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29 / Male / Single
Surrey, England - United Kingdom
Hello and Welcome to my profile page. I'm Ben, its a pleasure to meet you.

Where to even begin. I've been rping for more or less 15 years. Off and on. I started out in the chats of many an MMO doing my best to avoid the ban hammer and the searing indignaton of the no RPing general public.

It took me slightly longer than I would like to admit to figure out that it might make sense to list myself on a site dedicated to RPing in isolation but i figured it out in the the end. Huray for me.

In terms of what I'm looking for my intrests are wide adlnd varied. I have a love of fantasy worlds and historical settings. There was a time in my life I planned to pursue a proffesion in history and i've always been efatuated with the classical medeivl and renassonse periods of history as settings.

That being said I try my hand at all genres provided I have a clear enough idea what is expected of me.

I've noted that a lot of people on this site tend to set there expectaions on response legth and writting ablity within a particular genre.

In my case I feel I'm a para to multi para writer. However my general belive when RPing is write what you feel you have to write to convay what you are trying to say so in line with this if you are a writer who prefers a shorter length of text please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

RPing to me is about relationships more than stories. If I wanted a good story I would go to a book shop. A good RP comes from understanding your partner and shareing your ideas with them. Telling a story that helps me understand the person I'm talking to a little better is all I want out of an RP.

*more text to come, edits to the above likely*

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