
Hello, how you going?
I just want to start with a disclaimer, I made my character based off a few different people I know of(musicians, TV shows..) and to receive the perfect mix I got to the conclusion my character should be able to speak Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish other than basic words and some song lyrics, so I apologise in advanced if google translate makes things funny.

Alright! Let’s get into it.

1. I don’t do NSFW, if that’s what you’re after I’d have to say goodbye very early on.

2. If you add me, message me first- extra points if you have an idea. I’m hoping to provide enough information here in my blogs for you to be able to think of something- I do the same.

3. Respect my time, being an adult means having very little to no time- it also means I won’t reply the fastest at times, and sometimes would disappear for a week or so. I will get back to you, however.

4. Communication is key- if you don’t like my writing style or our roleplay, let me know and I’ll wish you well and say my goodbye if you don’t seem interested in just starting a new one. Not everyone likes it, and that’s perfectly fine.

5. Details. Be as detailed as possible, and do give me something to work with. If your replies are short, I’d have to say my goodbyes.

6. When you first message me, don’t be in character. It’s really confusing for me.

7. If you’re posting and not replying to me, I will unfriend you. You could definitely message me and let me know you can’t reply for whatever reason. It’s not a very nice thing to do.

8. I’m quite selective, but feel free to try and add me.

9. Be respectful of me and my character. I don’t see any reason to explain that one

10. Heart it to let me know you’ve actually made it that far, and stay amazing.
Heart this
13 | Feb 15th 2024 16:52