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After_insanity's Blog

Did I kill my last boyfriend or was it an accident

You meet a woman who seems to be mysterious. Investigating her past leaves unanswered questions. Are you in mortal danger?
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 29th 2024 22:22

Female Frankenstein escapes from laboratory hospit

Woman on death bed after serious accident gets new parts.
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0 | 0 Comments | Mar 6th 2024 22:14

kidnap survivor comes home. She is not well.

A girl who was kept as a prisoner for multiple years, finally is rescued. she returns to her family and What does she do? Study for a GED? Then do college? Get a job? Is she mentally ok?
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0 | 0 Comments | Mar 1st 2024 13:44

Fire at the criminally insane asylum. Lock your do

An inmate starts a fire in a lock down facility. During the evacuation, several inmates escape. Mine looks harmless, she blends in with onlookers. She is bat sh*t crazy.
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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 29th 2024 08:07

Witness protection program

My character is a key witness to a major crime. Maybe she is left for dead but survived. While in the hospital an attempt is made to kill her. The DA decides that she needs to recooperate in a safe house, one far away. Your character is set up as her husband, and you are her bodyguard as the trial has a year or so before it comes to court. You are to care for her till she is well enough to care for herself. Then you are basically protecting her. But then her cover is blown and you have to flee and go off the grid with her in tow. Keeping her alive until the trial can start.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 29th 2024 07:42