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Eeeebby's Blog

BTS plot idea - looking for an angel!

I have been itching to make a demon Jungkook character, so I'll give you my rough plot outline and if you are interested and okay with my rules, please let me know! I'm fine with using other members as my character as well, so it's all up for discussion. It's just the general idea, as we can tailor it to fit your character and implement your ideas as well, so if some part doesn't appeal to you or you have a brilliant addition, feel free to let me know! It's always fun to create something together ^_^
This was inspired by a character created by @Ur_local_meme_sauce as well as Tae's everpresent angel ❤

Character A is a guardian angel, looking out for the people of Seoul. His presence, although disguised, helps guide the citizens on the right path and influences them to make the right choices. Motivated by his mission from God as well as deeply rooted love from humankind, they take good care of the people and the city was considered a very safe place for centuries until something changed...

Character B was an angel once. One of the near perfect beings created by God, not tainted by sin and destined to serve the fragile humanking. After recieving his mission from God, B was excited to take humans under his wings and protect them with love and care. The fate had a different plan for B. He disobeyed the orders from God, acting directly against once of the humans he was supposed to protect. (I don't want to spoil why too much, I think it would be fun to discover in the roleplay) Since then he's been punished by losing his grace and being sent straight to hell. Years of torture felt like eternity in the place where time didn't exist, but the more time B spent in the pit, the more tricks he picked up. Finally tearing theough hell one tortured soul at the time he became a demon - the very opposite of what he was created as. Growing in power, he finally scrambled his way out of hell, with a hatered towards humans and angles as well as his creator himself. All that's left of his angelic nature being the black, broken wings.

The crime rate of the Seoul was rising throughout the last few decades and A finds himself determined to find the root of the problem and do whatever it takes to protect the humans he's responsible for. On top of that, he's gotten the report from heaven that a lot of the souls that they'veve been expecteing to welcome after the death of Seoul citizens, never made it to heaven.

B saw the Earth as nothing worth protecting. Quite the opposite. Motrals seemed to be a waste of the space for him, but it's not like he could take on the entire heaven all by himself. So for now, he focused on one city. Seoul. The city he was once ordered to protect before A took over after his punishment. With his demonic powers he found himself eager to make the whole city fall apart at the influence of evil. To gain more power and further corrupt the citizens, B was taking advantage of the weak, desperate ones and offered them a quick fix in return for their souls. Now the fallen angel turned demon was one of the most wanted on heaven's list as a highly successful pact maker.
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11 | 1 Comment | Apr 5th 2021 18:14


0.Here I will let you know about my rules that you should read and agree to before roleplaying with me. I won't talk about myself as a person in this post, but oher than roleplaying, we can also chat OOC. I can be quite open and I would love to meet you personally, not only your character if you are down for it. ^^

1.If you want to write a romance roleplay with me, please note that you have to be at least 18 years old. (And I usually do romance, though with a good plot idea I enjoy other genres as well)

2.I mostly do MxM roleplays.

3.Acknowledge that English isn't my first language and even though I've been learning it almost my whole life, I can sometimes make mistakes. Its okay to correct me If you want to (I appreciate every possibility to improve) just don't be rude about it or let me know if it bothers you so we can decide not to roleplay.

4.If you don't want to continue our roleplay anymore - let me know. It happened to most of us, someone just one day disappeared and you have no idea what had happened. It's easier to just be notified that you don't want to do this anymore. It's normal and understandable. The same goes for the situation when you're not on for a long period of time and you can predict that (exams, traveling and so on and so forth...) let me know if you can. I am aware of the fact that there is a life other than this website and it can be unpredictable at times, but I would appreciate the effort and do the same in return. ;w;

5. I'm okay with mature content being included in our RP as long as it has a good plot to back it up and comes up naturally in our roleplay. I don't do strictly smutty ones lacking in plot. Oh, and of course if you are under 18 N$FVV is out of the question (just like romance)

6.I pretty much exclusively do BTS roleplays, wether it's an AU or more based on IRL. I used to be more diverse, but overtime I've realized that I hardly ever do other roleplays, so if you don't roleplay as one of the boys, then I'm not interested. That being said, I am okay with a multitude of different AUs, where we make the characters completely our own and change the setting entirely. Someone from BTS can be just a face claim for your character and I'd still be down to roleplay.

7.Just regulars: no God moding, no controlling my character and don't start our conversation by going straight into the roleplay. We need to talk it through first.

8.Have fun! It's just an imaginary story and letting out our creativity!

Heart it if you read it, it's crucial to me that people know what I expect from them as roleplay partners *u*
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250 | 0 Comments | Aug 7th 2018 11:41