
Heya! These are my rules for roleplay, please like or comment so I know you've read them.

-I play characters of all genders and types. If you see a character you like but would prefer to genderbend them, that is fine to.

- I'm looking for literate roleplay. This is for me to practice my writing. I'm an aspiring author and this is one of the many ways that I practice.

- Multiple Paragraphs are a must for me. I'm sorry I tried to do shorter lengths but I just loose interest like super quick.

- 5 Paragraph Minumum for posts.

- Do not control my character.

- Have your characters make mistakes, nobody is perfect and making mistakes makes the story more enticing.

- I have dyslexia so I understand grammar mistakes, just please reread your posts if you can to try to prevent any miscommunications.

- Be patient with replies, I am a very busy person with work and college, I do this for leisure, please don't rush me.

- Respect my privacy, I don't give out my discord right away. Respect this or I will block you.

- This is collaborative story telling. We both need to be leading the plot, not just me.

- You add, you message first. It's only polite.

- Due to my relationship, I cannot due ERP in a collaborative sense. While I do write it, I do not roleplay it. So if things got to that point we would have to do a fade to black or time skip.

- Don't spam request me. If I am constantly having to deny your friend request, I will just block you. There is a reason I am not accepting you, and no you are not entitled to know what that is.

- If I unadded or block you, please for the love of god, leave me alone about it. I took you off for a reason, I do not owe you an explination for it. There is a reason most definitley.

- If you don't have at least your basic profile information filled out. I will not add you. Period end of story. (This means, your roleplay lengths and genres. That stuff on the left side of your profile page. Have that filled out with at least something or I will not add you.)

- Please for the love of god, have an idea for a roleplay if you are going to add me. It's not my job to build a story for you.

- If you add me and then don't message me within a week. I will remove you. I won't have people clogging up my list with nothing to offer. Sorry not sorry.

- If you read this ALL THE WAY THROUGH, and understand and consent to these rules. Like this post and send me the word "Starchild" so I know we are on the same page.
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33 | Nov 16th 2023 22:18