daggers

Hobbies: traveling, seducing as a means of manipulation
Smokes/Drinks/Other drugs?: occasional drinker
Extremely skilled at: killing and leaving no trace, rune-casting
Extremely unskilled at: trusting anyone or anything

Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Reckless or Cautious: depends
Logical or Emotional: Logical
Disorderly/Messy or Methodical/Neat: Methodical/Neat
Prefers working or relaxing: working
Confident or unsure of themself: depends

How they feels about themself: it’s complicated
One word they would use to describe themself: alone
How do they think others perceive them?: scum
What would they most like to change about them?: not be so cynical

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: always an ulterior motive
Hiding true opinions and emotions from others? usually

Please feel free to ask any further questions about her via DM.
**Note: to view her favorite/least favorite color, copy the code provided and past in your searching engine of choice (e.g. Google)**
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1 | 0 Comments | May 10th 2024 00:03