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Macy_sumner's Blog

Molly Murphy

Name: Molly Murphey
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
Occupation: college student
Bio: Molly grew up in the suburbs with her parents and older brother. Her brother was three years older and though they fought a lot they also had a lot of fun together. They played baseball and video games together. Hey was a wrestler in high school and always wore red contact lenses to intimadate the other wrestlers. One night while driving home he was hit by a drunk driver and died. After that Molly always wore red contacts in his memory. Now she is a college student magering in English.
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 14th 2024 14:19

Naga woman

Name: Aparaji
Gender: female
Race: naga
Color: light brown/gold
Eyes: Red
Bio: Aparaji grew up alone after her family was all killed in a forest fire when she was just a month old She was saved by an eagle who swoop down to grab her for lunch. Though seeing all the devastation caused by the fire the eagle was saddened so she let baby Aparji down a few miles away from the fire and flew away. After that she just survived on her own eating at first small animals like squerels and rabits and then on to dear and moose and larger game when available. She never met any of her own kind since the fire so she kept to herself. However as she blgrew to full size she had the sudden urge to take care of something.
Abilities: hypnotic eyes, and invisibility
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1 | 2 Comments | Apr 12th 2024 13:34

Character--Electika Axtora

Name: Electika Axtora
Gender: Female
Age: 50
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Bio: Electika was raised by her two Moms in cabin in the woods. Her Biological father died in battle shortly after she was conceived. Her biological mother, Isha was comforted by her best friend Ione and they fell in love and got married when Elekta was one year old. Elektika was blessed with the gift to communicate with animals so she spent most of her time growing up with all sorts of woodland creatures. Her best friend is her wolf Maximus, especially because he saved her from drowning when she was 5. She is a hunter of mostly dear, rabbits, ducks and the occasional fish. Besides her moms she hasn't had any relationship with any other elf or other humonoid race.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 11th 2024 10:20