Sea beast

Yes I rp Bendy as a Sea Beast a Sea serpent of sorts, he can sliver up on land like a snake, he's very curious of humans, his instincts are strong, as well as he can smell the scent on people, pick up how they are feeling, he is very dominating and strong, but has the ability to be gentle, his curious nature leads him to explore about humans and human emotion, particularly love, it's a concept he can not understand for the life of him, and it's the one thing that make people so odd to him, he goes on land and steals books from peoples houses and libraries, stealing objects that fascinate him, there have been times where people have been close to catching him, a beast as massive as him is hard to miss, though when storms pass by he can find himself beached without energy for a while, or hiding in land in people's pools to escape the storm, he is very human like in his responses even if people think he's a dumb beast, he's very intelligent able to draw and write, and red, he can even talk which might baffle some people, though he is always cautious around people just encase they do mean him harm.
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0 | Nov 6th 2023 06:39