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LilyTheDemon's Blog

Furry Lily

Basically has the same personalities as the other Lily’s ^-^
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0 | 0 Comments | May 3rd 2024 01:44

Bad/Rebellious Lily

Name: Lily Waterson
Age: 16+
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'4
Appearance: picture, Lily has short black hair with red eyes, she's kinda skinny and short, she wears a black long sleeve shirt with a black skinny jeans to match.
Personality: lily is a just a average young woman who loves hanging out with her friends, She wasn’t very friendly unless she you were her friend, she stayed to herself sometimes and was rebellious against her parents cause “the just don’t understand her”
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 20th 2024 14:09

Vampire queen lily 2

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5 | 0 Comments | Jan 9th 2023 21:03

Vampire queen lily 1

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4 | 0 Comments | Jan 9th 2023 21:03

Police officer Lily

Name: Lilian Waterson
Nickname: Lily
Age: 21+
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: photo, long tealish blue hair which is in a side ponytail, has blue eyes.. and is wearing her police uniform.
Backstory: Always wanted to be a police officer when she was younger, her uncle and dad was in the police force and she wanted to join when she saw them stop the bad guys..
Personality: lily can be hostile and kind.. just depends of if she can trust you and if she knows you.. She also fights for Justice and does things that feel right to her and what feels right for the city..
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11 | 0 Comments | May 4th 2022 16:33