
He has taken something from Zhongli's teapot, he was way too tempted when he saw that book. He is starting to study the book, trying to give it a proper translation but it is difficult. He doesn't stop in front of a challenge, ever. He spends all his free time on it until he just collapses at some point and has a vision of a woman and the book, symbols on her necklace, same as the ancient artifact.
He craves to find out more, but he has some doubts he could really come across that mysterious woman in the streets.
He is leaving the palace, after another day of lessons and work with other scholars for the ultimate history report. He wonders if he'll get some feeling or other visions, for now he tries his luck.
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1 | Apr 27th 2024 14:43
Pantaficus "As long as my courage doesn't turn into foolishness. I would be far from proud if it ever happened.
I know for sure Shiinden had lots of informations regarding space and universe in general. That knowledge is very fascinating to me, the universe is so wide anything could be going on...things we don't even suspect to be possible.
I would rather not share such an information. You have your secrets, I have mine." Also because he didn't take It in a legit way.
"What place were you considering?"
He raises his brows at her revelation, impressed. "You are even more interesting than I would have imagined."
Caireen «Some would say that risking to die is the greatest foolishness, no matter the pursuit.» She met lots of boring old people.
«Shiinden was indeed the greatest source of knowledge in this world and is a treasure that many have already set their eyes on. I foresee danger, as multiple sides will start to acquire parts of that treasure.» Knowledge is their version of oil.
She slightly nods once, more convinced that he took it illegally and dangerously.
«My office. It is certainly cleaner and tidier than an inn room.» By now she is used to the chandelier being on the ground instead of the ceiling.
«Who knows, maybe you are merely overestimating the uniqueness of my lineage.»
Pantaficus "They can live their life inside their homes, never facing any danger, but that's really life?
That's correct." He remains thoughtful on the matter. "...they'll want the power behind all that knowledge, but in any case, the less Is known the better, it is a matter I hold particularly dear, criminals shouldn't hear of all the treasures out there.
For tonight It Is paid, so I will finish doing my work here, but then we can use your office. I don't have lots of money to waste."
He thinks that even just to appear in his visions, she has to be a woman full of secrets. "Am I?" He looks at her specifically.
Caireen «I do not have the answer to such question. People have their different views on what makes a life worth living.» And she has no idea what does it, for her.
«It is unavoidable, though. Wherever there is a profit to made, someone will set their eyes. But it is far more dangerous when it is rulers who get their eyes on something, than mere criminals.»
She slightly shrugs. «Only time will tell.» She definitely has many secrets.
Pantaficus "It might be different for everyone but in my case...explorations, history, that's definitely what makes my life bearable.
Rulers would find far less obstacles than average criminals, that wouldn't be a good possibility even though...I feel positive about King Zhongli."