Update for all who i RP with/Will RP with

Hello everyone.Serenas admin here.Here is Serenas admins school schedule for everyone to be aware of as it may effect her RP's with you all

This schedule is effective thru Jan 9th 2017-May 8th 2017

4:45 AM Serenas admin wakes up and gets a shower and gets stuff ready

6:30-6:35 AM Serenas admin catches the public transportation bus

8:30-9:45 AM Serenas admin is in DMA-030

10:00 AM Serenas admin has 1 hour break

11:00-12:30 PM Serenas admin is in DRE-097

12:30-1:20 PM Serenas admin has lunch

1:30-3:05 PM Serenas admin is in the library

3:15-3:30 PM Serenas admin catches the bus to go home

4:30-5:15 PM Serenas admin arrives home
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0 | Aug 29th 2016 02:59