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GildenGhost's Blog

Character: Logan Hiroki

Logan Hiroki is my MHA OC he is a robot which is a side effect of his quirk this is a brief introduction to him and his story.

Name: Logan Robotto Hiroki
Gender: Male
Species: human
Quirk: Mechanical music
Description of Quirk: Mechanical music is a mutation quirk which mutated Logan into a machine when he was born. His body is human like with human feature but with two large speakers built Into his chest. These speakers can play sounds and music which when Logan plays music from these speakers he can boost the attributes of the people who hear his music. This applies to himself primarily and the effects are doubled when he fights to the beat. His body being mechanical in nature allowed him to augment his body with weapons and armor to further improve his combat efficiency.

Description: A very kind and intelligent robot with a giant smile in his face at all times. He is friendly and loves to make friends. He loves to make and tinker with things in his spare time.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 13th 2024 21:15

Sometimes I create long ass stories I can’t write

I just came up with an entire cyberpunk dlc quest chain based off the fact that the city is completely void of kindness and morality. Logan Cyberstar a corporation owner of Cyberstar cybernetics meets with V and the work together to take back what was stolen from Logan’s family. Logan is afraid of death but he wants to help so he controls machine bodies and fights along side V. You can either choose to betray the corp the chose to hire you to kill Logan or you can Kill Logan and cause the only person who truly wished to help to die. More details later but that’s the summary
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 10th 2024 17:27


Bored and bored
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 8th 2024 21:54

Woke up today

I live today to live another day
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 8th 2024 18:20

Starting up fresh

Just now joining back on this sight so if anyone even see this post go ahead and feel free to invite me to what ever rps that you got cause I’m bored af and doing is something I enjoy
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 7th 2024 21:31