
One of the ways I play Bendy is that he is a high school teacher, remembering his old friend Sammy who is no longer near Bendy having gone separate ways he took up music to honour his friend, playing a range if instruments like the piano, banjo, bass, guitar, flutes and assortment of other things, though notably he has a short temper and can come across as snippy and bad mannered, but will never hesitate to offer assistance to a student in need, bold and confident he holds his head high, revered for the musical talent he had gained through his years of practice. He is at his core a kind person he just doesn't always know the best way to show it, though notably music seems to be one of the few things that interest him, mainly because of his poor eye sight, he struggles to see things clearly, but can hear sound as clear as the gentle breeze on a summers day, which is another reason why he loves Music so much, but he often obsesses over finding the perfect note, or the perfect key, and is someone a little crazy dwelling in his room for hours on end scribbling music notes all over the wall as he prefects each melody.
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0 | Nov 6th 2023 06:17