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Started by Spade , Dec 1st 2017 15:27

SchemingWeasel - Jan 1st 2024 20:41

*Tom considers this, looking to the floor and nervously flexing his hooves.*

Tom: Chest... A little... And head too but not much.

*He pauses for a few moments, watching Grell absently observing them in silence from the doorway. Her same pale features hard to read and breath shallow and focussed. He looks to Gaster with worry.*

Tom: Am I... Um... I don't know the word... In...convenient? Am I causing trouble?


*Fiji groans in annoyance, pivoting himself on the edge of the bed to follow but pausing when he realises how painful it would be to do so. He instead scowls at the door.*

*Briar adjusts their beanie nervously and offers a grin.*

Briar: I'll uh, I'll try?

*Crystal runs off ahead, looking through more cabinets.*

Briar: Oh er, if you Did want to use his kit, I last saw it in the main room on the counter. It's rather hard to miss. I'd be careful with it though, I coulda sworn I saw it eat something earlier.


*Rose looks unsure. She hums to herself for a moment but eventually gives a nod. Paige continues to keep her eyes averted from Hemlock. The infirmary decor suddenly looks very interesting.*

Rose: I suppose so? But I wouldn't do so too soon. Maybe you could come back at another time and speak to him? He's not exactly talkative at the moment -or at least, he isn't positively talkative.

*She raises her eyebrows.*

Rose: And, no offence, but, given how quick you were to anger when I was acting out of defence not two minutes ago, I don't think it's a good idea for you to meet someone who's being actively offensive. You're welcome to talk to him once he's back to his normal self though. He might be a bit of a grump but he's got a good heart and a soft side to him.


*Sheep frowns to himself, swiftly moving around the counters.*

Sheep: Him straying away from the doors isn't what I'm worried about. Do you not think it's odd that the most anti-athletic guy here suddenly wants to go for a quick walk? There's only one time when that kid is full of energy.

*The air gains a sudden underlying stench of ozone. Sheep pauses at the door.*

Sheep: If he really has gone for a walk then I'll be back in a second.

Edited Jan 3rd 2024 20:55

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Spade - Jan 6th 2024 12:48

*Gaster gently shakes his head.*

Gaster:You aren't, Tom. You haven't done anything wrong.

*Outer hums quietly.*

Outer:Tom... Could I try using some green magic on you? It should help take away the pain you're feeling.

*Fell nods, though he doesn't seem to believe that Fiji's bag is a threat. It's just a bag, isn't it?*

Fell:I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

*Fell steps back into the main part of the infirmary, alarmed by the sight of Paige and Hemlock.*

Fell:. . . . .

*Deciding to worry about the newcomers later, as they haven't immediately started to trash the place or attack, Fell goes to grab Fiji's bag.*


*Hemlock raises a brow, though she seems almost... amused.*

Hemlock:Oh? Do you forget your own actions and accusations?

*Hemlock gestures to the scarf around Rose's neck before gliding past her, speaking softly.*

Hemlock:Watch me if you wish to, little Reaper, if that will put you at ease. Know that it would be better for me to do this now rather than later.

*Captain nods, glancing at the door.*

Captain:Keep In Mind He's Not The Only One To Keep An Eye Out For.

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SchemingWeasel - Jan 6th 2024 22:48

*Tom looks unsure, both by Gaster and Outer's words but he looks to Outer then looks down and gives a nod.*

Tom: Okay... I trust you...


*Rose shoots Fell a worried look as they pass, quickly turning on her heels and following after the deity.*

*As mentioned, Fiji's bag is sat on the counter.*

Rose: How do you... Never mind. Look, I really think that you should back off. It would be better for you to leave him alone before you or he gets hurt. You can talk to him at another time, NOT right now.

*Paige begins to grow nervous, following the two and hissing in concern.*

Paige: Aunt Hemlock, what are you doing...

*Though the false peace doesn't last too long as from the other room, Briar can be heard fretting in panic.*

-what are you going to do? Stop me? Yeah right.

Briar: Fiji, please don't make this harder than it already is! Stop!

*Fiji now hobbles into the doorway, holding himself up against the doorframe with his damaged leg off of the ground. He glares up at Hemlock, regarding them with the same distaste that he's seen everyone else so far.*

Paige: Shoot.

Fiji: 'the hell YOU looking at, four eyes? No no, wait, let me guess, you're here like everyone else, you're looking for me. Well, here I am! Happy?! No! Of course not! Because the only damn reason any one here EVER wants to see me is because they did something STUPID and now they want me to FIX IT. FIND SOMEONE ELSE.

