
There's something that has been troubling him really badly lately, but he didn't tell about it to anyone.
Several weeks before the current date, he got scammed by a professional scammer. A dude who travels from city to city, just to take profit of the naive and the fools. As the man is clever and skilled at his "job", he targeted WonPil quickly and observed him for a while, even following him around, before setting up the perfect scheme. And WonPil fell for it all right, in the most tragic way possible, as he got indebted to a loan shark, Aventurine.
It all happened before Aventurine was taken in by Zhongli, but there are still a couple of his thugs giving a hard time to his debtors — with Coco's blessings, as he hired them for that specific purpose.

He is indebted for a huge sum, that he is trying to pay back with the money from his job, but that's nowhere near enough and the thugs don't intend to wait for 20 years to get the money back, so they are pretty much tormenting him, to the point he is afraid of leaving home.
Though, he didn't tell anything to Blade, because he is ashamed for falling for that scam and, most importantly, because he fears that Blade will go to kill the thugs and the scammer, risking to end up in jail for life.

He is trapped in this situation and doesn't know what to do to get out of it. He'd need a miracle, to get that much money quickly.

During the night, while working, the thugs came at him again and this time, they also gave him a nasty beat up.
Regardless that, he continued to work till the end of his shift and as morning comes, he doesn't return home right away. He wants to give himself some time to invent a lie to justify the bruises and wounds on his face, before meeting Blade.
He walks to the centre of the city and just stands there, by a tree, not even having the chance to spend the money he earned to buy breakfast.
Heart this
1 | May 21st 2024 14:47
Charcoal «I… don't underestimate them… I just hate that I had to fall for it, of all people…» At least he learnt the lesson. Besides, as the presence of scammers will be made known, JY and Cyno will pay more attention to detect them.
He leans his head against Blade and hugs him, at his comforting words. After telling JY, all that Blade needs to do is to team up with Elton and Ziqun to make the scammer disappear, wherever he went. XD
«All right, I won't think about work, either.» He'll accept to return to work in the palace, anyway.
«Luck bringers don't work, even in a magical world like this?» Depends on who makes them.
Yingxing ''It doesn't matter now, they'll find them and make sure they pay.'' He doesn't want to pressure Jimin and offend him for that mistake.
He leans his head against his during the hug, taking a deep breath. He is mostly thinking about murder but he also has to come up with a good idea to make that weapon worth 2k gold.
'' the worst case, Jing Yuan or LianSul would help us out. As long as you have health.
I don't know...finding one making actual magical stuff like that is hard to find, most are likely scammers.''
Charcoal «I hope they will at least arrest that scammer before he ruins even more people…» He offends himself plenty on his own for that, already.
He remains silent, while they hug. He is thoughtful and worried, despite he considers Blade's plan brilliant. With the curse and all, he is used to things always going bad for him.
«I don't want them to pay for my debts, though. If that asshole loan shark could just give some more time…» Not much would change, it's like 20 years on his current salary. XD
«I see… even in a magical world, it's just like Earth.» He sighs, feeling as he doesn't have any hope to cling on, to ever be free from that curse.
Yingxing ''Yes...he has to be taken down...'' He is certain She'er wouldn't go for executions, but he can dream.
''I'm just saying, in the worst case better having a debt with them than with those who'd try coming at your neck if you don't pay back fast. And I am not even sure they'd ask for that money back...'' He would insist of course, he doesn't like depending on others.
''They barely know any magic these days...most of them are a scam. If you have some doubt or want to try some trick, ask ancient ones.''
Charcoal «Please, don't go after him…» he murmurs. «It's not worth risking your freedom…» He looks down.
«Well, true… they would surely be more reasonable about the return-policy…» But Aventurine would be reasonable too, with Blade, since he owes him.
«If things don't go well… maybe I cold even try to ask money to Ziqun, since he is my relative…» he says in a low voice. He'd still feel uncomfortable, though.
«I won't believe anyone anymore…» If Red Dawn gives him an omamori he will throw it away!!