Harry Potter OC

None of my characters are god modded, even if they seem to be. He's powerful, but there's always someone who is stronger.
Name: James
Also Known As The Wandless Magician
Titles: Auror; Student of Hogwarts
Age: 17
Birthday: Oct 19th
Nationality: American
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Past/Bio: James was abused by his adoptive father. Before then he had been in and out of many orphanages.One time when James was angry at his father because he was beating on him after getting drunk. James thrust his hand out at him and he flew back into the wall unconscious. And when he awoke he didn't remember that night at all. The next day James got a letter, though he was too young for his Hogwarts letter. This letter was from someone named Albus. He told James to flee his father and meet him in a subway below the city. There he told him about his biological father and mother, they were Albus's friends, and from then on Albus trained James, and before his first year at Hogwarts, (The school Albus was the headmaster of) he had become an Auror. Acting as the school's Auror while he studied there.

About Him: He likes to be alone, Albus would be gone at weeks at a time, so the only thing he had to do was practice magic. Albus had never given James a wand. So he has never seen a wizard that must use wands to perform magic.

Personality: Distanced, but not unfriendly. He can be aggressive or appear threatening whenever he needs to.
Occupation: Auror, it pays a lot and comes with added benefits.
- Patronus's
- Kindness
- Animals, when he was young the first spells he learned was to summon animals
- Jerks and douches
- Picking on someone smaller than you
- Hurting other people when they don't deserve it
Hobbies: Practicing magic, but also he likes to practice hand to hand combat. Not every situation can be solved by magic
Fears: Being helpless while others are being hurt
Strength: Emotions, he doesn't have a wand to focus his energy or emotions, so when his emotions run wild his magic is more powerful but less focused.
Weakness: His kindness, he tries to see the best in everyone
Talents: Wandless magic, he's never used a wand to perform magic.

Appearance: Look at my profile picture

Height: 6ft, 3
Skin Tone: Not totally tan, but not super white
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Description:
- Color: Black
- Highlights: Dark Purple only shows in sunlight
- Length: Just below ears, short bangs
- Style: See photo
- Scars: A few from beatings, and from jobs as an Auror

School: Hogwarts
House: Not part of any house
Best Core Class: Transfiguration
Worst Core Class: Potions
Elective: None
Quidditch: None
Extra-Curricular: Auror


Wand: No wand
- Length:
- Flexibility:
- Wood:
- Core:
Pets: None
Boggart: A girl. (More details in the story if he comes across one)
Animagus/Patronus: A Wolf
He is not god-modded, he can get hurt, and his powers aren't unlimited.
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0 | Oct 11th 2023 00:00