*He raises his hand, pointing accusingly at Hemlock.*

Fiji: You know- Do you know- All I ever wanted in this sh*t life was some f***ing gratitude. You know what I got instead? A mother who beat the sh*t out of me because I wasn't ever good enough, a hospital that worked me to death, a patient who sent me to prison after I saved their stupid life, a corrupt government that threatened to kill me if I didn't slave away for them, a parasite that possessed my damn body and took me away from my entire world! And now I have to deal with all of you dumb asses and your stupid, mediocre problems that could just be fixed by not being f***ing stupid!

*He lets go of the doorframe now, fur on end and shouting over the pain.*

Fiji: Do you want to know the worst part?! Because f***- none of that was the worst part! The worst part is that the only stupid people that ever treated me as a living creature rather than some sort of burden or machine are probably f***ing dead by now and I never even got to say goodbye! ...They probably just thought I just abandoned them...

*He tears up now, angry, upset, mostly going over his own words in his head and growing more upset.*

Fiji: I abandoned him...

*He grits his teeth in pain, still angry but now mostly exhausted and distraught. At this point, finally, everything catches up to him and he passes out.*


*Sheep nods.*

Sheep: Will do. See you in a moment.

*With this, he quickly exits the room.*

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Spade - Jan 7th 2024 18:54

Outer:If you start to hurt at any time, even a little, just tell me, and I'll stop. It shouldn't hurt, but I'd rather not take any chances.

*Green magic surrounds Outer's hands with a soft glow.*

Outer:Would you like me to start with your chest? Or your head?

*Elsewhere in the VOID, Murderer slips out of his room. Despite the slight headache he has, he's better than he was earlier.*

*Looking around, Murderer slips off further into the VOID. Maybe he'll find an anomaly or two to take down. It'll be something to focus on.*


*During Fiji's rant, Hemlock says nothing. The deity's expression hardens for a moment before smoothing out. She continues to approach the meerkat as he breaks down.*


*The moment Fiji starts to fall, Hemlock leans down to catch him, seeming to grow several sizes larger in a span of seconds. Standing up, Hemlock cradles Fiji carefully in her arms, as if he were a child.*


*Fell stares at the Hemlock, paling slightly at the now considerably taller.... monster? Is that even a monster?? His hold tightens on Fiji's back as Hemlock carefully ducks into the room.*

*Inside, Hemlock carefully sets Fiji back on the bed, being mindful of his injured leg. She'll have to clean up after this.*


*Studying Fiji for a moment, Hemlock sighs. She knows what to give him.*

*Captain watches the door close and shakes his head. Hopefully, this doesn't end in dust. He turns his attention to Lieu. *

Captain:Any Luck With Your Phone?

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SchemingWeasel - Jan 7th 2024 19:33

*Tom grows nervous at this, eyeing Outer's hands with worry, but he nods.*

Tom: Okay... Um...Ch... Chest please.


*In the horizon, a new building forms. It not so much appears as it does grow more visible the closer one gets to it and it's hard to tell how long it may have been around given how it's a mere speck in the distance.*


*Rose is dead still for a moment, unable to comprehend any of what happened or what Fiji said. It takes her a moment to remember to breathe.*

Rose: Was any of that true...?

*Paige walks over now besides Rose, giving a shrug.*

Paige: Pretty much. Though the part about his mother was slightly wrong, she was mostly abusive because of her substance use and Fiji was always around so he was an easy target to take her anger out on. That and he didn't abandon the ones he cared about, he was just taken from them. They did whatever they could to find him when he disappeared, not that he knew any of that though. They never did stop looking.

*Rose looks to Paige.*

Rose: How do you know any of this?

Paige: I know all? Sort of. I know everything that's happened. I've written it all down. I just don't know what's yet to come.

*Rose looks like she wants to ask more questions but she shakes her head and quickly follows after Hemlock. Briar is stood to one side, not sure on what to do but equally nervous at the sight of Hemlock.*

Rose: I don't know what's going on, I don't know why you're really here, but if you're here to antagonise then leave him out of this. You can argue or even hurt me but Fiji doesn't deserve that. He is not himself, do not harm him over any of what he said.


*Lieu looks up, having been fully fixated.*

Lieu: Oh! Erm- Well It's Getting There! I Think... I Don't Seem To Have Any Signal Here.

*The phone looks to be an incredibly old and damaged model, if the buttons and him smacking it a few times to get it to work is any indication. He probably found it at the dump back Underground.*

Lieu: Then Again, That's Probably Obvious, Isn't It? Mweh Heh heh... Erm, I Don't Suppose You Have One?

