Daraj'al, the Godslayer

Book colour: Brown leather
Sub or dom: Sub
Threat level: Between 5 and 110/10
Daraj'al isn't a goddess, but the 'First Godslayer'. Though she does not truly kill gods, she is used as a countermeasure for them. She can be summoned with the spells in her book, and protects mortals from outer forces such as gods, demons and ghosts. Her power varies on how well the spells are performed. She's much kinder to people and tends to even act a bit doglike, constantly looking for attention of her summoner. Though her threat levels can grow up to 110 she generally is only strong enough to hold the gods or forces from causing harm and to push them back, and refrains from truly ending them. Unlike the gods she doesn't sleep, and is more like a persistent figure inside of the gods their dreams, showing up anywhere she is needed.
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