Don't give up, don't let go


Name: Ezekiel Morano
Nickname(s): Zeke
Age: 20 years old
Mental Age: Depends on his mood
DOB: 12/15
Species: Human (?)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: American


Skin Tone: Ivory, insanely pale
Eye Color: Black, sometimes glowing green with white pupils
Hair Color/Texture/Style: Black, a mess of shoulder-length fluffy hair
Build/Body Type: Lanky
Height: 5'10
Weight: 168 lbs
Physical Disabilities: None
Style/Aesthetic: Grunge mostly
Voice: Think Carlos Rodriguez from Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Additional Info: Has skeleton tattoos across his body that formed with his supernatural abilities. The tattoos are very accurate to the human body and cannot be removed.


Hometown: Born and raised in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota
Resides Currently: Varies, usually in a city
Family Members: His parents are not in the picture, leaving him with his older sister, Skylar who raised him for the most part
Family Life: He has a very close bond with his sister and considers her the most important person in his life
Pets: A very small black cat named JV (ask him the full name) and a calico cat named Bubba
Occupation: Nurse, specifically an EMT (usually). DJs at parties on the side.
Dream Job: He's got it
Lifestyle: Average, usually spends his time outside of work at parties or home
Religion: Doesn't consider himself religious, however he is aware of life after death


Hobbies: DJs in his free time for a few extra bucks, he is often found using his necromancy for some good (though if anyone asks, he's just "a real goddamn good nurse")
Priorities: Keeping people alive when he sees fit
Likes: Music, anything regarding the medical field, attends many parties
Dislikes: He doesn't like people he can't vibe with
Fears: Losing his sister
Necromancy: He can raise the dead, it's harder for him to do the longer they've been dead. He can do this quite quickly when they have passed recently and haven't truly begun to decay.
Clairvoyance: He sees spirits, it's a way for him to gauge who has died more recently than others. He can also communicate with these spirits and hear them.
Future telling: He also has a sort of ability to see the future, able to see how and when someone will die. However, he rarely uses this ability, finding it too rough to think about.
Strengths: Quick-thinking and quite smooth, he's not as scary as he looks, but he can get nasty very quickly if he decides you are no good.
Weaknesses: He has attachment issues on account of only having one person to rely on his whole life, leading him to either cling quickly or never.
Mental Illnesses: Depression, separation anxiety


Favorite Color(s): Black
Favorite Food(s): Wings
Favorite Film(s): Friday The 13th
Favorite Book(s): Pet Sematary
Favorite Game(s): Silent Hill
Favorite Thing(s) They Own: His kitty :D
Favorite Past Time: Partying
Favorite Place: Home
Favorite Thing About Themselves: He actually likes his hair a lot


Least Favorite Food(s): He can't explain why, but he can't stand pizza
Least Favorite Film(s): He never cared for any rom-coms
Least Favorite Book(s): None come to his mind
Least Favorite Game(s): Same as before
Least Favorite Place: He doesn't have one
Least Favorite Thing About Themselves: He hates his tattoos, and wishes he could get rid of them, so he covers them up.

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0 | Jul 21st 2023 01:38