The Ten Commandments

(Okay, I updated the rules....)

I: First of all, don't ask me to make a discord account, thanks.

II: Two, have a character.
When I ask about the character you're playing as, I want more than something like 'uhh idk lol shes french and shes horny'. I also want to have an idea of what your character looks like. Describe what they look like in their bio, or as we're roleplaying, or maybe send a picture.

III: Don't control my character.
Don't decide what they do for me without my permission.

IV: I know most of you are going to ignore this rule, but talk out a plot with me before we get into roleplaying. You will contribute, because I don't like doing all of the work.

V: Be literate enough to make at least one decently sized paragraph.
I understand that writer's block exists, and that sometimes it is hard finding things to write to form something that's not a one-liner. So, if you are having this problem, tell me and I will send you more to work with.

VI: Don't be lazy. You are going to put some effort into the roleplay. I will not just hand you a story, so you are going to write with me. If you keep making grammatical errors and if you keep asking to skip your turn, I will assume that you aren't even trying.

VII: Don't bump me every twenty minutes, at least wait a day for me to reply.

VIII: If you are under the age of 20, I am not roleplaying romance or smut with you.

IX: Attention to all so-called historical role-players: have some idea what you're writing about. You will be fairly realistic. Maybe crack a history book or open up a wiki page if you have to.

X: So, we're here to have fun. Tell me if our roleplay is boring, then we can try something else. Or, you can just unfriend/block me, that's cool too.
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38 | Sep 10th 2021 22:25
Stormtrooper damn bet you wanna friend me so we can play it? you got ps4 or xbos?
Hitsuji a ps4 that's been collecting dust somewhere, i'll try finding it.
and sure.
Stormtrooper broooo yes we can play bf1 bruh.just let me know when you do and ill give you my pf name for ps4 and e can team up
Hitsuji k
Stormtrooper though my best map for kills, is neville nights, ballroom blitz and river somme, Passchendaele, and lastly and my personal favorite giants shadow