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H0pelessR0mantic's Blog

Silas “Ice” Autumn Honchar

To be added soon :))
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 8th 2023 18:49

Basic Ships I Love

To be Continued~

Streetrat x Rich business man
Mafia sharpshooter x Mafia leader
Batman x Joker
Eraserhead x Present mic (MHA)
Idunno.. any cod ships lol
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 18th 2022 18:40

Basic Plot Ideas

Heres some very basic plot ideas :)

Plot 1 - I'd be character A in this scenario.
Character A is twitch streamer, mostly into horror games, reading scary or true crime stories. Character B is a serial killer.One night A is talking about a crime B committed, reading what B did to his victim. He stays silent for a while before he mumbles out "f*** I wish that were me" maybe the serial killer happens to be listening

Plot 2 - I'd be character A in this scenario.
Character A works for the mafia, in a shootout he gets injured and his own gang leaves him for dead. Character B, the enemy gangs leader, so disgusted by the other gangs morals decide to take A in and nurse him back to health

Plot 3 - I'd be character A in this scenario.
Two childhood friends fall in love. Character A is a openly gay druggie wasting his life as some might say, Character B is the perfect son who can do no wrong

Plot 4 - I'd be character A in this scenario. Fallout inspired
Set in a dystopian setting, only the cities are really save to life in, outside the cities are tall fences to stop people from going into the wasteland where radiated monsters roam after a nuclear bomb dropped. Character A is a young man who committed a minor crime and in a rash decision when fleeing the cops climbed the fence , out in the wastelands he soon got attacked by a monster and gets basically teared to shreds. Character B is a very smart outcast scientist, living in his own little section he created in the wastelands. when his monitors beep letting him know someone enter his range he checks it out only to see the attacked young man, B decides to take him in to experiment on him, use him as a butler or really whatever.
Just for some more info, B would probably have a god complex from saving A, A probably suffers from Stockholm syndrome. they're would probably be slightly graphic depictions of wounds and such so yea don't pick this if you don't like darker themes

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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 18th 2022 18:39