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Forum > After_insanity


After_insanity replied to AsterLace's topic

Always interested,

Nov 8th 2021 12:04

Return to salem

After_insanity replied to After_insanity's topic

Well I'm in Pennsylvania. So I'm on earlier in the day.

Nov 1st 2021 11:26

Return to salem

After_insanity replied to After_insanity's topic

When you have time.

Nov 1st 2021 09:29

Return to salem

After_insanity replied to After_insanity's topic

2 goth girls use a uajie board and end up transported back in time to the era of Salem witch trials. Their attire scares the townspeople and they are hunted as witches. They are saved from execution by a real witch, who then displays real witchery. Leading to their training and continued efforts to not be burned at the stake.

Oct 27th 2021 09:34

College roommate from hell

After_insanity replied to After_insanity's topic

2 girls who were rivals I high school., end up being thrown together as roommates in college. Each tries to sabotage the others social life on campus and it gets out of hand.

Oct 25th 2021 13:56