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LoneSoul's Blog

Roleplay Information

♪ All of my Characters are switches but have a bottom preference, this can be discussed in PM's.♪

♪ Kemonomimi (Humans with animal features), Aliens, Humanoids (Creatures who mainly look human but aren't) Are all fair game! ♪

✔️ Allowed Genre’s ✔️

❌Rejected Genre’s ❌
- Real Life
- Any type of obscure genre like Wrestling or anything like that.
✔️ I WILL roleplay with ✔️:

➼ People who write Semi/Para and occasional one liner's: I find that this is a good medium since it's not super long responses, but it's not super short either.

➼ People who want long-term Roleplays.

➼ If your characters are Trans/Genderfluid/Nonbinary/ ect.

➼ People who want romance-centric roleplays

➼ People who want OC x OC content.

❌I will NOT roleplay with❌:

➼ Minors: Pretty obvious, not trying to catch a case. (It doesn't matter if your character is of age. If you're not then I won't be accepting your request.)

➼ People who write in first person or use asterisks

➼ People who write Novels: I get burnt out quickly, which makes the Roleplay a chore to respond too.

➼ People who randomly send starters: I like to have a plot idea and character's chosen before jumping into the roleplay.

➼ People who want One-Shots

➼Self-Harm and Suicide {Brief mention is fine though.}

➼Major Character Death
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26 | 0 Comments | Nov 28th 2021 06:47