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Daisie_Medeiros's Blog


Knowing your inside there somewhere
Knowing you are loved already
You gave me big surprised to let me know
that you wanna become part of me

I will carry you untill you ready
nurcering you and take care of both of us
We are not alone you got a wonderfully Aunt
We will wait for you to come and pay us a visit
I cant wait till i will see you
If your a boy or a girl i dont know yet
But if i wanna know, i dont know
You are welcome in our family
Stay with me, for the rest of our lifes

*your mommy*
(just a thought that came up)
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0 | 0 Comments | May 9th 2024 11:22


My main character is Daisie she is sister of @Lea and is a Werewolf
They both are daughters of Mason Lockwood even tho i got a different mom.

I got bitten one night and that made me *transform* into a Werewolf like Lea.

The character has been made up but i love:

**True Blood (vampires)
**The Originals (Vampire and Werewolfs)
**The Green Arrow (Felicity or their daughter Mia)
**TeenWolf (Vampires and Werewolfs)
**The Vampire Diaries
** SuperNatural

So choose a subject lets see where it takes us ??
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 29th 2024 11:00

Bio/Background information

Hello I am Daisie and I want to tell you my story.

I am Daisie, the second and youngest daughter of the Alpha Werewolf Mason Lockwood, the leader of the #TheThunderWarriors pack living in Salina’s. When I talk about being the second and youngest daughter of Mason Lockwood, it means I have an older sister named Lea. But Lea and I don’t have the same mother. We girls grew up with Mason because my mother disappeared after I was born, and Lea’s mother died when she was born.

Even our father Mason was not very often there, and in my youth I disappeared, because I did not want to follow the rules of the pack. I disappeared into the city of Angels Town, where I began a life I imagined. At this point, I didn’t know anything about what it would be like to be a werewolf, but one day when there was an attack, I triggered the werewolf curse. Knowing that my sister Lea had triggered it many years ago, I went back to the pack and my sister.

She helped me get through the first transformation, and then how to behave as a young fresh werewolf. And although I made many mistakes in the beginning, my sister was very patient, and I kept getting better. So months passed, and I met a young man with whom I then began to go on dates. We were just a perfect team at Jagt, and after several months he asked me if I wanted to marry him. I was overjoyed and of course said YES
I had the full support of my family and my marriage was really a dream at first.We were a perfect team at hunting, but soon we realized that we were very different in many other things, and so we separated again.

In the meantime, however, my sister had moved, she now lived with her family far away from her pack, and after my separation I no longer wanted to stay near my ex-husband. So I decided to go to my sister. I went on a journey, and when I finally reached the destination, I experienced how happy one could be without the pack. I was very quickly and above all warmly welcomed into my sister’s family. She was married to one of the most famous wrestlers named Roman Reigns.

Lea asked me to stay here, she helped me find a house that was close to her and the family, which I gratefully accepted. I wanted to start a new life, but then one day, I didn’t feel good for days before, I decided to take a pregnancy test. And to my surprise, I was pregnant. The shock was deep, but with my sister I went to a gynecologist and had it checked. Many questions popped through my head, but with my sister by my side, who was kind to me, who told me that she and her family were there, I began to feel that I was not alone.

From the initial fear of how I should do all this, and whether I should tell the father, my ex-husband, something about it, gradually became joy. After all, I had the chance of a new adventure called life, a life full of joy, a life full of adventure as a mother, and a woman. And so I now see every day anew where the new life takes me.

Thanks to my lovely sissy @Lea who helped me out with this bio
#Bestfriend - #Bestsissy - #BestBFF. love you
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4 | 1 Comment | Apr 8th 2024 10:17

Story Daisie

Hi Daisie here or D for friends
I am not new here came back from a periode of rest and im back again
No ghosting if i didnt hear from you in a few days i will remove you, i will kick your ass from my list. I do kick hard

Daisie is a Model but has a little secret , you wanna know what that is,maybe she will tell
No OOC talk. its mine and it stays mine
Stay polite and respectfull. Dont come in my inbox with a hi or hey its rude. Introduce yourself , tell me who you are and maybe a little plot to see if we will fit or not

Hello there, nice to meet you -
My name is Daisie but good friends call me D and im 26

I was born a normal, well pretty normal girl who loved to take care of herself and her family. Even tho her family wasnt not normal as others. Her sister had become a Werewolf and the only thing that D had in mind becomming one herself. Saw how happy it had made her sister @Lea. She had adjusted to her situation and their father was a Werewolf himself @MasonLockwood but he dissappeared one day. Their mother had lost her mind into becomming a Witch wich had D her intrested from and became a good one, but one day !!!!!!!!!!! it happend

Comming back home to meet Lea again and her new family she had started D was a Model at that time with a strange background. Being a Witch did her good she had all kinda Spell to use and making Potions was part of her life. Till one night, D was on her way to her sister Lea when somebody attacked her from behind, had no idea what happend but she crawled to her sisters house and just had the power to throw a stone or two at her sisters door who opend it and found D on the porch. Her sister took her in and took care for her Lea directly saw what was going on. D had been attacked by a Werewolf, NOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its how i am now, i already transformed for the first time with help from my sister and her family our family and its a serious thing. I adapted like Lea had told me how to adapt and living not far away from her home, nieces brother in law we are one happy family. Are we !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a few month spending time with her family Daisie found out someting that she isnt happy with, what it is !!! Yes her life goes on but this changing everything

And the story continues
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3 | 0 Comments | May 17th 2023 13:05

Rules ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

First off all , dont just add me for Sex, i wont go there i might be a model that doesnt mean im spreading my legs for everybody

** I dont have kinks so dont bring that up. be warned

** Speak words out so not TBH but To be honest. we are all adults here and i dont like Tekst Talking, rather I hate it

** Come in my inbox or private box with a Simple HI, HELLO, or HOI i wont return your inbox, im kinda picky and i wanna good conversation

** I am not from England neither America so my English can suck sometimes, sorry for that , i never said i was perfect

** Give me time to respond

** Let me know if my responding doesnt make sense sometimes my grammar sucks i know that.

** If i add you and you dont talk to me i will send you a reminder, than give you time, if not reacting my remove button is close and will kick your ass

** I love a lot, flirting, going out, make some fun, romance but im not looking untill i migth meet somebody who im willing to go further

** Dont bring RL inside unless you wanna leave the RP cause im not going there i got sh*t myself i dont wanna hear about yours . Periode.

** I dont do One -Liners simply i cant react on it, make a nice story (dont wanna read a book but one or two paragraps will do thanks

** I writing third person but i can do first or second aswell

** I use * * as actions and in a good mood " " as to talk

** i dont mind to *Ghost* roleplay (this means adding people in the roleplay without they are there so speak in their place) its giving more chances to make the roleplay intresting

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5 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2023 14:53