Lilac the Dragon

Name: Lilac the Dragon

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Personality: Friendly, outgoing, kind, playful, curious, mischievous, somewhat naive, creative, affectionate

Description: A rather small purple dragon with soft, purple scales, pale underbelly and eyes that shine in various colors like jewels, she stands pproximately five feet tall standing on hind-legs, considerably shorter on all fours, her upper body isn't too heavy however her tail can add to it along with her wings.

Likes: Being pet, cooking, flowers, flying, friendly folk, other dragons, fish, curling up by a warm fire, a soft warm bed, sweets, fresh spring flowers, warm Spring and Summer weather.

Dislikes: Being hunted or chased off by knights or angry mobs, when she sneezes and accidently starts a fire, being misunderstood, being treated like a wild animal, other more territorial dragons challenging her and trying to pick a fight, cold weather and climates.

Bio: A friendly young dragoness, Lilac is unusual in that she isn't interested in attacking humans or fighting off valiant knights, rather she'd prefer to explore the world and make friends and see what it has to offer as she experiences it for the first time far from where she grew up. She's especially eager to befriend humans and other dragons alike, and showing she's not a threat at all.

Abilities/Skills: Flight, Fire breath, Tail smack, cooking and roasting meat to perfection, can sniff out precious ores and gems, can flap wings hard enough to kick up strong winds, deafening roar, is impervious to extreme heat and fire. Her last-resort ability however, is Rampage. If she's pushed to her limits, or even more likely someone she cares about is hurt, in danger, or even killed in front of her, she will go into a rage, tearing apart her enemies without remorse. She still has mind enough in this state to not attack her friends, however anyone trying to hold her back may still end up scratched or bitten regardless. When her Rampage ends, she's usually filled with deep pain and regret at losing control and showing no mercy, even if it was against bad people.

Weaknesses: Sometimes too naive and trusting for her own good, is not physically strong in a fight against larger and more powerful dragons and creatures, heavy steel or enchanted nets and traps, can become rather weak and lethargic in extreme cold. She's TERRIFIED of spiders, and unfortunately has set more than a few fires in her panic when one startles her.
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2 | May 15th 2024 14:42