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FireStart's Blog

Vampire: Luke Baux

β€œI recall the days before industry. The days when progress had seemingly ended, and we lived in the ruins of better days. Yet in those ruins belief and courage had to find a new strength. We rebuilt and came back stronger then we ever thought was possible.”

Basic Information:

Name- Luke Baux
Nationality- Originally from France he later moved to England and eventually the thirteen colonies then the United States.
Species: Formerly human and now is a vampire.

Luke was one of two brothers born in Medieval France. Both trained as knights and also had the bonus of a great education by the local church who well connected to the family. Learning Latin the two of them would have the privilege of visiting numerous French church institutions. Returning home the two would be informed of the great demand for the crusade. Both brothers answered the call with their father looking over their lands and spending plenty of money to assist them. It was after numerous vicious battles in the Holy Land that both brothers were lucky to emerge alive.

It was on their return home that they visited the decayed yet still important Holy City of Rome. During that visit and exploring some of the older ruins on the outskirts they would be attacked by numerous monsters with fangs with teeth. Fighting well they ultimately were outmatched and were bitten by something later called a Vampire.

Now immortal but clearly cursed the two brothers returned home. Expecting to be cast out of their family and from the church they were surprised when new doors seemed to open to them. As their family died and the world changed both of them sort to be actors and to come to their own understanding of thoughts.
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3 | 0 Comments | Oct 20th 2023 00:25

Fantasy: Alexious Hand

β€œIt is not enough to hope that the evil will not venture out. That in the strength of old walls and customs we will be protected. In the acceptance of those lesser paying sacrifices to buy time on a clock that is running out. We will no longer accept calming words.”

Basic Information:
Name- Alexious Hand
Gender- Male
Occupation: Rogue Nobility/ Commander

Alexious comes from a long and powerful line of nobility and had plenty of money and power. Protected from the worse elements of the kingdom and safely secure. On the outside they would seem like any other successful noble family. His father however had lived his life in a attempt to ease taxation and get more resources to the people. As a steward he had worked tirelessly to stop corruption and get better outcomes. His grandfather had attempt to create set laws and establish courts beyond the nobilities opinions. These administrative and hidden roles had done wonders for many but could only do so much.

As he was taught but tutors outside of the noble sphere Alexious was clearly not the bookworm that was normal to his family. He struggled to stay still and absorb the ideas of counting coins or the theoretical ideas of court cases. His father grew concerned and could only take comfort in the fact that in ideas of the spirit and history he seemed to have no trouble focusing. At the recommendation of his tutors he was also trained to fight in the old ways of knights. This fateful choice led to him sinking numerous hours into becoming a swordsman of old fashioned skill and motivating his friends and other nobles in the local area in adopting those skills.

As he reached adulthood a purpose became clear to him after witnessing the horrors that lay out there on a trip to a old ruin. No longer could he just sit and dance away life. He could not resist with books and soft spoken words. Steel and cold resolved had been missing for too long and he set off to take evil head on.

Who knows what happens when nobility remembers that it could bear steel and stand up.
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2 | 0 Comments | Oct 20th 2023 00:03

Profile Navigation

{This will allow easier navigation when the profile is a little more built up. It can be ignored what is occurring now.}
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 19th 2023 23:44

What I Mean By Romance Roleplays

On this site many people offer to do romance roleplays but what exactly they mean changes with each author. This is the attempt to clarify what I mean by offering romance roleplays.

The first and main idea is that I play male characters and they are dominant. This should not be confused with cruel or vindictive, but instead with what role they tend to take in a relationship. Slaves are not what they are looking for in a romantic relationship and they are not seeking to destroy the individuality of the people that they are paired with.

I like other themes or events to be occurring alongside the romance. Depending on the genre these changes what exactly will be occurring. I do think that this can help the characters learn more about each other and help with the general flow of the romance roleplay.

The characters changing due to the influence of each other is also a nice touch. I prefer for these changes to be more positive or neutral.
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4 | 0 Comments | Oct 19th 2023 23:43

Rules/Roleplay Expectations

Please give these a quick read. It can save us both time in the long run.

1. Please be above the age of 18
2. None of the actions that my characters make should be taken as proper course during a wilderness survival scenario.You would not try and ride a broomstick off a building so please keep it in fiction.
3. I am only interested in playing with female characters and some degree of romance.

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5 | 0 Comments | Oct 18th 2023 06:45