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Lukie's Blog

Lukas Statler

(The art is mine, you can tell because it's not impressive ❤)
Name : Lukas Statler
Nicknames: Lukie / Pumpkin
Age: 19
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Region: United States

Best RP plots for this character would be: Romance, Comedy, Darker Themes.


Lukas is a rather calm person, which anyone who knew him for awhile would know just how surprising that is. As he grew he came to be an incredibly hyper, impulsive man who chased anything that'd give him a dopamine rush. Calming down in his adult years, he's now an individual who's priority is the golden rule.
He's pretty gullible, unfortunately, but the bright side is that it can lead to plenty of moments where he can let out a laugh for falling for something so foolish. Extra brownie points if he's able to make others laugh as well, which happens to be his favorite thing. Making people smile and laugh is a harsh difference from how he used to spend his time, so naturally it brings him incredibly joy now.
Laughter is the best medicine, in his opinion, and he'll actively try to make someone laugh- though tends to walk on eggshells when first meeting someone. He's extroverted, excited to meet new people even if he isn't the greatest at showing it in a first impression. He's a secretive type, keeping most of his past to himself and focusing on what's ahead. Interesting enough, he's not very ambitious. His goals are to one day have a wife and a kid. He's far from materialistic, finding joy in others rather than objects.

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5 | 4 Comments | May 5th 2024 21:50