The number 4 is my lucky charm.


Happy four month anniversary, my love! As I sit down to write this letter, I can't help but smile as I reflect on our beautiful journey together. It's incredible to think about how we met, started as friends, and slowly tiptoed our way into each other’s hearts.

I remember that day so clearly; the day we went to adopt our adorable furball, Cherie. Who would have thought that a simple act of kindness, helping you bring Cherie into your life, would be the beginning of something so special? Watching your eyes light up as you held her for the first time was a moment I'll never forget. It wasn't just about adopting a cat; it was about sharing a precious moment that marked the beginning of something extraordinary between us.
I remember our deal, promising that this wouldn't be the last time we saw each other. And thank goodness we kept that promise. Our next date felt different. It was then that we both noticed there was more between us than just a great friendship.

On January 22nd, I took a massive step, one that was both thrilling and nerve-wracking for someone who had always found peace and happiness in riding solo, but with you, everything felt right. You became my partner in crime, my confidante, my everything.

These past four months have been a whirlwind of emotions, ups and downs, as is the case in every healthy relationship. But even in the difficult moments, being apart from you, even just for a few hours, has been the hardest part. Despite the challenges, we’ve come out stronger and more connected than ever.
I know they always say that your happiness shouldn't depend on others but I truly feel like I'm not the same person without you by my side. You've become my best friend, my partner for life and the love that I never knew I needed.
I'm so proud of us. We bought our first property in the heart of beautiful Italy and created our own little family. We're officially farmers now - who knew our love would grow alongside the pumpkins and mushrooms? (No one else will get this joke haha)

I look forward to many more months and years together, creating beautiful memories and facing life’s challenges hand in hand. I can't wait to see where our journey takes us next.

Thank you for loving me and for allowing me to love you.

With all my love,
Heart this
5 | May 22nd 2024 04:39
lune I’m so emotional right now! The love of my life<3 forever thanking the universe we crossed paths. Shall our bones age together so gracefully. I love you to no end.
HAM44 Can't help but smile whenever I think of you. I love you!