
He discussed with Zhongli about his contract, both for the children lessons and the school. He couldn't be more eager to begin but there is also another thing he wants to solve now. His house. He wants to move on his own to have more freedom, so he is looking into various places the city has to offer. He is not particularly picky but still wants a nice place where to live, not too big.
He has been dealing all morning with an agent to see a couple of places but no one convinced him yet. He thanks the agent and tells him he'll contact him soon, as he thinks about it more carefully.
He takes a breath, a bit disappointed by the outcome of the morning. He heads to the market to find a place where to have lunch.
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1 | May 20th 2024 12:25
NoctisRain «Indeed, I'm clever!» And sly, and naughty. XD
«It is a scented oil, used to make things much, much smoother. I'm surprised you don't know, but alas, it's not the kind of product you can find in the wilds!»
He nods. «I know, I was just saying. Many people tend to misunderstand our wealth and make assumption on which foul ways my father used to amass it.» He looks up.
How can Doria mistreat the son of a fellow hunter!! «I'm not afraid of being mistreated. I can be pretty nasty, when I want to, don't doubt. Besides, I'm sure that my polite friend, here, would defend me, no?» He looks at Irya, thinking that if Dom's father is hot, she would hit on him. XD
Pantaficus ''If you are clever as you say, it'll have to be seen.'' He doesn't give positive judgement out of nowhere. XD

''Like a too big dick?'' Irya crosses her arms and looks towards Dom. ''I wonder what's his size.'' She says, talking to Noctis of course!!

''After the cataclysm, even most rich lost everything. My father used to be a rich noble, but once on the Liofrost, he had to work hard to make himself a living.
Trying to reason with that man is like playing chess with a hen, you can't.''

''Defend you? Who knows.'' She is just scrocching free meals and shelter from them, how could they expect her to pay them back somehow. XD
NoctisRain «Yes, a too big member could be problematic sometimes.» He shrugs, innocently.
He looks at Dom too, eyeing him up and down. «Hard to tell. It is not always proportional to a person's body, he'd have to show us.» He crosses his arms, giving Dom an expectant glance.
«Some families were luckier than others. Not to mention that some families lived in the Liofrost from before and they also united with other families.» No wonder he is rich and has Castle DNA, the two are often connected.
«Of course you can play chess with an hen, it's the hen that can't play it with you!» He winks.
«Of course you would protect your little Noct!»
Pantaficus ''I tried to ignore you but you keep insisting.'' He grumbles as they keep talking about the size of his dick. ''My 'member' shouldn't be any of you's concern.'' He'll never wear tight pants from now on.

''I'll find out and let you know.'' Irya whispers to Noctis. XD

''Indeed...assuming things out of nowhere is always a mistake.
You know what I meant.''

''Just because I have fun with you around.'' Irya would protect him in any case, she feels it is her duty towards small and fragile beings. XD
NoctisRain «Why do you feel so concerned about it? I don't see why people should be so reserved over such things. Aren't bodies beautiful?»
He winks at Irya, at her words. «Also, whenever you want to find out my size, you know where to find me.»
He lets out a chuckle. «Your father doesn't worry me, whoever he is. I can always get my daddy to scold him, if he is nasty with me!» He grins.
He is not small and fragile, though. XD