
(The Basics)

Name: Zurak Bonvraic

Age: 24

Species: Dark Elf

Place of birth: He was born to a wealthy elven lord in Fellnor, a city near the elven capital.

Current location: He lives in an isolated forest near a small village settlement in the far north, away from most civilizations.

Occupation: He's a self-sufficient hunter-gatherer.

Income: None.

(Physical Appearance)

Eye color: His eyes are a crisp green color.

Hair color: He has long and dark black hair that's often pulled back into a braided bun.

Build: He's absolutely massive. Not only is he very tall, but he appears very well-built and robust.

Distinguishing Features: His face is covered in claw marks and scars.

Preferred Outfit: Layers. Many, many layers. He wears a dark hooded cloak on top of many different layers of handmade clothing. He's always dressed as if he's traveling out into the fridged cold.

Essential Accessories (if any): He always wears a masked carved from dragon bone. Also, he hooks several small pouches, potion bottles, and a flask of water along the outermost layer of his clothing.

Level of Cleanliness: His clothes are filthy almost constantly, but he tries to keep himself as clean as possible.

(Speech and Communication)

Accent: He has a thick elvish accent.

Style of speaking: Awkward, rough, and blunt

Posture is most seen in: He mainly stands perfectly straight and still.

Do they curse? Yes.

(The Past)

Type of childhood: He grew up extremely wealthy. His childhood self was very spoiled and arrogant.

Name of hometown: Fellnor

Education level: He received an excellent education in Fellnor while he was there.

Criminal Record: He was exiled by the elven kingdom and is wanted in many places for murder. He is one of the most wanted criminals throughout every domain in the land.


Mother- Eupha Bonvraic
Age (if living): Dead

Father- Thundrik Bonvraic
Age (if living): Dead

Siblings- Dead

How often do they see their family? None
(External Relationships)

Closest friend(s): Dead

Enemies: None

Significant other(s): None

How are they perceived by others? They call him Death in the village closest to the forest he lives in.

Whom do they depend on the most? Himself.


Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist

Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert

Street-smart or book-smart? Both

Strengths: He's very skilled in hunting and can make anything he needs to survive in the forest.

Weakness: He has a very deadly curse on him. Whenever someone sees him without his mask, they die a prolonged and painful death. He's also a colossal softy and hates killing.

Fears: Someone will enter the forest while his mask is off and he will kill them.

Pet peeves: Loud and sudden noises, being pestered or told what to do, and when the people from the village throw their trash into his forest.

Overall life goals: To find a way to break his curse

Zurak was the son of a wealthy Lord in Fellnor. Growing up, he got whatever he wanted and received attention and praise from his friends and family. He was egotistical and arrogant due to how spoiled he was. However, while he and a few close friends were exploring the dark forest on the outskirts of town, everything changed. They had cornered a dog up against a large rock, kicking and throwing rocks at it. Then, a dark mist surrounded them, and a large figure emerged. It was a bog witch who owned the dog they were torturing. Zurak's friends made a run for it, leaving him behind to face the witch. She saw how egotistical and arrogant he was and put a deadly curse on him. Whoever looked at his face would rot from the inside out, leaving only a rotted mound of bones and melting flesh.

But he didn't feel any different after the curse was placed on him. So, he walked home, disoriented and confused. The first person he saw was a child not much older than he was then. He watched the girl scream and cry, her skin slowly rotting away. After this happened a few more times, he ran home, unknowingly killing nearly all the city's people. He only realized it was his face until his parents, siblings, and friends died. He thought some kind of monster had been chasing him, but after everyone was dead, only he remained. He quickly put a sheer cloth bag over his face and ran.

After authorities found the massacred city and him missing, they assumed he had murdered everyone in cold blood. He was exiled from the elven kingdom and wanted posters with portraits of his face plastered throughout the other kingdoms.
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