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Spade - Jan 17th 2024 07:30

*Outer lifts his hand in front of Tom's chest, willing the glowing green aura forward. A warm sensation slowly spreads through Tom's chest.*

*Healing magic is rather hard to describe, as the feeling differs between patients. Some describe it as slipping into a warm bath/hot shower after a long day. Others describe the sensation of healing magic similar to the feeling of warmth in your chest after sipping from a hot drink. There are even some who would describe it like being wrapped in a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer.*

*Gaster watches Outer and Tom carefully before glancing over at Grell.*


*Gaster gestures for Grell to come over.*

*Murderer, having traveled a fair distance away from the Oasis, stares at the speck in surprise, which quickly morphs into curiosity.*


*He glances back at the Oasis before looking at the speck of a building in the distance. It's probably a bad idea to go alone, but he's managed to live this long, hasn't he? Checking his inventory, Murderer grins to himself. If anything happens, it's not like he can't fight his way out. He brought one of the switchblades from his room in case his magic doesn't work for some reason.*


*Looks like he's found something to do.*

*If anything does happen to him.... Someone will eventually realize he's missing. Right?*


*Hemlock huffs, her height returning to what it was before Fiji collapsed.*

Hemlock:I was here to visit someone dear to me. I had nothing to do with what was occurring to the other occupants in this place at the time. At the moment, I am trying to help this one by ensuring he'll heal without repercussion. A thank-you, of sorts.

*In her hand, a strange object appears. It's circular, with four tips pointing inward. It looks almost like a halo, but not quite.*

Hemlock:Now, if you will let me work, that would be appreciated.

*With that, Hemlock reaches at the space above Fiji, grabbing three strings that seem to be connected to him. She studies them for a moment, sighing sadly.*

Hemlock:So many empty Promises.... at least now they'll be of use.

*With that, the deity feeds the strands into the tool in her hand, pulling apart the strands before weaving them together into a new shape. Her hands twist and pull at the cord at a dizzying speed. It's almost hypnotic to watch.*

*Hemlock mutters to herself as she works, though only snippets are understandable

Hemlock:A Promise of Health, to heal fully witho............... a Promise of Vigor, may his rest be deep and peac..................................a Promise of Reunion, so that again.....................

*The strands making up the cord start to glow faintly as Hemlock works.*

*Captain bites back a grimace at the state of the phone. He shakes his head.*

Captain:I Don't. Mine Was Broken A Long Time Ago And I Never Saw The Point Of Getting It Fixed. Who Would I Call?

*He falls silent, trying to think of who may have a phone, one that may actually work here.*

Captain:One Of The Others May Have One. Most Likely Fresh?

*Blinker stares at the phone on Lieu's hand. A distorted meow sounds from the feline, causing Captain to tense.*

*Blinker rubs against Lieu, though their gaze stays fixated on Lieu's phone.*

*In the background, Night creeps toward the door. He doesn't feel comfortable sticking around with these two. Both are essentially strangers to him.*

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SchemingWeasel - Jan 17th 2024 20:51

*Although Grell doesn’t look too thrilled to be invited further into the room, they begrudgingly stumble over then sit down near to Gaster, though not too close. They don’t speak, they don’t look at any of what’s happening, not even at Gaster’s face. They look as if they’re trying to mentally distance themselves from everything that’s happening.*

*Tom seems to go through a variety of responses at Outer’s magic. At first, he’s nervous at the closeness but this is replaced by calm relief as he begins to relax into the sensation. It doesn’t appear to last very long though and although the magic continues to be unsettlingly absorbed like a magnetic field, the longer the magic is used, the more Tom appears to grow unsettled and uncomfortable. That is if his growing fidgeting and the way he begins to hold his breath doesn’t give as much away.*


*Maybe! Probably… I mean how often do they actually do head-counts?


*Rose isn’t sure if it’s safer for her to leave or approach Hemlock. She stares at them with mistrust, not sure how to react to all that she has seen and is witnessing.*

Rose: You’re not hurting him, are you? Any more than he already is?

*She looks between Hemlock and Fiji then back out to the main area in search of Fell.*

Rose: I just really think that you shouldn’t be here and… whatever magic you’re doing looks pretty invasive. Could you not have at least waited until later for him to consent to whatever this is?


*Lieu looks up at Captain thoughtfully then nods decisively.*

Lieu: I’ll Erm… Try To Ask Him About It Later! Erm… What Is It, Strange Pet Feline?

*It is in this moment that Sheep walks back into the kitchen, supporting Papyrus under his arm. The younger skeleton is quite literally smoking, curls of smoke dissipating around their shoulders as they walk. They look a little charred and their clothes a bit ruffled and torn. Their face scorns angrily at the floor though and they would probably be resisting Sheep’s support if their heavy breathing didn’t indicate their exhaustion.*

*The two nearly bump into Night on the way in and Papyrus looks aside in anger and self-shame but Sheep regards Night with a small nod of greeting, stepping aside slightly. He sees Night’s discomfort and holds an expression that reads “I won’t tell anyone if you leave”.*

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Spade - Jan 20th 2024 21:54

Gaster:....Thank you for getting Outer, Grell.

