Rock Band

I also like to dabble with the idea that Bendy is the lead singer in a heavy metal rock band, his inspiration coming from bands like Slipknot, Bendy can come across as cold, apathetic, bored, distant, and not really like the caring type to care about his fans, he also can be seen loosing his temper a lot, but he has a deep routed anxiety of being surrounded by so many people, and he can't stand the paparazzi trying to get answers out of him around his life, he struggles to cope with his singing career and trying to keep his life private, private having managed evading the Paparazzi for the longest time, while attempting to keep himself and his life at a distance from all of his fans, though it isn't always the easiest task, Bendy can be seen having a slight distaste for life, and a desire to be alone, but when left alone he exhibits the desire to have someone there, his personal life and emotional workings can be a little fickle at times between what he wants and needs he doesn't know how to properly express himself, this leads to a lot of confusion, self doubt, anxiety and he can even end up gas lighting himself at time. Despite his visible appearance, Bendy is a bit of a clumsy clutz often walking into things and stumbling over things, most of this is just due to his poor eyesight which is why his hearing is so good.
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0 | Nov 6th 2023 06:29