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MortalHeartache's Blog


Full Name : Samuel Cyrus Monroe (goes by Sam, strictly)
Nicknames: Sammy (often doesn’t like when called by it)

Date of Birth : 9/19.
Age : Generally 17-21, depending on rp
Zodiac : Aries

Religion : None.

Gender : Male.
Pronouns : He / Him.
Sexuality : Pansexual

There's a ruggedness to him, a sense of resilience forged in the fires of adversity.
Sam carries himself with a quiet strength, his movements purposeful and deliberate. He's not one to mince words or sugarcoat his thoughts, preferring instead to speak with a blunt honesty that can sometimes catch others off guard. Yet, beneath this gruff exterior lies a heart that beats with a profound sensitivity.
Despite his rough edges, Sam possesses a deep well of empathy, often finding himself drawn to those who are struggling or in pain. He has a knack for seeing past the masks people wear, sensing the hidden hurts and unspoken fears that lurk beneath the surface—seeking comfort in those who battle similar things.

Background: (some details can be changed depending on the RP)
Sam's story begins in the small town of Willow Creek, where he was born to a troubled couple struggling with addiction and poverty. His mother, Robin, was a kind-hearted woman who battled her demons, while his father, George, was a volatile man with a criminal record.
From a young age, Sam's life was marked by instability and chaos. His parents' turbulent relationship often erupted into violent outbursts, leaving him caught in the crossfire of their dysfunction. Despite Robin's efforts to shield him from harm, the toxic environment took its toll on Sam, leaving him feeling abandoned and adrift.
Tragedy struck when Sam was just ten years old. Robin passed away suddenly from a car accident, leaving him orphaned and alone as his father was in prison. With no other family to turn to, Sam was placed in the foster care system, where he bounced from one temporary home to another like a lost soul searching for refuge. Each new placement brought its own set of challenges. Some foster parents were kind and nurturing, offering Sam a glimpse of stability amidst the chaos. But others were neglectful or abusive, leaving him feeling more isolated and vulnerable than ever before. Though he was eventually adopted by a couple who treated him fairly well.
As Sam grew older, he found himself grappling with feelings of anger, sadness, and profound loss. Unable to make sense of the turmoil that had consumed his life, he turned to drugs and alcohol as a means of escape, seeking solace in the numbing embrace of intoxication.
With each passing day, Sam's addiction deepened, pulling him further into a downward spiral of self-destruction. He dropped out of school, severed ties with the few friends he had left, and drifted aimlessly through life, haunted by the memories of his past and trying desperately to forget them.
Despite his struggles, Sam clung to the belief that somewhere out there, he could find a sense of belonging and purpose.

//still under construction

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