Portal/Half-Life OC

Please bear in mind this is a WIP. I still have more to add in future.

First Name: Sheena
Last Name: Stone
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: 16th of April 1979


Eye Color(s): Azure
Hair Color: Brown
Highlights: None
Hair Style(s): Long
Skin tone: Light
Body type: Typical sized
Height: 5'6
Weight: 70kg

About her: Miss Stone was born in to a family of wealth and knowledge. Her father, Professor Jonathan Stone, is a world renowned scientist of whom specialised in Astronomy. Along with Sheena's mother, Cynthia Stone, they lived in a wealthy district in upper Michigan.

Sheena lived a rather lonely life as a child. Her father would be away working most of the time and she had no siblings to play with. Her not would be around more often than her father but only on weekends and weekday evenings when she wasn't working her secretary desk job. Sheena's only friend when she wasn't at school was a plethora of books and her pet dog, Biscuit. She absolutely loved books as her family had an entire library in their house. She would read fiction, crime, her father's books, any books she could lay her hands on. Her favourite genre was fantasy fiction.

Being quite the bookworm helped a Sheena a lot in school, being an A+ student in every subject, though her only B- grade was in athletics. She's very fit and healthy, just she didn't find the subject interesting enough.

When school was done and finished with and she passed with flying colours, Sheena asked her parents for a loan of money to travel the world and see some sights, to which they'd agreed. She travelled all over, visiting Australia, Iceland, Ireland, the UK, some places in Europe and some places in Asia.

By aged 20, she ran out of money and returned home. But she needed to repay her parents the loan and make a living. So she spoke with her father about any available jobs he'd might have heard about. A friend of his told him that a local science facility recently started hiring: Aperture Science. Sheena applied but due to her lack of experience, didn't get a job from them. However, due to her family ties with science and having a relatively good IQ, Aperture asked if they could test with her, to which she agreed.

After signing and filling in lots of paperwork and waivers at the facility's location, Sheena went seemingly quiet. Rumour has it she was put in stasis of some kind.

Personality: Bubbly, energetic, bit of a nerd, always willing to learn
Good Habit(s): Always tries to look for the positives in any situation, never tardy, always willing to learn something new
Bad habit(s): Nail biting when nervous
Dislike(s): Rudeness
Hobbies: Reading, writing and drawing
Allergies: Pollen and Dust
Fear(s): Being forgotten
Strength(s): Very intelligent
Weakness(es): Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

Talents and Dreams

Ambition/dream: To one day be an author and get her books published
Occupation/Job: Test subject

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Jonathan and Cynthia Stone
Sibling(s): None
Relative(s): Cousins, aunts, uncles, etc
Best Friend(s): A lad named Adrian
Friend(s): A select few
Crush(es): She doesn't like talking about it
Pet(s): Biscuit
Rival(s): None
Enemy: Unknown

Scent: Books and hairspray
Blood type: B-
Outfit(s): Blue stonewashed Levi jeans, black sand shoes, white shirt, denim jacket
Accessories: pink bracelet on her left wrist
Makeup: Mascara and green eye shadow
Scars: None visible
Tattoo(es): None
Jewelry: Necklace with the cross on it
Piercing(s): None
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1 | Apr 15th 2023 21:46