*Gaster says this quietly, turning his gaze back to Tom and Outer.*

*Outer takes notice after a few seconds, pulling his hands away as the green aura snuffs out.*

Outer:You're tense. Is something bothering you?

*He asks this with a gentle and worried tone, no hint of anger traceable in his voice.*

*Not often enough, unfortunately. Then again, that would require everyone gathering in the same area. Though that makes for easy pickings, no?

*Soooo..... tell me more about this speck in the distance. Is it just one building with nothing around it? Nothing behind it?


*Hemlock grits her teeth, glancing back at Rose before turning her attention back to the task at hand.*

Hemlock:If I waited for that, he may not have a leg to heal or be around to give consent. I'm ensuring he'll heal without any repercussions, among other things that will benefit him later.

*What Rose doesn't see, thanks to the speed of her weaving and the long, loose sleeves of the deity's jacket, are the small cuts appearing of Hemlock's hands. The injuries heal as fast as they appear, fortunately.*

*Hemlock is starting to feel tired, scowling to herself as her hands start to cramp. Just a bit more...*

Hemlock:I suggest you get ready to fix his leg unless you have another doctor here? I will be in no shape to hold any sort of needle after this.

*For a moment, her gaze falls on Briar, her expression knowing. Her eyes quickly fall back on her work.*

Hemlock:I'm almost done, if that's of any comfort.

*Blinker stares at Lieu before looking at the old, damaged phone.*

*Blinker taps the phone with a slightly goopy paw.*







*.........Blinker absorbs the phone.*

*Captain stares at Lieu's now empty hand before looking back at the VOID cat(?).

Captain:......Did.... It Just....?

*Blinker starts to purr before pausing. A familiar ring tone emits from the cat(?), it's singular eye flashing with the caller's ID.*


*Night freezes for a moment, staring at Sheep with wide sockets, before relaxing slightly when he realizes the skeleton won't do anything.*

*Night exits the kitchen, heading back to his room.*

*Fry warbles quietly on the scorched skeleton's shoulder, patting Papyrus's head in what he hope's is a comforting manner.*

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SchemingWeasel - Jan 21st 2024 14:24

*Grell only gives a quiet hum, trying not to seem too excited by the praise.*

Grell: That’s fine… It wasn’t that hard…

*Tom looks nervous to respond at first, studying Outer’s expression with some worry. He hopes he isn’t in trouble… But if he lies about it then he’ll probably be in even more trouble. He bites his lip, looking aside.*

Tom: It… feels weird. It doesn’t hurt, I think, but… It doesn’t feel right either… Is that bad?


*Briar sinks back into the wall a little. They clearly aren’t sure about their own skills still, even if they look conflicted into wanting to help. They look relieved when Rose speaks.*

Rose: I’ll do it. I… had to pick up how to care for various wounds during the war. I might be rusty but it can’t be all that different now than it was back then. Are you going to stay?


*Lieu looks stunned for a moment, then he looks horrified.*


*He shrieks, trying to look for his phone but not finding it for obvious reasons.*


*Papyrus watches the guardian go when their back turns, only being drawn back to reality when Sheep tugs them away to the sofa and he sits. Sheep returns around the counters, looking for something to give to Papyrus in the meantime.*

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Spade - Jan 27th 2024 20:48

*A ghost of a frown graces Outer's expression for a second, disappearing as soon as he shakes his head.*

Outer:I see...

*He falls silent for a moment, trying to figure out why it would feel off.*

Outer:It's... not particularly a good thing. You did exactly what you were supposed to by telling me, though.

*Gaster stares at Outer. He looks like he wants to ask something but remains silent. Tom is talking to Outer. This... is a good thing.*

Outer:Does your chest still hurt as much? Or does it feel the same as before?

*Murderer continues his treck to the new building, occasionally looking back to try and figure out how far he is from the Oasis.*

*Space, just like time, can not truly be trusted in the VOID.*


*Hemlock doesn't answer immediately, carefully tugging at the formerly empty Promises to test their strength. She studies the strands with a critical eye, letting out a quiet hum of satisfaction moments later.*

Hemlock:I will not. Paige and I were going to check on someone else.

*Hemlock stretches her hands, the strange tool floating in place after being let go, before carefully removing the newly woven Promises.*

Hemlock:I will, however, return later to check on this one.

*As she says this, she places the Promises in the same spots she took them from. They disappear as soon as she pulls her hand back.*

*Blinker continues to ring, seemingly unphased by this accusation.*

*The call hasn't been answered yet.*



*Captain steps away from Lieu and the VOID cat(?), and starts to frantically look through the various cabinets for something.*

*A few bags of chips and a mixed bowl of fruit rest on a corner of the counters.*

Edited May 4th 2024 18:39

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