Sindy Ellerby (based on Cinderella)

The Ellerby’s weren’t ridiculously wealthy, but they had many assets. Veronica’s (Sindy’s stepmother) first two husbands met their untimely deaths due to mysterious circumstances. Fortunately, both had large life insurance policies. Veronica and her two daughters lived off the insurance payouts, frivolously spending the money. Once the money was almost gone, Veronica went in search of a new husband. She eventually met Frank Ellerby through a dating app, and before long she had a new husband and stepdaughter.

Frank spent very little time at home. In fact, the amount of travel required by him played a large part in the marriage. His daughter needed a stabile and happy environment to live in while he was away. Veronica and her daughters could provide that for Sindy, or so Frank thought.

Unfortunately, Sindy was treated very poorly when her father was away. All of her beautiful clothes were off limits except when Frank was home. Her stepsisters claimed any and every nice thing that belonged to Sindy. She was also treated as a servant. Sindy was expected to wait on the others hand and foot, cook, and keep the house spotless.

Name: Sindy
Middle Name:
Last Name: Ellerby
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Age: 23
Homeworld: Earth
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: N/A

Hair Color: blonde
Hair Style: bun or loose
Hair Length: mid back
Eye Color: blue
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: physically fit
Height: 5’3
Weight: 107
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: None

Personality: Sweet, kind, forgiving, empathetic, lonely, optimistic

[Relationship Information]
Father: Frank Ellerby (away at sea)
Mother: Veronica (stepmother)
Sisters: Anna and Drew
Relatives: Louise (deceased mother)
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1 | Jan 25th 2024 07:26