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Comments for Lazulite

LunaXO Omg! Bye! *dies in 63839202027722 languages*

THIS IS THE BESTEST SURPRISE I HAVE RECEIVED IN THE LONGEST TIME HUNNYBUN (not using the other nickname cuz well nobody should know that one)!And the joy, happiness, mirth and excitement are all on uno reverse policy here babyyyyy <3

Alexa play "you are my sunshine"

Calling you the best writer I have met on this site would be less and calling you the bestest friend that the virtual world of internet has granted me would be a big understatement. HUGE!
It feels like we knew each other from ages ago like the last two brain cells that vibe together.

Just like us writers, our characters are made for each other in every verse and can find no one better than who we have paired them up with. So you ain't getting rid of me (now or ever) cuz I am your clingy demon and no holy water works on me mwahahhaha!

Now is high time you join the Beck Grayson fanclub hunny.

P.S. And I shall get ya tiramisu flavoured ice cream no matter how hard it is to find mwhahahaha