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Incarnate's Blog

The Possessed

“Jekyll and Hyde have nothing on us.”


Name: Isaac Bernardi
Age: 28
Species: Human/Possessed
Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian/Italian-American
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual (female lean)
Occupation: Muscle for Hire/Mercenary


Build: Large, broad and muscular
Height: 6’0
Skin tone: Tanned/Sandy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray
Identifying marks: Sleeve of tattoos on his right shoulder and down his sleeve.
Alternate appearance: When the demon within him takes control, his eyes burn a fiery red.


Isaac never would have taken the job if he knew the cost. The offer had been too much money, he should have been suspicious, but funds were tight and he was really hurting for it. When the mysterious man told him he needed Isaac to help him free an ‘old friend’ he never could have guessed the truth. He’d been young and foolish then, just turned 18 and had his whole life ahead of him…and then he broke into the abandoned church as instructed, and took a sledgehammer to the aging altar. He couldn’t have known that the thing he was freeing was ancient and /hungry./ The being he freed from its holy prison was the demon Gareith— an ancient deity that had been sealed away thousands of years ago. The demon offered Isaac a deal he couldn’t refuse: Offer himself as a vessel, or die a horrific and painful death.

The rest was history.

Isaac lives with the constant presence of Gareith lingering just behind his consciousness. A constant whisper of temptation and violence within his mind. Gareith is a demon of mischief and chaos, hungering for every mortal sensation and emotion he can bleed from Isaac. The two live in a tense union, Isaac always regretting his choice.

Isaac is a hardened man from years of violence and sharing his mind and body with a monster. He has a sarcastic sense of humor and grumpy temperament. However, with Gareith’s influence he can be playful, predatory and even impulsive.
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 17th 2023 12:16

The Rogue

“Don’t trust anyone easily, not even yourself.”


Name: Alaric Zinyarus
Age: Physical (27) Actual (157)
Species: Wood Elf
Ethnicity/Nationality: N/A
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Rogue/Adventurer


Build: Very tall and lithe.
Height: 6’2
Skin tone: Ivory
Hair: Long coppery waves
Eyes: Green
Identifying marks: Many scars across his back from years of flogging as a slave.
Alternate appearance: N/A


Alaric is an aloof and private person, he rarely shares details of his life with anyone. To strangers he comes off as cold and unapproachable. To the very few who get close enough to him, he can be sarcastic, playful and as wily as a fox. He puts himself first above all else, preferring to work alone. On rare occasions he will join a party or mutual acquaintance to complete more arduous quests.
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2 | 0 Comments | Oct 16th 2023 15:14

The Priest

“The Bible is full of blood and wrath, you need only look for it.”


Name: Mikael Gerardin
Age: 27
Species: Human
Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian American
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Priest/Supernatural Hunter


Build: Tall and lean, appears to be less muscular than he is.
Height: 5’11
Skin tone: Olive
Hair: Black, messy undercut
Eyes: Hazel
Identifying marks: A scar across his left eye from a fight with a Demon.
Alternate appearance: N/A


Mikael is not your average Priest. He’s abnormally young for a man of the faith. He doesn’t spend his days leading a congregation, instead he leads a war on the Unholy and Impure. Ever since he was young, he has hated the darkness. He watched it claim his parents, slaughtered by inhuman beings. Since then he has made it his mission to destroy every vile creature he comes across…to most people he’s friendly, comedic and compassionate. But when night falls he becomes a machine, analytical, intelligent and vicious. Can Mikael resist the temptations of the darkness? Or will he become that which he despises?
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4 | 0 Comments | Oct 16th 2023 14:22

The Vampire

“Every time I finally feel free, I’m reminded just how short my leash is.”


Name: Zane Hyun
Age: physical (25) actual (225)
Species: Vampire
Ethnicity/Nationality: Korean/Caucasian American
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Guard dog, assassin


Build: Tall and very athletic, defined muscular structure.
Height: 6’2
Skin tone: Bronzy/sandy.
Hair: Long, straight black hair.
Eyes: Golden brown
Identifying marks: Tattoos cover his back, arms and most of his chest and neck.
Alternate appearance: N/A


Zane hasn’t been free for nearly 200 years. In his early vampiric life, he killed the wrong person. For his misdeed he received a curse by a vengeful witch. She cursed him to become eternally enslaved to her ancestor's, acting as they’re protector until the day he dies. Since then he has been chained to the Dumonte family, an infamous crime syndicate that has existed for millennia. He acts as their personal guard and assassin, doing their dirty work for as long as he lives…unless he somehow finds a way to break the curse, his freedom will never come. He is stoic and serious upon first impression, his sheer size and attitude is usually enough to deter most mortals. Beneath it all, he’s a romantic at heart. All he wants is the freedom to live or die as he sees fit.
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3 | 0 Comments | Oct 16th 2023 14:20

The Incubus

“That’s it darling, give in to me…”


Name: Dante
Age: Physical (26) Actual (???)
Species: Incubus
Ethnicity/Nationality: His human form appears to be of Caucasian descent.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: N/A


Build: Tall and lean with a toned muscular structure.
Height: 6’1
Skin tone: Ivory
Hair: White/Platinum
Eyes: Mortal form (Blue) Demonic form (Red)

Identifying marks: Dante has a thin scar across his lip and chin. A mark he earned several hundred years ago from a holy blade. His attacker? A very angry priest. (He caught Dante with one of the Nun’s of his parish.)

Alternate appearance: When in his natural form, Dante is as beautiful as he is frightening. Black horns spiral above his temples, razor sharp talons and fangs extend, his eyes glow an inhuman red, and a wiry tail flicks about like a predatory wild cat.


Dante is the very embodiment of lust and hedonism. He feeds off of the sinful pleasure of humanity, his driving force is to corrupt. He is charming, wily and seductive. He’s a clever liar, a skilled manipulator, and a terrible influence. He will tell you all the things your delicious little heart wants to hear to lure you into his bed. Beneath his careful facade he is arrogant, self assured, selfish and impulsive. He has been known to make deals with mortals, giving them whatever it is they desire in exchange for their lust.

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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 16th 2023 14:19