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17 Friends



(Sutura )
26 / Female / Single
Kiss me , In the heavens - United States
RPs: 2 ❤ Owed Replies: 0 ❤ Discussions:1 ❤ Status: active

Hi! This is just my backup page for

Current interest(s): Fantasy (medieval-modern), Supernatural
Reading my rules makes things easier on both me and you in the long term]

My name is Sutura. I have been roleplaying for 10 plus years. I have been many names and faces! I take pride in my work! Roleplay for me is an escape from the cruel world we live in. I am always trying to perfect and improve as I roleplay and I would love to grow with you. Don't be shy to add me if you are lacking the years of experience and just starting off.

My characters will have many faces and names. I do not stick to just one character or face. My pfp doesn't necessarily mean that's what my character's appearance will be.

I will not add anyone under the age of 18 for any reason whatsoever. Most of my rps lean more on the darker and mature ends of things.

~~~ Honor Shout outs! Those who I adore and my great friends! ~~~

@Reapersilthos : my dear friend! Someone I am honored to call my friend in fact! I love Cain's roleplays! He's such a kind person! And it’s a joy to write with him! <3

Preferred Genre/Themes:
- Dark
- Fantasy
- Mafia

My settings:
- Modern
- Medieval

But Never futuristic..
Minimum adventure! I hate spending 20 replies walking to the destination!

Start roleplaying with members like Broken_flamess!



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