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18 Friends



40 / Female / Married
Savannah, Georgia - United States
Author and writer looking for interactive partner or partners for story writing. Too many ideas, not enough time. #writerproblems

Just a Riggs looking for a Murtaugh.

Most genres welcome, limited on a few but I prefer darker grittier stories, and I love horror most. Addicted to 80s and 90s action flicks, bad vintage music, and touting that I'm a Millennial that hates avocados. I like to write in 3rd person with internal workings that give depth to a scene otherwise unnoticed, I love detail [been told a little too much], and I'm also a recovering addict from a MUD-based MMO that is slowly fading into obscurity.

Current thoughts and ideas include, but are not limited to: Fallout 4 story with female SS that has a military background - would like someone interested in redacted things and the BoS. Mass Effect alternate universe with Paragade MShep. Been dying to do something Lovecraft or creature horror, Resident Evil.. and while that all seems video game heavy, I very much love movies and comics, some books. Custom worlds are VERY welcome, I love world building and have a few seedling worlds that would love some creative fertilizer.

Start roleplaying with members like MoonGirlV!



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